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Everything posted by Bill_S

  1. Trying to finish up the cockpit; I'll post more pictures shortly!
  2. Bill_S


    Welcome, Vandy!
  3. Quality takes time. Your Norden bombsight is astounding. https://www.robertmrozowski.com/https:/www.robertmrozowski.com/shop/1-32-scale-norden-bombsight/
  4. LSM (aka Santa) was VERY good to me this year!
  5. Damn if that doesn't look like a -109! Keep up the good work.
  6. Pictures, Ernie!
  7. My plan for 2019: Finish (from the SOD) F-105D Ar-196 Trumpeter Avenger Revell N1K1-J and Rex (Scratchbuilders conversion) Ho-229 Hasegawa P-47D New builds: CSM Nieuport XVII Z-M J7W1 Revell Mosquito w/ Paragon cockpit/fighter nose Lancaster
  8. I picked up one for my Dewotine D520 - a vast improvement over the kit part!
  9. Is the seat too tall, or is it the platform that's too high? I might have cut 1.5 mm off the platform...
  10. I've been following Iain's thread as well. I would imagine I'll be getting a Liberator, but not until the -D comes out. Ploesti.
  11. DocRob, I suffer from mild color blindness - that's my take on "medium blue". It's Tamiya X-14 Sky Blue mixed 2:1 with X-21 Flat Base.
  12. A brief update. Finished the bracing wires on the cockpit frames; Some painting on control detail. There are a couple of parts still to add; I painted them on the sprue. I'm finally at a point where I can assemble something! Next up: Rudder pedal assembly, control stick, then the seat. Stay tuned.
  13. Frank, that pit is AMAZING!
  14. Thanks, Peter! I had almost forgotten how much detail painting has to go into these WWI planes before assembly. So far, I'm having fun with this kit. More pictures soon.
  15. Lovely work, Carl. It's a far cry from the old Revell kit!
  16. Phil - Just take your time, and make sure you avoid paint on mating surfaces!
  17. Thanks gentlemen!
  18. Sorry to hear this. It's one down side of enamels and lacquers that we usually don't consider.
  19. Slowly but surely - lots of detail painting.
  20. I started this WIP over on LSP; it's only right that I share it with my other family... A shot of the box. My first impression: this kit is very near Wingnut Wings caliber. I do, however, find myself cleaning up a lot of parts - particularly at the parting lines. Only four sprues, but two of them are very busy. Acetate film for the windscreen (I've read that it's pre-cut) and a smal PE fret are included as well. The instruction manual is very good - if it gave other than generic paint callouts (ie. "medium blue"), I would rate it as excellent. Cockpit framing. Some very slight ejector pin marks, but they'll be fully covered. I had to drill holes for bracing wires. The first mistake I've noted: ears are missing at the base of the center vertical on one side. Out with the Waldron punch (0.028 inches) and some styrene sheet. A little trimming and some cement, and we're good to go. Various Tamiya tans as an undercoat... Then a heavy coat of Windsor & Newton burnt sienna An hour or so later, the excess is removed with a cotton bud.
  21. Nice review, Nigel. I saw that thread and was disgusted by the comment made. Does the commenter ever wonder how many decal sales he's lost due to his abrasiveness?
  22. This looks superb! Thanks for the review, James!
  23. http://www.master-model.pl/product/am-32-113.html
  24. A belated happy birthday!
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