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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Got a couple orders in today. First was from Resin2Detail. It was held hostage by UPS until I paid their brokerage fees. Then they lost the package and took them forever to find it and deliver it. UPS fees ($60 brokerage for $10 tax) are the biggest ripoff from any of the courier services. Nothing against Resin2Detail but had I known they ship via UPS I would not have placed the order as I hate dealing with UPS. Fed Ex and Canada Post are 1/4 the cost for the same service. Anyways rant over, here's what I got: Replacement seats for my HK Lanc as I've managed to lose one and break the other. Some seats and antenna for my HK B-17 kit. I also got a custom order from Evan Designs. This company makes LEDs in a variety of sizes and colours. So far their customer service has been outstanding. I emailed them with some questions I had and I got great replies and they even made a custom setup for my project. This will be for lighting my 1/20 VF-1S that I'm planning to start later this year.
  2. Waist section Then I finished the legs. Hip Guns in their folded position. Joining up all the sub-assemblies. With the backpack in place, beam rifle and shield in hand. Finally, with the wings on the backpack in the open position along with the hip guns opened. The finished model has an impressive amount of articulation in it. And I think this may be the first completed build for me this year.
  3. Fantastic work on the carbon decals. I need to get better at it on my builds. Carl
  4. It's March break here in Ontario so kids are home from school for the week and gives me a bit more time at the bench since I'm ostensibly home to watch the boys. So, after some time...oh look! A squirrel!!! Just messing with you all I haven't started on a ZM F-4. Honest. Ok, maybe a little. Back to be topic at hand. Reminds of Thing from Addams Family. Backpack is done. Armour plates are painted. Arms are done.
  5. I have to admit, I've never seen the whole movie... Which is why I didn't get the reference.
  6. Here you go Peter! https://trucolorpaint.com/ Not the best website but they have a lot of colours.
  7. Thankfully no, but the A pillars are incredibly thin.
  8. Peter, the paint job looks great as expected. I enjoy spraying AK Real Color as well. They have a great selection of colors and both shops here in the city carry them which makes it easy to find too. If you get the chance, try TruColor. It's a great paint made in AZ and is lacquer based. It has a hard as nails finish when dry. Unfortunately it's not well known and the shops here have stopped carrying it. I think you can mail order direct from them.
  9. No, it's a crease in the bodywork so it's intentional.
  10. Now back to our regularly scheduled Gundam model.
  11. Wait, I hear something. Sounds like a... ...a squirrel!!! An Italian one by the looks of it.
  12. John, wow. I look away and you're done! Well, the camo is done. Great work as always.
  13. Spitfire over the Mustang for me as well. I've yet to build a Tamiya one and like you, have a pair in the stash. Spitfires I'm up to 11 done and 9 in the stash not including the forthcoming Kotare one. Can't wait to see yours come out of the paint shop.
  14. There's so many of them...can't stop myself.
  15. A few years ago Sue and I are in their lighting section. They have some light called ANSLUTTA and it comes in a clear tube. The instructions have the name on them and are folded in such a way that all you read is SLUT on the packaging. We laughed our heads off. Sue even sent a pic to Ikea management and they said they'd look into it.
  16. Sometimes both but that's purely by accident. It happens only if the cat sneaks in when no one is looking.
  17. Started on the Gundam model. Each part gets painted separately and then put together. It certainly simplifies the paint job.
  18. There were two separate camo schemes for the fighter and bomber versions. The fighters generally were green and grey on top while the bombers were typically green and brown with black undersides. Coastal Command Mossies often had a different camo pattern as well.
  19. Yes, it was a great build. Not complicated and great fit. Plus with only a twin rotor main blade it doesn't take up much space.
  20. Nice review Fran. I have this in the stash as well as having built the original ICM release. It went together really well. Some folks have complained about the landing skids having a weak attachment point but mine went on fine. The funny thing is the Special Hobby release is often cheaper than the ICM one even though it has more in the box.
  21. Catching up on your PBY Chris and you're really moving along. Glad to see the tail is coming together, especially after all the extra work. Definitely a big plane. End of the month, I'll be at Heritagecon which is at CWHM and they have a Canso. I'll see if I can grab some pics while I'm there even if it a bit late for your build.
  22. The RAF did fly some F-4Js so you could one of those...
  23. Looks like when Richard Dreyfuss was making Devil's Tower in his dining room.
  24. I decided to jump on the Tamiya chemicals bandwagon and picked some up from my LHS. It was easy as they had a sale on. The lacquer thinner with retarder is Tamiya's version of Mr Color Levelling thinner, which has gone up in price by a third since last year. On a per 100ml price the Tamiya worked out cheaper so I went with that. The other purchase was a Gundam kit. Oddly, I don't have many of these in the stash even though I have a fair bit of mecha. To make it more interesting, this is in the Super Deformed ("Egg plane") style.
  25. Jimmy felt the same way...
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