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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Maybe one with Parkinson's. Lol. A high school friend who is an amazing artist couldn't believe how much my hands twitch while I paint. Oddly they're not as bad nowadays.
  2. If you want the Tamiya racks, I won't be using them on my Tse Tse conversion since there's a 6pdr in the way. Just let me know.
  3. All I could find Martin. Looks like the HK kit is correct. The tanks are mounted above the racks. The FB has tanks in the rear half above the single row of bombs.
  4. Still more details being added to the cabin. Lots of small bits and pieces. At least most of it will still be visible when the cabin gets closed up.
  5. Sue loves Brittany Spears so I guess it can go both ways... At least we can agree on '80s alternative music and classic '70s rock.
  6. Canmilair decals are available again from abovebelow.ca Probably your best bet. Carl
  7. That about sums it up. Glad to hear you're on the mend. The Kingfisher really pops in the yellow and red. Your great paint job helps too.
  8. The wing tape looks much better knocked down like you've done it. Great pics Jeff. Interesting to see how much metal there is.
  9. Welcome aboard Luke! The Ki-44 looks amazing. Carl
  10. Peter, it's about twice the size of the Border Lanc box. The one kit takes up a whole shelf in my stash. Once I start it, I'll have much room to fill up with new kits.
  11. Just a visit to the bench of the biggest box in my stash. The inner box with the Hobby boss B-24 for size comparison. The wing compared to the Hasegawa 1/48 kit The short trip was printed by my procrastination of ordering of LEDs to light the model when I finally start it this year. Hopefully when the Vosper is done.
  12. These must be coming out of the woodwork. I picked one up last year and so did Martin. BNA from Australia has some of the AMS stuff in stock for the kit.
  13. Definitely a cool story and pics to back it up too! We've had a couple small planes land on highways recently but nothing like this. Carl
  14. Looks great. I love these mismatched paint jobs. I did my second Corsair in the RNZAF half and half patch job.
  15. Crap! I just checked and have 3 sets of Eduard unshrouded exhausts. I could have sent one with the props.
  16. Looks great Martin. Did I end up being a bad influence on you and make you get the Tamiya one?
  17. Nice progress there. So the classic full grey over white scheme. Should look purdy once she's done.
  18. Sadly, this is something we're starting to see more of. Our oldest just turned 12 and the youngest is almost 9.
  19. Hubert, the "guard" actually sit on top of the pile of fabric and is meant to hold it down rather than protect the operator's fingers. Think of a multilayer cake where each layer is a piece of fabric. The guard rests on the top layer and gently presses down on the top. The circular knives are meant for smaller quantities while that straight knife has a roughly 8" capacity and a 12" blade. I suspect newer versions may actually have a guard but haven't seen one. Most of these are easily 20-30 years old. Scott, sorry for the complete thread drift. Now back to the Seaview.
  20. Peter, I still can't believe i got away with it. Turns out we have a smaller circular knife here at work. This is what they look like. The blade. The thing is, when you use one you have your other hand directly in front of the blade as you hold the fabric down. It's SOP and so if the fabric gets pulled in and you're not paying attention, so do your fingers. The safer option: At least these ones have a guard and don't pull the fabric.
  21. Nice progress there Rob. At least you've gotten as far as gluing the deck to the hull. I pretty much only use thin CA. Every time I tried medium CA or thicker, I would end up with blobs of it everywhere. Using the Glue Looper and thin CA has worked out for me. Reading about your turntable setup reminded me of my neighbour's brother who had some crazy expensive turntable. It was all counterweighted and looked like random cylinders piled on top of each other. He ended up covering his entire living room in acoustic foam to improve the sound futher. Couldn't believe it.
  22. I've done Modelkasten tracks before but at least they were plastic. I think there was something like 8-10 parts per link on the Sherman tracks I was building.
  23. More PE work done. I added handles to some of the cabinets I made earlier. I then started attaching these to the other cabin side. More details to the starboard side as well. The side panels are actually starting to get heavy. Lastly, a shot of both panels
  24. Thanks Peter. I'm still amazed that it goes together so well. And yes, they'd need to be bigger to hide my stash in.
  25. Rob, I do sometimes get some eye strain from working too long. Mostly I find it happening when I'm painting lots of white the glare gets bad.
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