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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Phil, I can't blame you there. Both the Fly and PCM kits aren't the easiest to put together. Carl
  2. Ok, got the lower wings on. No major gaps at the join line either. But I'll have to get the wingtips aligned with some tweaking.
  3. I actually got the PCM together a few years ago and was almost done the paint job when I dropped it. The thing just shattered. So off to the bin it went.
  4. With Revell coming out with a new Hurricane, I thought maybe I should glue a couple more parts together on my Fly one. So far just the upper wing so that I can get a sorta decent wing root fit. Carl
  5. There's a new set of figures for the recent Border Models 1/35 (ahem) BF-109 coming. https://www.themodellingnews.com/2022/01/preview-franz-stigler-company-wwii.html?m=1#more They depict Franz Stigler and some of his ground crew on the day he escorted the B-17 Ye Olde Pub. Carl
  6. D'oh! Triple post! Carl
  7. Wahhh, double post! Carl
  8. John, you make spraying gloss white look so easy. Great finish there and can't wait to see the next step. Carl
  9. My Black Friday order from Reskit arrived today. Bits and bobs for kits already in the stash. Carl
  10. Nice kit there Rob. I've got the ICM boxing but would've waited and gotten the Special Hobby one instead had I known about it. Carl
  11. Nice jeep Ryan. Gotta ask if it has the Hemi as I'm not up to date on Jeeps. I see the hood scoop. Carl
  12. Well, my sis tested positive yesterday for it. That leaves their youngest as the only one to not have it in their family. I was more concerned about their oldest daughter as she has severe asthma and Covid can hit kids with that really hard. She's mostly recovered but has to stay home from school until next week. They've stopped testing here in Ontario unless you're getting admitted to a hospital. As a result, the provincial government has stopped reporting daily infection numbers as they don't reflect what's actually happening. Carl
  13. I'm up for the Wyvern and I guess the Me410 with the big stonkin' cannon. I thought I read somewhere that the L-39 was HpH's best selling kit. Carl
  14. Great news there Ernie. Being Covid free, not the gelatin part. Hope that passes soon too and you're back to normal. No kidding. My two boys are 8 & 10 so the last minute cancellation of classes province wide hasn't been fun.
  15. We're two blocks north of Bloor in the west end. Our lot is actually on the larger size in our neighbourhood. Hard to complain since we actually have a backyard.
  16. I wish I had even the 30foot part. Our lot is only 16ft wide. Hard to fit 30ft into that. We maxed out at 14 ' wide by 25' deep. Then again, my summer car is only 5' by 8 1/2' long. Which means it'll fit in the trunk of one of Ernie's. Carl
  17. Rob, both Tamiya and Mr Color lacquer thinners are cool enough that they won't melt the plastic. Don't try it with of their Tool cleaners though as that stuff is much stronger. To be safe I'd recommend trying it on a spare part first or piece of sprue.
  18. Nice save on the canopy Rob. Good to hear you didn't have to strip the while thing and start over. When I built my F-4D, the canopy had been sitting out for a while and was covered in dirt and overspray. I thought it was a goner but ended up cleaning it off with Tamiya's lacquer thinner. Not only did I get all the paint off without it ruining the plastic but it ended up smoother than before. The thinner does work as a polishing agent but a very fine one. Carl
  19. Congratulations Martin! Think of all the Mustang parts you can print now. For both kinds, Fox body and planes. And thanks again to Hubert for such a great prize. Hope the move goes well Carl
  20. I think more likely Martin will end up looking like Kurt Russell's character from the movie.
  21. With my father-in-law being Scottish, he'd appreciate that comment and toast you on it.
  22. Looks great Ryan. It'll be like the built up models you see on many Japanese kit boxes. The paint/condition is prefect on them. Building something clean can be much harder than covering up the mistakes with some excess weathering (which I've done on occasion).
  23. Haven't had a Hertog and doubt it's available in Canada so I guess I'll just have to go for a scotch.
  24. Nonstop it would seem at the moment.
  25. So, does Jimmy look like he's got mascara on? I think he's going for the Goth look. Pelicans or the large bug thingy?
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