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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Great looking spitfire John. Up to your usual standards as always. That's for sure.
  2. Man, to see the challenges you guys are having with the base kit is kind of disappointing. I've built their earlier F-104 kit and didn't have these sort of issues with it. Unless I did and they were so bad that I've blotted it from my memory. I'm still planning to get the Cheetah D conversion so I wonder if going to a 2 seater will be better or worse... Carl
  3. My sister's dog was the worst. Lovable but had a passive aggressive streak you would bit believe. She'd submit to my first dog who was half her size but on a walk, would shoulder check her into the road every chance she'd get. As for eating everything, no Semtex but everything was fair game. . Carl
  4. Good on you Hubert for taking one for the team and helping to preserve matrimonial bliss. Me? I just get a head shake from Sue when large boxes show up. Although lately a number of the boxes have been for her so maybe that's why I've been skating by unscathed...
  5. Martin, what is with your dog eating your models? I think you need to stop using beef scented cement. On a more serious note, any chance you can close the door to your workroom or have somewhere out of her reach? My dogs haven't shown any interest in my models thankfully so the worst I have to deal with has been fur in the paint. The squirrels on the other hand...
  6. Always nice to get a Grail kit. Carl
  7. Looks like a great place to kick back and have a beer or three.
  8. Cees, that looks great and shows what can be done with the kit.
  9. Thanks Harv! I've got two very best up kits in the stash so I should be good for parts.
  10. Thanks Martin! I'll do my best to carry on and get her finished.
  11. Same here. Although initially she did like the treats that the cats would leave her in the litter box. Carl
  12. I've got the Revell and Tamiya kits in the stash so will be looking forward to this. Carl
  13. My LHS is discontinuing carrying MMP paint because a bottle lasts so long that they don't get the same number of sales for other brands. One of the guys at the store only used a third of a bottle when he painted the HK Lanc. I've used it a few times and like it. Sue likes it more as it has no odour to it when I airbrush. I have had the odd adhesion issue but nothing recent after I followed their mixing instructions (as Ernie said). By the way, the thinner is the same as Createx (they make the paint for MMP)along with the catalyst. Carl
  14. A love/hate sort of relationship I guess. No rush on the Beaufighter. My bench, in fact the whole basement is in shambles at the moment. Partway through the reorganization.
  15. Not quite in the same league but I've always wanted to build a cedar strip canoe. Got most of the tools now, built a garage big enough, just need to convince Sue.... Carl
  16. That sounds awesome Tony. Totally jealous. Carl
  17. Like Kev said, that cockpit looks fantastic. Carl
  18. It'll be in the last possible place you look. Because it's Murphy's law. Happens to me all the time. We're not moving but the reorganization of our basement is now truly underway and it is complete chaos. The new shelves are built and they're already full with the kits that I have managed to move in the stash. Still have about a 1/3 left to move and sort. Then the pantry stuff goes where my stash used to.
  19. That's a lot of work Martin. Great results though so definitely worth it Carl
  20. That beats the pic I ended up with. I've been playing Pokemon with the boys and one of the things you have to do is take a pic of your Pokemon. This one ended up in front of Sue...
  21. Try Deserres. Their prices don't seem too bad. If you buy the big one it's free shipping too. https://www.deserres.ca/en/dcm Mine is the 12x18. I have two of them stacked on top of each other for no real reason I can think of.
  22. Kev, they're not bad. I thought the same thing when I looked at them. They're designed well and if you're careful with the glue, they still work after assembly.
  23. Don't worry Steve! It's staying in the box for a while. Trying to finish the Corsair at the moment.
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