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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. I think Beaver-oo works better. At least it sounds better.
  2. Well, as long as the keep the Aussie tail markings. We could add a beaver to the kangaroo maybe....
  3. Impressive looking wheelbays. Or at least what's left of them.
  4. Decals. Clear coat, no clear coat. Microsol, Solvaset, or Mr Mark Softer. Wet cloth. Kit ones or AM. Doesn't matter what I try, I almost always end up with some silvering. Which is one reason I like masks so much. Especially for things like roundels. Carl
  5. Definitely some great photos there. I wonder if any of those Hornets are headed our way. Carl
  6. Rob, those figures look really good. Carl
  7. A bit of progress on the Jagdpanther.
  8. Thanks Hubert! The right wing does dip a bit. I'll have to make some adjustments to it and the struts.
  9. Thanks everyone! I did a quick mockup as I'm going to have figure out the wing struts next How does this look? Do the wings seem to be level? After I did that mockup, I realized the lower wing needs to have its dihedral added to make things sit correctly. So I'm going to have to try again.
  10. So true. At least if we have to pay for the truck, we should get to keep it.
  11. I'm going to have to look around as all I can find near me is 4 lb and up. I suspect that will too thick to use. Amazon shipping to Canada is a bit nuts at the moment.
  12. Got a bit more done today. After checking the seams were ok, I added the PE stitching. I then put a coat of paint on. For the silver, I'm using Tamiya silver lacquer. Seems to have enough of a full appearance to look like silver dope rather than metal My eldest saw the fuselage and said: "Cool, I didn't know you're building a submarine."
  13. Thanks Anthony! It's definitely not a shake and bake kit but I'm still enjoying the build.
  14. I've been working on the fuselage seam. The upper one had been fairly straightforward to fill and clean up. In fact, it barely needed anything. The lower side has been more work though. The halves joined in a concave manner so I've needed a bunch of filler to level things. I was primarily using CA for this but I've had to use some Tamiya putty in the end. Hopefully it'll sand out nicely.
  15. Thanks Gaz! If there's any weathering, it'll be light as I don't tend to go too heavy with it.
  16. Looks like you're off to a good start on the rigging. I've only built 1 more WNW kit than you Phil so I'd say you're doing just fine. Carl
  17. Got some work on the Hart done. The cockpit was finished off which meant I could finally close up the fuselage. One nice thing about using CA, is I can start on the seam filling right away. The upper fuselage seam was fairly clean but the lover fuselage has an odd trough where the halves meet. Ive been filling it in with thin coats of CA and it's working well enough.
  18. He probably should have. But it was still a cool looking plane. I've got a couple of the Concept Note books. The earlier ones were more substantial and included more info in them. They definitely can be a help during the build. Carl
  19. Harv, I think Phil is right. See what it looks like in the fuselage. If some of the bezels aren't completely filled, you can add a bit more UV gel to them. The few times I've done it, I've used a toothpick to apply it. Hope that helps. Carl
  20. Harv, how well does the canopy glue work? Carl
  21. Gorgeous build there Rob. The finish is fabulous and I'm looking forward to the diorama. Carl
  22. The interesting bit is since I select store pickup, I never fill in my address. So how did they know where to send it???
  23. I had a package arrive from my LHS. I found it odd as I usually just pick up any online orders in person. It got more interesting when I opened it and found a Tamiya Challenger II kit, something that I hadn't ordered. I gave them a call and sure enough, they sent me someone else's order. So now I have an excuse to swing by the store on the weekend so I can return it to them. I wonder if that was their plan all along... Carl
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