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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

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Thanks all for your feedback. I really appreciate that!

Anthony, the weathering of the main wheel hubs is simply thinned umbra oil color mixed with black oil color over Future coated Gunze flat white base color. Sometimes applied less dense and sometimes more.

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Today I installed the parts of the landing gear I could attach before spraying the plane with flat cote.

It was a bit of a challenge since the angle of the main gear legs to the wing isn’t 90 degrees but the wheels are 90 degrees to the ground:



Therefore I first glued the nose gear leg and actuator to the hub with superglue and then glued the main wheel legs to the hub with 2 component epoxy cement. This gave me time to adjust the legs in the correct angle:





The height is correct on both sides (122).

After that the actuators and the small landing gear doors were attached and the hydraulic pipes were positioned in the hub:








The actuator of the nose gear leg:


I also glued the tail position lights to the tail:


This is how she looks like on her legs:





And finally I painted the fins of the Shafrir 2 rockets black. Will show you more fotos of them when they are ready for flat varnish.

That was it for today. 
Have a nice weekend ! 

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Sherlock should be your middle name. The Lady is now up and walking on her own legs and the stance of the gear is perfect. Wouldn't it be nice if the manufacturers would design kits that angle the gear position as part of the assembly? Wait, I'm talking about Italieri and after all the work you went through correcting their issues and goofs, having all the parts in the box is a win for sure.

Perfect work and looking so good 👍

Keep 'em comin


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Wunderbar! Turned out magnificent Kai, all the effort it has taken is now rewarded big time! Nice and smooth paint job, it really looks like the real deal.

I can't wait to see this bird all fueled up and ready to take off,


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Small update today.

Italeri (and Eduard too) managed to forget 2 prominent details in the canopy frame: 

- the canopy breaker knife

- the canopy closing handle



I scratched both from evergreen sheet and stretched sprue.

The knife consists of 4 parts and the handle of 3:


not very big in 32nd scale…


from below


painting started

I also finished the painting of the Shafrir2-Rockets:


fins masked


ready for clear cote.

And the complete build?

Still not finished yet Hubert. But 4 days left to finish till the weekend is over :D:popcorn:

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Rockets and canopy parts look great.  Canopy parts are a great add, IMHO. 


Most of the time, canopies look like empty plastic shells...   which is what they are.  They all need some small details to make them look realistic in an open setting.

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I'm betting your tiedown spot on the Flighline is ready and waiting.

What type of flat varnish are you planning on using? I don't remember exactly when I changed but these days I much prefer a final top clear coat of either semi matt or semi gloss, rather then a full flat finish, especially on aircraft that are well maintained.

Keep 'em comin


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Thank you Peter!

I will use Xtracolor flat varnish to achieve a dull surface. On all photos available to me from Israeli Air Force Mirage III with camouflage the color is dull:




What do you think and what did you use for your beautiful Kfir?

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