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Revell P-51D-NA-5 Mustang


As I was closing in on the priming stage of my Corsair build, I needed to start thinking about my next project. For all practical purposes, once I reach the painting stages, I work very slowly and just do one step at a time, letting it completely dry before proceeding. I normally do not do anything else on the build at this stage until the air brush is done and if I want to work at the bench, I need a fill in project which would be a jump start for the next build.   

I started a Revell 32nd scale P-51D once before, had all sorts of issues, a good deal my own doing as this was mainly a therapy project for my hands after completing chemo therapy, of which has so many side effects, including not having full use of my hands including writing. I shelved the kit after seeing what a mess I made out of it, moved on and now wanted to build it again. Starting with a new kit is so much easier and less frustrating then trying to resurrect the original disaster, as I’ve had my share of practice in this department over the years.

No moaning and groaning – you get what you pay for and for a kit I paid only $39 for. Every part I’ve worked on so far has parting/molding seams that required a lot of time to remove; soft plastic and soft details, much like those of some Airfix kits. No issues here as I’m looking for the overall effect and not expecting Tamiya Quality.   

The biggest issue I had first time around was fitting the completed cockpit assembly in place and then joining the two fuselage halves together. I never was able to line them up correctly and those alignment problems caused issue after issue down the road. So, this time around, I am going to extraordinary lengths to ensure the interior cockpit cage is glued in as precisely as I possible can.

The only AM I’m planning on using is the Quinta Interior 3D decal set and maybe AM decals. The rest will be OOB all the way.

I followed Revell’s instructions, no real issues but as normal, some part alignment issues crept in but I was waiting for them this time around. Paints used to this point:

Primer: MRP Light Gray and Black - lacquer

Ammo by Mig – Interior Green - acrylic

MRP – Yellow Zinc Chromate - lacquer

I waited for my Quinta Decal Set to arrive and went to town when it arrived on Thursday. The IP is amazing, side wall details are brilliant and the seatbelts and harness: the best I’ve ever used. I just wish Quinta would sell the seatbelt sets separately. I’ll fire off an email to them suggesting that – I would be in for a bunch.

I’m ready to close up the fuselage and just am tickled pink how things are going. Some very light weathering was done and that’s it.  

BTW, Revell has already released on the other side of the pond, the late version Mustang with the tail fillet, additional canopies and new decals. Quinta has a set out for the Tamiya version which should work. No doubt I’ll be buying and building it as well.

Next up: The wing assembly

Thanks for checking in


My goof as usual - the inside framing slipped as it is only lightly tapped in place and I didn't notice it until after taking the images. Note to self - when gluing in place - fix it!






Still need to adjust a few parts on the IP and a bit more brush painting as well



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  • Peterpools changed the title to Revell P-51D Mustang - 2nd time around

Thanks Phil

45 years sure is a long time - down the road, give Revel of Germany a look. Sure isn't Tamiya or ZM but it's some bang for the buck and hopefully this time around, I'll finish one. Just tossing around which markings and finish to go with.

Keep 'em comin


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Hey Peter I luv these kits I introduced myself here with a Revell P-51 and spend a few more bucks except no engine one be hard press to say it looks less than a Tamy kit in the cabinet at 1/2 the cost.I have two more awaiting their builds one day now to order some Quinta. ;)

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Hi Kev

Agreed, the Revell P-51D is an excellent kit in it’s own right and an exceptional value. It’s not Tamiya in detail and fit, requires nearly all the parts to have mold parting lines removed and should be right up there in looks and appeal in the display case. Looking forward to a few more of your Mustang builds in the near future.

Keep ‘em comin


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Thanks Kai

Enjoying the kit, just a few fit issues that needed some extra attention - smooth and enjoyable sailing. I’m a cockpit guy and enjoy adding a bit of detail if needed and the Quinta Detail Set the addition of the Quinta Detail Set just adds the right touch and they found the perfect approach to adding Good looking and realist seatbelts the Easy way.

Keep ‘em comin


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Great work on the interior, Peter. These Quinta 'decals' do look good, better than most of the color PE, except maybe these made by Yahu. I hope you won't have too many negative sensations with the kit. It's somehow interesting to see, how big market companies, like Revell or Italerie can shoot you in the foot with so many different type of quirks. While building the PZL, I have to say, I'm amazed, how a relatively small company like IBG made a great kit, without any issues and good buildability. 
With this start though, I'm sure, you will build another masterpiece out of whatever Revell gives you.

Cheers Rob 

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Thanks Rob, very much appreciated. I’ve been slowly buying and collecting Quinta Detail Sets as I find them so very well done, extremely easily to use, including applying with my glue of choice :Micro Crystal Kleer - no worries of drips or ugly little blobs here and there as with CCA. Completely agree, I also find it amazing how smaller companies like IBG can create gems without the pitfalls and struggles of the larger companies. 
Going slow and enjoying alternating bench time with the Corsair.

Keep ‘em comin


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With all the internal assemblies complete, it was time to seriously start test fitting, tweaking, assuring all fits snug as a bug and all the assemblies maintain their proper alignment when the fuselage halves are joined together.

First step was to insure the two fuselage halves taped together without any interior components … done and all is good.

Next with the front office assembly taped into place and I tested the fuselage fit: NO GO, as gaps appeared and corrective work needed to be done.  I went to work scrapping, sanding and tweaking until the fit was on the money. The outside of the framework was sanded as well, slimming it down, removing any paint from the outside of the cage helping the front office cage fit as it should.

The same procedure was applied to the radiator/tailwheel assembly.

Taping the fuselage halves together again, it was time to test fit the front canopy and some tweaking was needed here as the fuselage was a bit too wide.

All now looked good, the two fuselage halves were glued together with Tamiya Extra Thin: done and drying.

The rudder was assembled, test fitted and besides the normal cleanup, the top of the rudder and vertical stabilizer need some corrective sanding to improve the overall shape.

The prop assemble was cleaned up, taped together and of course, needs some tweaking for a good fit. 

Up next: The wings.

Thanks for checking in.

Keep ‘em comin








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Thanks Gaz

Making progress and spending at lot of time constantly checking and adjusting parts, which seems to be the secret of the Revell kit. Yup, she is starting to look like a Mustang.

Keep’em comin


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Kai, much appreciate. I’m just amazed how so far every single part has required mold parting lines removed aa well as some flash.Still a great value for the price.

Keep ‘em comin


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Nice progress Peter, it looks like a Mustang now, what a pleasant sight. Hopefully, the wings will fit well.

Cheers Rob

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Thanks Rob

Yup, surely looking like a Pony now.  Not being a Debbie Downer this time around as I've been working on the wings but so far I've encountered some fit issues all due to the choices Revell made in modeling the wing ribs and spar as one piece rather then individual parts. But the biggest issue and not just confined to Revell, is why in the world do manufacturers mold the machine gun ports for the leading edge as a separate part, which I've found, never ever fit?  So far, I've spent a lot of time tweaking, sanding and scraping to get them to fit as good as I can. Why not just mold them as part of the wing and leave holes to insert the MG's ?


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Great start to the Mustang Peter. The Quinta stuff looks nice and I've finally ordered a couple sets after seeing your results and others using them. 

I've never understood those wing leading edge inserts either. The ones on the Tamiya Spitfire weren't much better either. 


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Thanks Carl - very much appreciated.

No question about it, once you use the Quinta 3D decals, you're hooked for life, they are that good.

I've thought about for some time and just can't find one reason why manufacturers use those wing MG inserts that just never fit and on the Mustang, it's an adventure for sure.

Keep 'em comin


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