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I've thought of that approach for a future project - would be quite the challenge! Lots of fun for interior detail, too!


I would *love* someday to see these in 1/48... 1/32 is impractical for anything other than a museum setting, but I could find wall space for one in 1/48... or hung from the ceiling in my workshop...


This is a magnificent beast of a bird

  • 3 weeks later...

Just got this batch of goodies from Resin2Detail...


For the HK B17 G, resin seats with cushions, radio set, wishbone antenna, control yokes and oxygen bottles


For the HK B25 Strafer, radios, oxygen bottles and a batch of parafrag clusters (which make me *very* happy!)


Plus, for future diorama use, a pair of Weaver bomb-loading carts


There's a bit of cleanup to do from casting, but I am overall *delighted* both by the quality and the responsiveness of the good folk at Resin2Detail



  • Like 1

Well ...

This one is a bitter-sweet post for a number of reasons ...

Originally I was going to wait until the Mk.I kits were released before buying all the Hurricanes from Fly ...
Then, thanks to Dean ... I got the heads up that the original Mk.IIc's were out of stock at Fly and from Jiri that they were now OOP.
So I grabbed a couple from Hannants ... a bit more expensive than from Fly direct ... and then there was the additional shipping cost ... bummer!

On the 23rd of November last year (8 weeks ago!) ... I placed an order, with Fly, for the remaining Hurricanes ... thinking I'd had a decent win, thanks to the free postage ...
Unlike the Arado's before them - where I got them within 2 weeks, instead of the expected 3 ... They didn't arrive before Christmas.
A few emails have passed between Jiri and I over the last couple of months ... To his credit he was going to replace them if they hadn't arrived before months end.
Yesterday I was advised via a card that they had arrived at the post office and were awaiting collection ... and so here they are ...



... but not quite! ... I make a habit of checking the kit boxes when unpacking.
Whoever packed the Mk.I kit forgot to include the bag with the instructions, decals etc ...
It's all good - I'm sure Jiri will be happy to send them ... and since I was wanting to get another Mk.I anyway, he can just double up in the next box I order.

Rog :)


I was able to find a pair of kits I'd always wanted. One since I was a kid, the second an updated version in newer dress. The B-52, in 1/72 - two different versions.




I plan to build one in Vietnam-era dress, from the Linebacker II campaign. The second will be updated for the '92 Gulf War.


These give me something to look forward to, down the road.


Unfortunately, aftermarket support for these is long absent - though I was able to get metal landing gear for them both. Sadly, such bits and pieces as were made for them seem to have disappeared even from eBay... that said, I have time to look, as it promises to be some time before I can do but look at these on the shelf. Even so, knowing they're there waiting makes me happy.

I built the Monogram 52 when first released in the late 60's early 70's.  My first build using an airbrush.  Took what seemed a lifetime to assemble and paint the external bombs.  Had display issues at home so my LHS offered to hang it in their shop.  Every year or two I would take it down and dust it then rehang.   Fun times for a renegade teen.

  • Like 1

Recently arrived...


Fw-190A Propeller set from Henri Daehne. Review to follow shortly once I figure out this image posting business.




I had started the Fly Hurricane I but I got burned out on the flash and ill fitting parts so binned it.

Just got me a Hasegawa P-40E with Eduard interior set this afternoon. I need a quick easy build for once. Haven't

finished a kit in three years, about time.


  • 3 weeks later...

A while back I grabbed my second Ju.88A-4 so I could do an AIMS conversion or two.
A few emails back and forth between John (AIMS) and I had me sold on doing another variant ...
Even though A-1's are in plentiful supply and cheaper ... I needed another A-4 kit ... likely to be even more expensive as they get rarer ...

So, failing stock availability at local suppliers ... it's off to e-Bay!

Surprise of surprises ... I got this out of Germany, including postage, for about $102.00 AUD



Rog :)


Today was supposed to be a day of joy ... regardless of what had not arrived ... I had a parcel waiting for me at the Post Office for collection - and miracle of miracles, I was due to finish work at a reasonable time.

A new pair of headphones (wired because I go to certain places sometimes where bluetooth devices are considered to be "ignition sources") for my iPhone.
Well the headphones are great - feel more sturdy than my Beats Studios ... but the cover I have on my iPhone won't let the plug go in. New case required!

Then I went out the front door to check the mail after I got home ... and found a flimsy cardboard box waiting.

It was the package from Hannants that had gotten lost in Luxembourg ... Normally I'd be happy the thing finally got here ... except I got this - It's supposed to be brand new, mind!!




Now we all know how notorious Revell are with their weird kit box packaging ... but if you are a major retailer ... and you know the package is going international ... wouldn't you package it accordingly??
I've seen paper with more structural integrity than box Hannants used ... Not happy!!

Rog :)


Today's new arrival is the Signifer conversion kit which transforms their excellent Grumman Goose into the G21B seaplane flown by the Portuguese Navy




This will be fun!!!!


Ok ... so ... much more upbeat in this post :D


Firstly ... My second Fly Hurricane Mk.I arrived ... Complete with 2 'extras' bags (instructions, decals, photo etch etc) - the extra being for the first kit which didn't have it packed ..


It also arrived in decent time, taking only 3 and a half weeks to arrive - instead of the 2 months for the previous example!!




Also ... The second Revell Me.262B kit arrived from Hannants ... A MUCH improved effort in packaging sees this kit box without damage.




... and in reference to said, damaged kit ... a fellow modeller sent me the most amusing email ...


The email, in summary, alludes to the concept that I should have just 'put up' with the earlier mentioned damaged kit ... as the contents were probably ok.

I should "expect" items to get damaged in the mail - especially from overseas suppliers and I shouldn't "con" additional "freebies" from outlets when nothing was really wrong with the item anyway.

... apparently I'm the reason that kit prices increase at retail outlets and English retail outlets (in particular) go out of business :huh:


flabbergasted ... I just laughed and hit delete!


My take? ... I pay "new" money and shipping - I get "new" (read undamaged/unused) goods!

If you stuff up on packaging, not taking reasonable care and effort to ensure "safe" delivery - you replace!


Rog :)

  • Like 4

So, this is going to be the next project, although not the one I'd thought.


The kit was a surprise Christmas present from my wife and she's keen to see it built. 

Having just finished one big grey jet I thought I'd go for something with a bit of colour and having the Maketar Israeli masks it seemed a Block 40 Barak 2 will be the plan.

Want to try something new with every build. The Isracast Barak conversion set now seems to be rarer than rocking horse poop so the plan is to scratch build the antennae, tail extension, etc from a copy of the Isracast instructions I have.

Looking forward to trying the Ammo paints as well. Have an Asuka M4A4 Sherman which might get built alongside this just for a change of pace.


Gus;- your wife and mine need to have a wee chat....I can only dream of having dearest front up with one of these beauties!

Good luck with the new project!

  • Like 1
8 minutes ago, Dennis.E said:

Gus;- your wife and mine need to have a wee chat....I can only dream of having dearest front up with one of these beauties!

Good luck with the new project!


You reckon that's bad? ... Check the guy over on LSP (from Belgium) ...


His wife ASKED him to build her a 1/32 B-17 ... :censored:


Much respect for his Oceans 11 style in pulling off the biggest con job in modelling history!!


Not only did he get permission from SWMBO to buy an expensive kit ... she actively BELIEVES she wants him to do it!!




Rog :)

  • Like 2

Hi Rog,

Yes I saw over on LSP what Mark had achieved!? :o

Mine was just luck, I could have ended up with anything - as far as my wife is concerned they are all just dust collectors. If I can convince her that that's a good reason to buy a display case big enough for 32nd scale jets then I'll have managed a similar 'con'!


Ok, ok, I did it.  I sprung for DeAgostini Millenium Falcon.  Plus some extras.  I won't even *think* about starting the build until I have at least the first half of the shipments, but the first load arrived today, giving me an idea about what to expect.


the Falcon bits:



And the Extras:



These are PE and decal sets for the cockpit, hold, turret interiors and main engine screen.  All by ParaGrafix.  I also have some extra cockpit lighting enroute, and I'm looking at some other bits as well.  


This kit gives me something that's just plain fun to which to look forward.


  • Like 1
Guest DannyVM

Finally, after a long time doubt about to purchase one or not, i did it............:oops: 




Want to make a Belgian Target towing Mosquito, so the extra decals that came with the kit was a nice surprise.


For reference, i got me some books, two for the Mosquito (i know, the one isn't for the same type, but the Belgian Target towing device is explained in it.) and one to get some advice regarding bare metal painting.




For the rest some materials, the perfect plastic putty (i heard a lot of positive comments about it, so time to try out.), some micro brushes, perfect for chipping effects, extra thing Tamiya cement quick setting and the new liquid chrome pen, something i really wanna try out.








Here we go ...


Very impressive - The postage out of China collected 4th March ... arrived at my post office 10th March!

I have already acquired the Trumpeter renditions of the Ju-87A and B ...

Here's the Ju-87D and G ...






Of course, with these there are the typical Trumpeter issues ... A couple of inaccuracies. Though in this instance I'm pretty sure that most can be worked out with a bit of parts swapping!!

In a weird quirk ... the bomb load/crutch required for the D is in the B kit ... and vice-versa ... corrections to the shape issues in the B kit will come via Brian Fawcetts resin correction set.

The G kit under-wing guns are handed ... which, of course, aren't on the real bird ... The D kit contains a repeat sprue for this (for whatever reason) - so I should (barring any weird fit issues) be able to pull the required correction from this kit.


The D and G kits also contain some Geißkanne pods (suitable for a D-3) ... Those who know their Stuka's will remember that the earlier D variants had the shorter wingtips ...

So a Hasegawa/Revell kit will be needed ... either to install this ordinance variation ... or for the wing tips, perhaps?


Rog :)

  • Like 2
Guest DannyVM

Score of today shopping at the Antwerp modeling convention........




My very first HK kit, after i bought the Tamiya Mosquito last week i decided to buy the HK Mosquito also.


I had a nice chat with Jeroen and Cees, thank's mates for the nice talk:thumbsup2::thumbsup2:






More AM ...


GMF had one last Schatton-Modellblau 1/32 BK.5 brass barrel in stock ... So I nabbed it!! ... since I had to pay for shipping anyway, I added the B-25 tail end correction set:




The BK.5 barrel was acquired so that I can make this:




From this:




The two problem factors now are: ... theres a telescopic sight for the gun which sits in the cockpit, poking out of the windscreen and the bomb-bay doors were bulged in order to fit the gun and magazine.


I can't scratch build for nuts ... so what to do?? ...  :shrug:


Rog :)

  • Like 1

Finally, after a long time doubt about to purchase one or not, i did it............:oops: 


Score of today shopping at the Antwerp modeling convention........

Hi Danny,

From zero with doubts to two. The Mosquitos are swarming around you. Yeah, once you get bitten you are infected. I will stay with my Tamiya one and a lot of AM an give the MK IV a pass. Hard to say no :).

Cheers Rob

  • Administrators

Been a hard day for my postie.

Millennium Falcon stuff including pulsating animated Hyperdrive lights (Neopixel), Paragrafix PE, underside lights and gear bay doors.


Bandai AT-ST


Fisher Models Meteor T.7 conversion for HK Models kit


Tirydium lighting set for Moebius 1/32 Cylon Raider (Original series)










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