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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Hobbycraft F6A D-Day - Ready for inspection!

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Here we go! 

I will be building one of the F6A's that took pictures for the D-Day landings and were one of the first squadrons to be based out of France to support the push inland. I dont have any pictures of the exact plane yet, but it will be AX-C or AX-D, which so far it seems does not have any nose art.

I am using the Hobbycraft Mk.1a, the guns will be removed and the holes faired over. It will have a camera and the Malcom hood.

I have two Eduard detail sets for the Trumpeter Mustang that will be donated to this build, Cockpit and Placards.

I have not decided yet if it will be in-flight or sitting on the ground...TBD.

All Markings will be painted from masks, custom and generic.


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I'm excited about this, Mark.  This was a highly utilized aircraft throughout Overlord and beyond.  After my truck's done (after the Lanc), I have an MDC Tiffie I've been chipping away at that would be good company to your F-6A.  If time allows, I'll be onboard

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44 minutes ago, 1to1scale said:

I can’t start until I finish my two kits for the Nats. After then, it’s go time.

yup, me too. The Lanc is full time now. Tomorrow is Duild all day Day, followed by the weekend.  Hopefully, much will get done.

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  • 1 month later...

Nats are over, it’s time to get crackin’ on my group build. 

I spent some time comparing my Allison Mustang book to the parts in the Hobbycraft kit, ya know...it’s actually really accurate. The details are a little soft, but the cockpit is surprisingly pretty damn on the money. I will probably refine some details, and a placard PE set, and rebuild the camera mount, but a lot of it is Good.

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I decided to start working on the cockpit today, I decided against buying a $55 resin set for the mustang, and will be doing a little improving, scratch building, and using some decals and PE parts from a P-51B. 


I saw that the left control console looked a little too thin, so I added a piece of .030 on the back and sanded down all the details I will be scratching and improving. I used an RB micro saw to cut a few thin slots in a few key areas for some PE and control levers, I also cut down the throttle assy, and reshaped it a bit, to add slots for the levers. I used a file to get rid of the round edges and square up the formers, while also getting rid of release pin marks. 

On the right side, I did much of the same and made the switch box a little wider, as it was too narrow. Not shown, I sanded down the armor plate to get it a little thinner, it looks more to scale now. 

I ended up getting the cockpit pretty well sorted out today. Next project will be tackling the area behind the cockpit. The kit camera mount is way too chunky, I need to build a thinner square tube mount, add some wiring, and improve parts of the camera.


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