Administrators Clunkmeister Posted May 3, 2020 Administrators Posted May 3, 2020 Dekenba Dean, OK, even though I let a lot of goofy things slide around here and moderate this forum with an extremely light touch, your last post is extremely offensive. We manage to keep it lighthearted around here and don’t bring politics into it. None of us do. Consider this a warning. I’m writing this in the open, not as a PM, because I need to be VERY clear. I will not stand for ANY personal attacks or insults against either a single human, or a group of them. I’ve hidden the post. I truly hope you just tipped the bottle a bit more than usual tonight and can get back to normal tomorrow. 6
Guest Dekenba Posted May 3, 2020 Posted May 3, 2020 On 5/3/2020 at 2:21 AM, Clunkmeister said: Dekenba Dean, OK, even though I let a lot of goofy things slide around here and moderate this forum with an extremely light touch, your last post is extremely offensive. We manage to keep it lighthearted around here and don’t bring politics into it. None of us do. Consider this a warning. I’m writing this in the open, not as a PM, because I need to be VERY clear. I will not stand for ANY personal attacks or insults against either a single human, or a group of them. I’ve hidden the post. I truly hope you just tipped the bottle a bit more than usual tonight and can get back to normal tomorrow. Expand Ernie, Thank you for the opportunity to explain that I intended absolutely no harm. It was a very poorly constructed joke, and I apologise to anybody who was extremely offended by it. Being a Brit, we tend to joke & take the piss out of each other, but it translated poorly here. I appreciate that you paid me the respect of discreetly PM'ed me to discuss it, because I have no history at all of writing upsetting posts, rather than act in a heavy handed manner by publicly admonishing me and hiding my post without any discussion or an opportunity for me to explain or edit my post. For the record, I don't drink. But please don't let that stop you inferring that I drank too much. The irony is not lost on me - whilst "not standing for any personal attacks or insults against a single human or group of them", you decide to prove your point as loudly as possible by personally & publicly singling me out & awarding me a warning. I've been posting on forums for many years, with very few issues whatsoever - if any. Never before have I been treated in such a manner by anybody online, much less a moderator. Please continue to keep enjoying the power moderation has granted you. I'll not make the mistake of posting on LSM again. Regards, Dean Bainbridge
Administrators James H Posted May 3, 2020 Administrators Posted May 3, 2020 On 5/3/2020 at 6:56 AM, Dekenba said: Ernie, Thank you for the opportunity to explain that I intended absolutely no harm. It was a very poorly constructed joke, and I apologise to anybody who was extremely offended by it. Being a Brit, we tend to joke & take the piss out of each other, but it translated poorly here. I appreciate that you paid me the respect of discreetly PM'ed me to discuss it, because I have no history at all of writing upsetting posts, rather than act in a heavy handed manner by publicly admonishing me and hiding my post without any discussion or an opportunity for me to explain or edit my post. For the record, I don't drink. But please don't let that stop you inferring that I drank too much. The irony is not lost on me - whilst "not standing for any personal attacks or insults against a single human or group of them", you decide to prove your point as loudly as possible by personally & publicly singling me out & awarding me a warning. I've been posting on forums for many years, with very few issues whatsoever - if any. Never before have I been treated in such a manner by anybody online, much less a moderator. Please continue to keep enjoying the power moderation has granted you. I'll not make the mistake of posting on LSM again. Regards, Dean Bainbridge Expand 5
MARU 5137 Posted May 3, 2020 Author Posted May 3, 2020 On 5/3/2020 at 12:21 AM, Sir Desmond Glazebrook said: Maru if you get hungry you can probably get away with Twinkies. I don't think they can be classified as "food". Expand .... 3
MARU 5137 Posted May 3, 2020 Author Posted May 3, 2020 On 5/3/2020 at 1:05 PM, Martinnfb said: Fasting time ! How is Maru doing ? Expand Hello Martin and everyone else who has posted their support. Hey Cupcake what's that all about. I have not been here since yesterday when I posted 2 threads.. so not seen anything untoward on here... So Martin et al, TODAY is MY 10th Day of Fasting and getting a tad longer each day. I am Fine and doing well Thank you Gentlemen . I think Cupcake will understand as you all will that I have to also devote time to prayers and 5 times a day, and reading MY Holy Book (Quran in Arabic )which I did early this morning. Time to go do 3rd Prayer(known as Salat or Namaaz). I will ask for Blessings for ALL of you as GOD listens at this time as it's the HOLY MONTH. Might ask for nice things for you all .. okay so I gotta go and say MY prayers. Enjoy the evening /day/afyernoon/morning/night wherever you all are ; and stay safe.. DISTANCING MYSELF again... when will I see you All again? 3 1
MARU 5137 Posted May 3, 2020 Author Posted May 3, 2020 How are you Martin... Harv.... Jeff... Cupcake....and everyone. forgot to ask 3
harv Posted May 3, 2020 Posted May 3, 2020 Hello Maru ! Bev and I are doing well. Thinking of you.....harv 3 1
Jeff Posted May 4, 2020 Posted May 4, 2020 On 5/3/2020 at 5:36 PM, MARU 5137 said: How are you Martin... Harv.... Jeff... Cupcake....and everyone. forgot to ask Expand Hey Maru, Cathy and I are doing quite well, considering, how things are these days.... BUT spring is here , the birds are singing, and there is the sweet smells outside, and the sun is shining.............. hope you are well, and staying safe... 2 1
Sir Desmond Glazebrook Posted May 5, 2020 Posted May 5, 2020 Hi guys. I am going to try to be serious. I am concerned about what is taking place at this time in the wider world with this virus and the effect it is having on peoples perception. Obviously pressure is felt differently by each individual. I am particularly worried about the world's poor, and what may become a mass migration of refugees carrying disease. This is a very trying time for all people. Marus is somebody I dearly love and care about. Maru knows this. My way of dealing with pressure is to attempt to lighten the moment. Indeed, during all my many months fighting cancer I had many visitors in hospital. What concerned me upon greeting everyone was the worry and concern, and the discomfort on their faces. I would immediately begin telling jokes in my attempt to help them. I have loads of funny stories from my life. Crazy tours, stages collapsing, goats attacking devious farm hands.. It is safe to say my life is a running joke. With me being the punchline. I even broke my nose on stage with a drumstick in front oof hundreds of people. I know, right? The other day in my usual fashion I made a joke., a joke about twinkies. Twinkies have been the butt of many jokes I have seen in American film. That is where I learned of them. A joke about twinkies. Think of it. Twinkies. Imagine my surprise when I am told it had been silenced due to our faithful moderator interpreting it as a slight against Maru. A person I care for deeply. Some people are poor judges of character. That cannot be helped. The world is in the hands of fools. It has always been so and will continue. Perhaps people should not rush to conclusions about what at first comes to mind before becoming judgemental or angry. I don't know. I am after all the butt of the running joke of my llife. Happily I have never taken myself seriously. A problem I deal with constantly is reactions to changes in medication. It is 10.27 a.m. and already I have taken 13 pills. There are medications that confuse me and even cause hallucinations. One night I though my window had crashed in. It had not. With this in mind, that I enjoy jokes, peoples poor perception and rush to the worst possible scenario, I can only exist on forums by not speaking. It is unsafe. I will only post images on forums. I only visit two. Maru. You are often in my thoughts. Your exquisite compassion and care helped me to battle over the the years I fought my disease. There was a day during one of my lumbar punctures when I thought of you to help me stay strong. There was another day that helped even more. One drug I endured during my lumbar punctures sent me into a 10 day cycle of emotional turmoil. One day alone alone at home I devided to commit suicide. I had taken all my medications. As I lay back to let myself go, 2 images came to mind. My 5 year old niece and the care package you sent. I called the police. I knew you were a member of the police. The police here saved me. Thank you my dear Maru. Love. Dale. 2 2
MARU 5137 Posted May 5, 2020 Author Posted May 5, 2020 Dale, Very nice words snc thoughts from you. I do recall what you say. You are welcome and in MY thoughts and MY prayers. 3
Martinnfb Posted May 5, 2020 Posted May 5, 2020 I was fasting yesterday. Not having time to eat during the day I had a huge meal at 10PM, Its tough 3
MARU 5137 Posted May 17, 2020 Author Posted May 17, 2020 So The month of Ramadan is slowly and steadily getting closer to its end. Today is MY 24th Day of this gruelling, disciplined Month . I actually look forward to the new day as it gives one a purpose and spiritual thoughts without getting weird. I will miss Ramadan until it resurfaces next year. Eid Ul Fitr at the end of 30 days is going to feel a little deflating as No one will be allowed to see ones families to dine together and partake in Family photos and sublime stories. I guess WE will have to reschedule the Family Dinner with Baclawas and Good rich food such as Chicken Biryani prepped over 2 days, with Gulab Jammu and Jalebis; with yogurt drinks and samosas... and other goodies..... All that will take place together with photos much later and Eid Ul Fitr will probably SO much sweeter having going through Ramadan alone and through this Deadly Virus.. Just hope the Rich food doesn't kill us... Thanks Guys for your support and comments... 2 1
MARU 5137 Posted May 21, 2020 Author Posted May 21, 2020 today is 28th Day.. woo hoo .. getting there.. 2
MARU 5137 Posted May 24, 2020 Author Posted May 24, 2020 So Gentlemen Yesterday , Saturday 23rd May I completed 30 days of Fasting and today Sunday is Eid ul Fitr. But it is decidedly quiet, no fanfare , no frenzied cooking or dressing up in Fine clothes to go visit Families and friend and no exchanging rich food to eat and share with others; while kids play games and run around their hands clutching their "Eidy" ( Eid gifts in form of coins)...Nope none of that..... .....Instead lone time of prayer and thanks to the ALMIGHTY for keeping us safe and well as well as our neighbor's and all human beings. And eating alone and maybe video chat with family members throughout the World....and let ME tell you that would be a gigantic task given there's almost 1000 + in our family on Moms side alone.... so there will be pockets of these chats and passing on of messages... woo hoo. Then from monday I have to do 6 more extra days as stipulated that those that can should try... those that cannot or don't want to then don't..... More Blessing maybe but if Prophet Mohamned(SWS) and Jesus(as mentioned and stated in Quran) could do 40 days and nights I can do 36 days.... So I would like to say a huge thank you for your support and comments and please return next year when I repeat the whole process once more... Insallah(God willing). THANK YOU ALL. 3
Spitfire Posted May 24, 2020 Posted May 24, 2020 Well done, I admire your dedication and devotion, shame about the social distancing rules spoiling your family celebrations but better safe than sorry. Cheers Dennis 2
MARU 5137 Posted May 24, 2020 Author Posted May 24, 2020 Hello Dennis, It's no hardship for us at all. thank you. but I do understand where you are coming from... it will be more special when WE DO all get together later for a belated Eid Dinner. Another ,Eid al Adha , comes up after this so it will be same as now.... that I think happens on evening Thursday 30th July and ends on Monday 3rd August 2020. That is even more poignant and special as that was when Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son to show his love and obedience to Jesus on Mount Arafat....but as WE all know Jesus sent a Ram/sheep in a thorny Bush and said to Abraham to sacrifice the animal and not his Son.. So that's just as important if not more so .. maybe our bohemian looking PM may get the news of a vaccine amd WE can feel better. So it's a quiet day in watching Mission Impossible: FALLOUT.. No such thing happening innreal life though Dennis... MY Mission was accomplished and no one fell out.. 3
MARU 5137 Posted May 25, 2020 Author Posted May 25, 2020 doing extra 6 Days of Fast as suggested in the Quran from today like many other muslims after Eid yesterday... so 5 more to go... 36 days on total.... 3
GusMac Posted May 26, 2020 Posted May 26, 2020 Inspiring dedication Maru. I'm normally chewing my fingers by 1pm if I haven't eaten so I can't imagine how hard this is to do. 1 1
MARU 5137 Posted May 26, 2020 Author Posted May 26, 2020 Hello Gus, Thank you. Mind over matter , or food and water in this case. I don't even think about food or water once I am in this Fasting Zone. And I still have to give ZAKAT too. 2 1
MARU 5137 Posted May 26, 2020 Author Posted May 26, 2020 So I have decided to give £200 for MY ZAKAT to Orphans and children's school in India where I know it will be of great benefit to them... The Munshi Foundation. They have been doing this for a few Years now. They are located in a Place called Baruch (or as British Raj used to call it BROACH). 2 1
GusMac Posted May 26, 2020 Posted May 26, 2020 Very nice choice Maru. Never been near Gujarat but my cricket club had a professional back in the late 80s who came from Bharuch. He was a qualified chemical engineer and worked for one of the big fertiliser firms there while he tried to make it in state cricket. As a fast bowler that was pretty hard job in Ranji cricket back then. 2
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