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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends July 3, 2024 ×


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Everything posted by DocRob

  1. The Mig is not a tailsitter anymore . I managed to get the rest of the liquid mask off the Mig, a terrible task, as the Micro mask tends to get harder to remove as longer it's applied. I sprayed the dark grey parts on the tail and the nose cone and some black patches around the canopy and now it starts to look like a big ugly Mig. Cheers Rob
  2. Thank you Mike for taking us on the ride. Like always it was a pleasure to follow your build, with all the reference and skillful scratching/modelling of yours. This time was different to me, because I built a pair of 1/48 SSW's parallel to your build. It was coincidence, because mine were more testbeds to learn new techniques, than your artful masterpiece, but I learned a lot, not only building wise, but about the original too. When I'm grown up, I may build a 1/32 SSW as well, because I simply like the design of the plane and the colourful paintjobs. Cheers Rob
  3. With normal liquid mask, there are a lot of options, like you said. I tested some of them with my Micro-Mask stuff and it didn't work. It is really hard to remove, but for my purpose it's ok. The stuff is thinner than Maskol and easier to apply in very fine patterns. There is no way around the toothpick method and for small residues I use a stiff flat brush. Cheers Rob
  4. Thanks for the pic Martin, It looks like they made that bird looking like mine , but they finished panel lining and decaling. Cheers Rob
  5. Thanks Martin, I don't try to replicate something from pictures with this build, instead, I use my imagination and I have no idea, how the Mig will look in the end. By reviewing the pictures, the beast looks a little like made out of marble, or something lying underwater , but I hope, in the end, I will have a convincing finish. Cheers Rob
  6. Thanks Gus, one way or another the unwanted scratches will be addressed. I hope the later to apply wash will not be to harsh contrast wise, the panel lines are very well accentuated on the Mig. Cheers Rob
  7. Nice, I will follow your progress with the Scammell. I have the Artillery tow Scammell in stash and will do it in a sinister fantasy circus wagon version, when I think, I'm able to paint the lansquenet figures, I've planned for my dio. Cheers Rob
  8. After four hours of scratching away the masking fluid out of the panel lines, I have to make a break. The way, I wanted to get the finish, turned out to be a painful and time consuming way, but the results are worth it, I think. One half is done, the other is for tomorrow . As you can see; I got some unwanted scratchmarks as well, but these will be addressed later. First I thought about dabbing on some paint very carefully, but then decided, that I will try to sand these areas with a very fine sanding sponge in the direction of the airflow. Cheers Rob
  9. The pre shading makes the otherwise dull grey coating look interesting, great job with the painting. Cheers Rob
  10. That pit s looking great. The wear and tear is hinting, heavy used air tractor. Cheers Rob
  11. A big muchas gracias to the inspirator to this painting method. Your A-7 laid the path for my Mig treatment. Cheers Rob
  12. Thanks Harv, I'm still in the experimental stage. Thanks Gus, love the word 'sameness' . I will google your masking liquid. The one I used is Micro Mask from Microscale, which is a little thinner than other fluids. I just read , that they say 'cleans up with water', maybe I should have given the bottle a little bit more attention. I will try it tomorrow with toothpicks and with a dampened piece of cloth. Thanks Gaz, I let my imagination fly, while I developed this method. I never looked for pics of the real thing though. I'm at least as interested in my progress as you, and hope there will be a usable outcome . Cheers Rob
  13. Marathon session today, I applied the Mig-31 grey onto the beast, using stretched steel wool to get an irregular pattern. I sprayed every panel individually, holding the steel wool above, filling the panel gently, moved the wool a little, to alter the pattern and sprayed again. I have to say, I like the method, the steel wool is highly flexible and bends into every corner. If the contrasts are too hard after peeling of the liquid mask, I can give the whole plane a misty coat of Mig-gray Cheers Rob
  14. Phew, four hours of dabbing masking fluid on every single panel line the big Mig looks like that. I hope, I get all the masking fluid removed after painting, not so easy with that blue stuff. It's thinner than Maskol and that is why I used it here, but it's a pain to get off. Cheers Rob
  15. Thanks Ernie, I like the look too, if it's to bad, there is always the possibility to mist everything over. To get rid of the mask residues is no walk in the park, so I wanted to be sure, if that's a proper way to do it. A wash will make the weathering three dimensional, I hope. Cheers Rob
  16. Today I experimented a lot, to get the look of my worn Mig-31 right. I want to break up the all over light grey appearance. I tried on a dummy first and started a little test area on the lower wing. I'd like to know what you think about the effects used (it's only painting, no washes or filters yet) I applied masking fluid with a fine brush, irregular onto the panel borders and tried to avoid the rivets, because they are hard to clean from masking residue Then I sprayed AK real colour MIG-31 grey through coarse steel wool to get irregular paint patterns. After peeling the masking wit different shaped wooden toothpicks and tweezers it looks like this. Peeling everything cleanly is a time consuming job, but necessary for a later wash and it's easy to scratch the surface (I did), so the peeling process has to be done with a lot of concentration. The same area with better lighting The tip of the wing got treated for better estimate of the used effect Cheers Rob
  17. The grey beast got grey primer . Initially I planed to use some black acrylic primer, but while thinking about my plans for painting and harsh weathering the thing, I changed my mind to the more durable Tamiya rattlecan primer. These plans are: - spray a slightly lighter or darker (not yet decided) grey tone on the panel lines. - apply some masking fluid into the panel lines with a little bit of irregularity. - spray the final coat of grey colour slightly mottling (if I find a way splattering in irregular patterns or use the salt technique) panel wise - rub the masking fluid off - a light overall mist, to reduce contrasts - Panelliner after decaling If you have suggestions for my treatments, you are welcome to leave some comments here, because there are many firsts for me. I haven't forgotten the workflow of the Clansmen A-7 here and am robbing the WIP Cheers Rob
  18. I will never buy vinyl masks again, here it was an issue of availability. They might work on fuselages or wings, but for canopies it has to be kabuki, which dosen't shrink and is easier to get into hard to reach corners. Cheers Rob
  19. Bring it on, we have a 'non LSM WIP or completed' section here, which some of us frequently use. I even had a 1/144 build there once . Cheers Rob
  20. After finishing the SSW twins, it's time to continue with the big Mig. Today I painted the wheels with my usual mix of blueish /brownish black tones and prepared lots of part for painting. I masked the canopy which was dipped in Future before to protect the transparencies. I purchased a set of HGW masks and they definitely are not worth their money. I don't like this kind of vinyl masks, because they don't adhere very good and these here didn't fit at all. Of the nine masks needed, only three fitted without adding Kabuki and cutting carefully the narrowly engraved contures, a task, I'm not keen of. Next step will be preparing the fuselage for painting and then it's off to new challenges and techniques to give the Mig a worn appearance. Cheers Rob Ill fitting masks on the right part on the left you can't see on the pic, but the side masks shape is off in the front part
  21. Nice ride Martin, if it weren't for Ernie's, this would have developed into a Jeep only thread . Mallcrawler, still shaking . Cheers Rob
  22. I love it Ernier, and who cares what others have to say, If it looks weird, call it a fashion statement . Cheers Rob
  23. Thanks for tearing my heart out , on my tiny island there is no way to get a rattlecan delivered to. I've three cans of light grey primer left, then I'm doomed. I know that you can get the stuff for the AB as well, but always liked the rattlecans for primer because they are easy to use. I didn't prime the wings of my SSW twins and sprayed them gloss white instead. The surface was glossy and perfect to lay down the big decals. They were movable on the surface without tearing,. Cheers Rob
  24. The twins are done. What started as a cheapo test project for learning some techniques used for WWI builds, started to give me serious fun. I added some extras to the mix like Gazpatch 08/15's on the black Dembowsky plane and a Brassin engine and Brassin 08/15's for the red/blue Jasta 5 SSW. Wood painting with oils was one bullet point on my to do list and it proved not to hard to master. I tried various combnations of oils and differently coloured transparent varnishes. Another bullet point was Lozenge camo decaling, which worked good with the Aviattic decals, which proved to be very forgiving. I would have used the kit decals on one SSW, but found that the colours of the Lozenge looked completely odd. I had rigged before, but never in 1/48. I simplified the rigging somewhat and it worked with Uschis elastic rigging thread and the supplied PE fittings. Cheers Rob
  25. Today I got only one small 1/32 item, a mask set for my Roden Fokker DR.I. Following my recently trampled path of colourful WWI planes I added an Eduard OEFFAG 253 with some goodies like a resi seat, Aviattic sworl decals and HGW wood decals for the fuselage, all in 1/48. I also got some jars of Tamiya X-2 gloss white, which proved to be the perfect base for Aviattic decals for my next WWI builds. Even smaller is the Arma Hobby Wildcat, where the cover, the complete package, including masks and PE and good reviews lead me. Cheers Rob
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