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Everything posted by Peterpools

  1. Hubert Agreed. I build both 48th scale and 32nd scale aircraft and my thought is the NON LSM Forum needs to be moved as it is in a terrible location - the bottom of the pile - last on the ladder of forums. It should be moved to just after LSM Works in Progress and before all the other LSM forums, as it is a build forum and non of the others are all. LSM Finished Work Forums are specific: one for aircraft and one for armor. There should be a third for ships, cars, trucks and all else. Keep 'em comin Peter
  2. Finally found a combo that is brilliant for glossy and shinny painted aluminum. So far I've purchased four different brands of paint and none seem to do what I was looking for. Then I found this combo, tested the mix on the drop tanks and wala! For primer, I've pretty much switched to MRP Fine Surface Primer - Black or Light Gray. For the test, I used black, straight from the bottle and it goes on super smooth. Aluminum paint look: Mr Hobby Mr Metal Color # 218 Aluminum Absolutely a perfect combination. Lacquers and they smell, so all the painting was done in my paint booth, wearing a respirator. Most likely in a week or so, I'm planning on removing my small hobby spray booth with one fan and motor and hooking up my much larger spray booth with dual fans and exhausts. At this stage, I need all the protection I can get and this is the best and safest method I can think of. With my next P-51 update, I'll include a few pics of the drop tanks with the aluminum paint mix. Not much modeling done this past week with doctor visits, blood tests, an echo cardiogram and getting ready to start therapy. Hands are feeling better and I'm making nice progress - just need to get my blood counts up and stay there and until chemo is finished, that can't be done. Keep 'em comin Peter
  3. Ernie Completely agree. Too much emphasis is placed on scale rather then size of the model. I just took a quick peak at my display case and I was surprised to see that a 1/48 F-14 is actually a larger model then a 1/32nd P-51. Part of the problem is the non large scale is at the very bottom of the forum list and I would guess not visited as often as it should and it should really be placed right after LSM Work In Progress, as it is a build forum. Peter
  4. Kai Sure wish they would do it one more time Keep ‘em comin Peter
  5. Kai Weathering and details look mighty good Keep ‘em comin Peter
  6. Lancaster details look tremendous and absolutely agree they need to be handled with TLC Keep ‘em comin Peter
  7. Looking mighty good Keep ‘em comin Peter
  8. Terrific progress and just love the wooden deck Keep ‘em comin Peter
  9. Kai Wheel well details look mighty good. I’m courteous how their decals will look and work but if they have the color scheme you want - it’s the way to go Ke ‘em comin Peter
  10. Mike Awesome- long fantastic Keep ‘em comin Peter
  11. Rob the weathering is brilliant and the leather effect - fantastic Keep ‘em comin Peter
  12. Jeroen Exhaust and rear portion of the big radiallook good and so busy Keep ‘em comin Peter
  13. Looking mighty good Keep 'em comin Peter
  14. Carl Nice work on the BIG P&W - looking mighty good Keep 'em comin Peter
  15. Nice progress Keep 'em comin Peter
  16. Jeroen Aces on the PE work Keep 'em comin Peter
  17. Very nice start of picking up a build that was already under way. I have to disagree and that the 1/32 and 1/35 rule applies to only aircraft and armor for what is large scale and what isn't. With ship modeling, the division for large scale should be 1/350 and larger due to the size of the model and actual subject - 72nd scale easily makes the grade. Keep 'em comin Peter
  18. Kai Nice start on the paint work and it looks so good. I also bought the book with my order and it's a terrific reference Keep 'em comin Peter
  19. Harv Progress is progress and you're getting there Keep 'em comin Peter
  20. Gaz Lots of tweaking and adjusting but no question - you'll get it perfect Keep 'em comin Peter
  21. Yup, the original Revell 32nd scale BOB kits: both the Hurricane and Spitfire. Sure with Revell of Germany would re-release them again in the price range of their new 32nd scale kits. Keep 'em comin Peter
  22. Sounds Perfect to me Keep 'em comin Peter
  23. John Yikes, I never would have thought Keep ‘em comin Peter
  24. Gaz Awesome - looking mighty good Keep ‘em comin Peter
  25. Phil CA Gel has become my go to CCA glue - longer working time and a good, strong bond Keep ‘em comin Perer
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