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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Id forgotten to paint the coaming so I did that next. Since I had to load black into my airbrush, I did some other parts at the same time, namely the engine pipes. The seams were all cleaned up and then I sprayed everything in semi-gloss black. I'm almost ready to close up the fuselage.
  2. Anyways, after I got the belts sorted I finished off the cockpit. I attached the belts to the seat and then fitted that to the rear bulkhead. I left the shoulder belts loose until I had the bulkhead joined to the front half. Then I draped them over the sides and glued them in place.
  3. Thanks Mike and Kai! I think I'm finally getting into a rhythm with the build. One thing did slow me down slightly. I'm using the HGW belts for the cockpit and I ran into an interesting problem. I think HGW made an error in their belts. The shoulder belts have a buckle on the end, parts 6 and 7. They're handed so only fold one way. The problem is they've made the loop for the belt smaller in width than the belt itself. They did this as they made their belts have a narrower lead to make it easier to thread in. But it looks odd. This is the first time I've come across this problem with HGW belts so I'll have to check them in future before I get them.
  4. Stunning work. There's so much to see in the details. Carl
  5. Infinity is the plastic model division of HpH. So it wouldn't surprise me if they used their resin kit as a basis for this kit. I think they said going forward they will nol longerdo 1/32 resin kits except for very limited releases. Whether that means they plan to re-do their catalogue in plastic or just some kits I have no idea. Carl
  6. Brett mentions in the video a couple times that the sets are add-ons so hopefully no one gets caught unawares.
  7. I've only ordered once from Kitlinx. The service was fine. Unfortunately they mislabeled the box contents and I got hammered on duties when it came across. Plus they didn't mention that they used UPS so on top of that, got hit with UPS' outrageous brokerage fees when it arrived. Sprue Brothers are great but due to COVID, the shipping costs to Canada from just about any where are crazy unless you can slip it into an envelope. Carl
  8. Thanks Jeff! Although it's a bit slower than I had thought. Thanks Gaz! Thanks Tim! Your Sherman is looking fantastic too.
  9. Thanks Phil! I find it interesting that for all the folks that say a Tamiya kit is a shake and bake model that there's enough of us with one on the SoD. Makes you wonder what it is that catches us out. Thanks Rob! I'm trying to think if I glued the cowlings onto my other builds or not. As for the flaps, I didn't have any issues there. I've definitely got an FAA Corsair IV to do, and probably even a II as well.
  10. Thanks Kai! I actually had a couple where the drill bit went through the side. I had to fill the hole and start over. Thanks Peter.
  11. Really nice detail work on the ammo rack. Would a clear coat be enough to qualify the ammo rounds as painted? Otherwise maybe a coat of Alclad or similar metallic paint? Carl
  12. Mike, that pilot figure looks fantastic. He really does make you realize how small those planes were. Carl
  13. It looks like Aerocraft has solved another of the issues with the Tamiya 1/32 Phantoms with a new canopy set. https://aerocraftmodels.bigcartel.com/product/mcdonnell-douglas-phantom-replacement-canopy-set-for-tamiya-kits It eliminates the two piece canopy and frame for the opening sections which should be a big improvement.
  14. Cees, it looks like Aerocraft has the answer to your problems. https://aerocraftmodels.bigcartel.com/product/mcdonnell-douglas-phantom-replacement-canopy-set-for-tamiya-kits It replaces the canopy and frame all in one. Carl
  15. Wow Rob, that is a tiny kit. Id be afraid of sneezing and having it disappear into the carpet monster. Great work on something so tiny. Carl
  16. Looks great there Gaz. Really great job on the decals. Carl
  17. Thanks Frank and Bill! The Tamiya Corsair is a great kit. This is my third one so far. Have a few more in the stash so definitely not the last one for me.
  18. Yup, same here in Toronto. Not as bad a hike. $1.14/litre to fill up yesterday. It was closer to a loonie a couple weeks ago.
  19. Next up, I started drilling the holes for the ignition wires. I don't know how you guys drill such tiny holes perfectly centred on your engines. Mine are anything but centred. Well, maybe a couple are. Same goes for the cylinder banks. I've painted the cylinder banks in Extreme Metal Aluminum. Should be durable enough.
  20. Man, this plane has been kicking my butt. I think I finally got a handle on it and made some progress. I got the black sections of the cockpit painted. Then I started doing the little detail painting and this is where I got stymied. I kept getting paint where I didn't want it. Finally I gave up and tried some finer brushes I keep forgetting I have. Problem mostly solved, I kept going and then started the stencils. I'm using some from HGW. They're nice and thin and fairly tough. But the fold over on themselves if you look at them funny. Using Tamiya Mark Fit Strong decal solvent got them to go over those buttons I previously messed up. Using a Prismacolor pencil, I added some scratches to the pedal troughs, pedals and around the cockpit.
  21. That PE work is so neat and tidy. I usually have CA everywhere but where I need it.
  22. Fantastic work Frank. Thanks for the step by step description on how you remove the thinner resin parts. Where did you get the razor saw you used? Carl
  23. I forgot you had the Horton.
  24. Nice to see you back @Artful69. I think it's been more of a ton of stuff coming down the pipeline. The GWH P-40 is an early one so very different than the Hasegawa kits. Hopefully It's good enough to put the Trumpeter one out to pasture. I'm waiting on the Whirlwind too. Hope it's as good as the recent Special Hobby kits have been. The Takom Blitz kits seem to go together nicely. I've built the Jagdtiger and didn't have any problems. I've got the Panzer III and StuG kits in the stash. The StuG has an issue with the commander's hatch in that one of the periscopes are in the wrong spot. Doesn't seem a hard fix. Carl
  25. That's ZM's approach to their kits. Very different from most everyone else and pretty cool for it.
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