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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Thanks! The tracks were welded onto the hull. There are pics where you can see the weld marks after the tracks were removed.
  2. Damn, Tony. No rest for the wicked. A few years ago there was a blackout here right before Christmas. We lost power for a few hours but my sister who lives a 10 minute walk away from us didn't get theirs back for almost a week. My niece was less than 2 months old at the time so they moved in with us after the first night. Hope they get the power back on soon. Maybe you should shut the water main off? Just wondering about pipes freezing if there's no heat in your home. Last thing you'd need is burst pipes.
  3. Thanks! I used AK Real Color SCC15 olive drab.
  4. Okay, I spent more time working on the track armour. I got all the different lengths of track all glued together. While it was partly set, I put it into position and bent it accordingly. It's effectively a full run of tracks attached to the hull and turret. Once dry, I gave them a coat of paint. Once dry, they were glued into place on the hull.
  5. Nice John! Always cool to see different markings on a Mustang. Carl
  6. Thanks @Peterpools! Give an armour kit a try. Some come with link and length tracks so aren't as hard to put together. I'd suggest maybe one of the Takom Blitz series of kits to get your feet wet. Carl
  7. The cockpit looks fantastic Hubert. Painting will be a bit of a challenge as you mentioned but with your skills, shouldn't be insurmountable. Looking at the fuselage you printed, is the upper fuselage fairing offset or did you offset the fuselage halves?
  8. Looking forward to seeing you back here Peter. Can't wait to see you back at the bench. Carl
  9. Thanks for letting us know Ernie. Harv, get well. Wishing you all the best. Carl
  10. Lol. It was -17°C this morning and our cat was adamant on going out. I let him out the back door and watched him dance on alternating paws for a couple minutes before giving up and coming back in.
  11. Working on all the tracks used as armour. These are from a Dragon Firefly VC kit. Making different length runs and fitting them to the front of the hull. In one photo I found of a Sherman V belonging to the same division, they had some of the end links on backwards for some reason. I've decided to do the same here for some variety.
  12. UMM is a dangerous website. They have so many cool and neat tools one could really make their wallet cry.
  13. If you must know, it's just us Canucks trying to even out the trade imbalance. Hope you have winters on that Challenger. Or you won't make it back up your driveway. Ask me how I know. Carl
  14. I've used chipping fluid a couple times but it took a couple tries to get the results and didn't always work. I've tried rubber cement dabbed on with a sponge with mixed results. The spots were sometimes too big but in this case it worked. For finer chips, I find the most control I have is with a Prismacolor pencil. I used it on the seats of my Corsairs. You keep a sharp tip and just randomly scribble on the seat. I think you have more control than using a paint brush. The best result for worn paint look was like Rob, I put down the base colour, then the primer and finally the colour topcoat. I then very lightly sanded through the paint until I got the worn look. It took a couple tries here as well but I think it gave me the result I wanted. Carl
  15. Thanks Gaz! Rye Field gives you a template to form thr light guards around. It's similar to the one Asuka include in their kits but theyve given it a more positive fit for the PE to sit in whike you form it. Those are foundry marks on the actual tank. Thjs way they know which factory cast those parts.
  16. Thanks Kai! I like the AK paints very much as they spray wonderfully. Thanks! The AK paints are a bit more pungent than Mr Color but not as strong as the new Tamiya lacquer paint. They can react to Tamiya X20A thinner a bit if you let sit too long on the surface.
  17. I continued adding more of the detail bits to the hull. Much of the PE has their location marked on the hull which is great. I then continued on with the paint job. With it being just a single colour, SCC15, I decided to try and add some modulation to it. I think it worked out.
  18. That looks awesome Hubert! Quite the motivation to learn something new. Carl
  19. @belugawhaleman, Rye Field Models hasn't been around too long. They're a fairly new company. Their first release was a Panther G with a full interior. There's something like 1700 parts in that kit. So far, I'm impressed with the kit and the way it's going together.
  20. @GazzaS, I just ordered it so depending on what Canada Post does with it it should be here at some point soon. I don't think it has zimmerit on it. My understanding is it falls between the Tamiya and Dragon kits in terms of complexity and details.
  21. Nice work Gaz! You've gone and done it. I've just ordered the Takom Stug III kit. We'll see how that kit is shortly.
  22. Really nice work on the cockpit and engine. Was there a particular reason they did the interior in two colours? Carl
  23. Nice comparison there between the two fuselages. Kai, I believe that might be due to the fuselage Cees used being an early prototype from HK rather than a production kit.
  24. Gorgeous looking build. The figures are great too. Might have to try oils as well. Carl
  25. I finally have a plane back on the bench. Just messing around so nothing serious though. Maybe after the Firefly.
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