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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Very nice Scammell Dave. How do you find the kit? I've got their Scammell with the trailer in the stash so it would be great to hear of any issues you may have encountered. Carl
  2. Thanks for the info Rob. I'll look into burnishing fluid at my local home improvement store. Carl
  3. Thanks! Thanks Rob. It's too bad the British tax agency ruined the fun for them. Thanks Jeff. These are my go-to build for when I want something stress free and straightforward.
  4. This one's for Martin! This is my current Tamiya Spitfire build. The plan is to do it as JE-J jr with her infamous ModXXX beer barrels. Profimideller make a conversion set for this but they make you assemble the barrels from individual staves. Not being a cooper, i couldn't make that work for me so I found some wood barrels in a suitable size: Much easier. JE-J Jr is a IXe so I had to modify the wing armament to match. AML make a suitable conversion set so I used that. Cannon barrels are from Master. The engine all assembled and ready for her cradle. Now to start on the cockpit. Carl
  5. I'm not sure yet. I'll look into those but may just give them a quick coat of paint.
  6. Me too, after two weeks in Scotland.
  7. Nice cockpit there John. As always, the paint is neat and tidy. Carl
  8. Damn, all I've got is a pair of the 1/72 Bandai PG ones and the Fine Molds one to go with them. But I do have a 1/24 Viper MkII from BSG. Does that count? Carl
  9. Thanks for the offer Martin but I've already got them. I glued them on and then realized I didn't need them was the problem. Which just means I'll have to build another one in the future. Carl
  10. Not really sure why, honestly. I think it's because I mounted the outer wing gun bulges and then realized that the one I wanted to build didn't have them. I only recently picked the scheme I posted above.
  11. Ok, the stickers are on. Now to continue adding the smaller details and then a light weathering. Carl
  12. Thanks Harv as always! Thanks! I'm trying more and more scratch building. It's kinda fun. Thanks Martin and I agree. Nothing like a huge gun on a Sherman.
  13. A tiny bit more progress. I installed the starboard waist gun and ammo belt on French Kiss along with the tail gunner's station. That side is almost complete now and then I can start on the port side. Carl
  14. Thanks Martin! Those are some great photos. Looks like the Profimideller instructions have what I need. Carl
  15. That's the one I have.
  16. I've got a head on line drawing but it's too small and doesn't have any dimensions. I don't think the bomb bay door mod made it into service. There was also one that replaced the nose cannon with a rocket launcher that they could reload from inside.
  17. Ok, so first thing first was to fix all the seams. For some reason, I didn't install the seat or control column so those will be on the list. Markings wise, I'm thinking of testing my airbrush skills and having a go at this scheme: Carl
  18. Ok, here's a question for you guys. Some B-25s in the PTO were armed with HVAR rockets under the wing on the rails. French Kiss was one of them so I'd like to mount a set. Any idea on the distance they were mounted from the nacelle? Thanks, Carl
  19. I'm going to have start wearing gloves when I work on this now. Carl
  20. Please do! I wouldn't mind a Lancaster at all. Carl
  21. Some great builds. I remember following along on your Corsair build. Carl
  22. Thanks Mike! I'd love to enter it so if you could do do that, it would be greatly appreciated. Carl
  23. Time to take a break from the uh, break. The upper turret for Betty's Dream is pretty much done now. I then painted the ammo belts for French Kiss. Compare to to the ones I'm using on Betty's Dream they're a fair bit simpler. Then again, you won't see much of them anyways with the fuselage closed up.
  24. I really should focus on my B-25s but can I join in too? This has been sitting on top of my printer for the last 4 years or so. It's ended up as a bit of a dumping ground. I had to take a TiE fighter, and some car parts out of the box. Carl
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