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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

JA37 Viggen

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13 hours ago, Peterpools said:


Nice progress for sure and looking at the instructions, it's part 66 that's the issue. and it sure looks like you're right in reversing the order of construction.

Keep 'em comin


yes Peter i sugest that part B05 (rat bay) will be placed before O14 thats the air intake

i think there is room enough to do it that way but dryfit before

13 hours ago, harv said:





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thank you all

small progress done.

the braces between the intake and the feuselage



middel part off the feuselage mounted to the front

already sanded,and rescribd and some primer on

also first airscoops in place




the fit off the 2 parts off the feuselage ask for some sanding so take your time

i sugset that you place the airscoops after the feuselage whent togheter because the are just at the seam and that will make it harder for sanding and scribbing.

That whas it for now.

Back to the bench and do some more work on the mirage



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here we go on another update

pic haveay time to work on the exhaust but first fry fit and how i will display here 


time to play around with paint






the afterburner ring



dryfit off a wing



a look at the exhaust




And i have to fit more parts its only dryfit


Still needs some sanding to get a good fit


So thats it for now enjoy



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Gotta say that, in as much as I don’t really fancy the splinter camo, the shape of the Viggen is certainly not only impressive, but quite handsome, in my eyes, at least. Of course, it pales against the pure sexiness of the Draken, but still one of the best-looking of this generation.

Nice work, Mark 👍 !


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20 hours ago, HubertB said:

Gotta say that, in as much as I don’t really fancy the splinter camo, the shape of the Viggen is certainly not only impressive, but quite handsome, in my eyes, at least. Of course, it pales against the pure sexiness of the Draken, but still one of the best-looking of this generation.

Nice work, Mark 👍 !


yes the draken is also a great one i hope the do one and i will get it.

This will be in the splinter camo only dondt know yet about the big orange nrs

19 hours ago, GusMac said:

Nice metal effects on the tail end. Does build into an impressive beast.

thanks i have used alclad,tamiya and a bit off pigments for that

19 hours ago, GazzaS said:

Nice progress, Mark!

thank you but this week all comes to a stop.

next up two hard days at work and on wensday the wife needs surgery so lot off things to do

10 hours ago, Kaireckstadt said:

The details of the beast are amazing and you picked them all out perfectly Mark! 
The further you get the more I get nervous to get mine on the desk.

Thanks Kai

i findt it a great kit i hope you  will enjoy yours

1 hour ago, harv said:

She is a stunner even n this stage Mark. Beautiful work.....harv :wub:

Yes harv and thats now the problem

it takes shape and now its hard to stop building



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9 hours ago, harv said:

Any updates ! We are bitting at the bit. How big is this ?.....harv:popcorn:

No Harv no updates

i dondt find time at the moment

the wife is in the hospital at the moment,she whent tru surgery on the knee.

Tommorow she is comming home so in the mean time taking care off the kids,shopping and vissit the wife not much time left

I hope to do soma stuff in the weekend.



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4 hours ago, BlrwestSiR said:

Mark, hope your wife is feeling better. Take care and we'll wait to see you back at the bench when things are more normal for you. 


yes its going beter with here still some pain and a long way to go.

saterday she is comming home so no more drive to the hospital so both at home and maybe a bit off time

1 hour ago, harv said:

Hopping for a speedy recovery Mark. Yes, you have your hands full. Carry on....harv

Thanks Harv and like a lot off us now family first hobby second place

8 minutes ago, Peterpools said:


Most important of all; how is your wife doing after her surgery? Thoughts and prayers are with you both.

Keep 'em comin


Thanks Peter its going beter with here right now

rehibalitation (hope this is right) is already started.

Already made here first steps and learning how to take stairs.

The are speaking off 6 weeks so we will see how it go 



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thank you all

with all the things going on and not that much time this week here some progress.

The wings are one and it is A3 size mat

Already start sanding and filling on the top side

still needs work but first im going to put some primer on to see where.


left side


right side


underside notting done yet


and like you can see some work ahaed here

going to use some evergreen and putty to fill that



Thats it for now

and yes the wife is back at home and is doing fine.



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