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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Baby Pants


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Didnt want me to post on his sooooo precious thread.

Disappointing to see him have to ask admin to remove it.

My post was not offensive ,except to delicate sensibilities lol , and had to do with the subject matter: Racing Mustangs.

Someone who rarely if ever complimenrts any one else's effprts here , whining to admins.

Please dont let this forum get taken over by these types!


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1 hour ago, krow113 said:

Someone got their baby pants on ?

A post I made was removed for seemingly no good reason.

Someone got their baby pants on today ?

Or just another elitist  crybaby?

Thought it wasnt like that here...


It must be me then who has their 'baby pants' on then?

It was me who removed those two unwarranted posts (identical) from a build log. Am I elitist?

If you have a problem, take it up with me, that's if you can discuss without using insults. If it's the latter, you're history here.

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Krow has a point and there was a time when LSM mods did not remove posts,  to preserve continuity and openness.  Did his post hijacked John’s thread, I don’t think so. Did he push it too far, certainly, but that could result in a simple warning, instead of arbitrary BANanna. 
I don’t know the guy and the whole story, but base on the above I share his sentiments. 

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I agree, but this is more about the slippery slope we are heading down than this specific situation. Posts removed, and stuff like being scolded for open and honest critique. For goodness sake we have celebrated the squirell and rabbit trail here. That's what was cool about lsm. Last thing I want to do is walk on eggshells while trying to enjoy my hobby

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I think we have two things happening here.
First being the use of foul language, after the removal of the post, which I think caused the ban. I feel that 99% of us know how to behave and have the senses, what language is appropriate in a forum full of members with different backgrounds, lives and interests beside modelling. In reality, I like how this aspect works here, between model talk, some joking and teasing and of course OT stuff. OT is always problematic, specially when it washes into modelling threads and it needs some instincts to keep the balance. 

Second, is a bit more complicated to my eye, even here in LSM. To my understanding, this is an open minded place, where you exchange knowledge, techniques, product reviews, gossip, etc., on a subjective base or on a felt objectivity of the author.
There are lots of members here, who don't mind, if their threads are used, to widen the subject. That can be everything from personal experiences, pics, links, critique, etc..
What I cannot say, is how much you 'own' your own threads. Is it only because I started lets say a WIP, that no other slightly off topic posts is allowed and where starts a topic to be OT? Is it an added historical picture, I already had in my reference and therefore do not need it?

This s only a slight appeal about the joy of an open minded forum. In fact to my liking there are a few members, presenting WIP's or some other threads, but merely contributing to other's threads. Personally, I would like a bit more of interaction, but I understand, everybody has a different approach and time frame to the hobby and LSM.

Generally speaking, I like it here and I like the typical laissez faire atmosphere, but maybe there are some open topics which need to be discussed about forum culture.

I invite everybody to add critique, pics, opinion, jokes, own or others experiences, techniques, help or whatever to my threads.

Cheers Rob

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After reading this whole thread again and reflecting on the recent events I have decided to keep this topic open so everyone can vent. We are definately not about censorship and deleting posts. I usually only delete SPAM.

Please, I ask all of my fellow LSM-ers to keep an open mind, a sense of humor, a fair amount of respect towards eachother and a dose of flexibility. 

If there is a problem: message me, and i will try to resolve it. 


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Some random thoughts on this issue, and having lived through some of the past turmoil on LSP, hopefully with some hindsight.

1) A forum like this one, also accessible at no cost to members, is still a private venture. Just as I expect people to behave in a civilised manner when in my house, I find it normal that some rules apply wherever I am invited, be it for free or as a paying guest. Abiding to these rules is common courtesy, and if you refuse to, you must be ready to live with the consequences of your own behaviour. Rules in a private area are not necessarily censorship. They are just that, rules, defined by whomever owns the place.

2) Although generally imagined as such, there is no such thing as absolutely free speech. Well, yes, if you are alone in the wild, you can shout out whatever you want and only the bees and trees will hear this, and most probably will not take offense. In a society, there are forms to use to express one's ideas, and even in ths most liberal context, sometimes what you say will not be acceptable to others, and you will have to answer some consequences, if only just contradiction.

3) Words fly away, writings stay. When you want to express your opinions, and are entitled to do so, il’s a no-brainer to realise that writing has a more permanent nature than sound waves fading in the distance and time. Besides, I can spontaneously say things, in a split-second, in the heat of the moment, that do not really stand the test of typing them down, even more so if your dactylography skills are average, and your typing definitely not as fast as light ...

4) "With absolute freedom comes absolute responsibility". Not from me, but from Sartre (in the context of WWII French Resistance, btw). Express what you want, if the society allows it, but accept the responsibility that goes with it, including the one of having others telling you they disagree, or your words are unacceptable for them.

5) If you claim the right to be "abrasive" in your relations and words to others, don't moan if they say they are hurt or it itches, and do expect some retaliation from those with thinner skins...

6) Writing down insults and foul language has even more consequences than expressing in a polite way ideas or opinions others disagree with.

7) IMHO, thread drift is consubstantial with forums, just like babble is with a conversation between people. Some like it, others don't ... What I know is that most often thread drift dies away, just like babble vanishes into thin air. I personally do not mind other people intervening in a thread with inputs that seem drifting away form the core of the thread. Very often, I have learned something in the process. But then, I have also worked for years in a business where the owners did actually think that when someone read a paper on someone else's desk, when they were not initially destined to received the said paper, it was a good thing in the end, because it could prompt new ideas, and healthy debates, and the whole business could ultimately benefit from this. Needless to say they were actively looking for ways to overcome the privacy and "security" inherant with emails ...

Because of the above, I would never think about asking the admins to remove a post in one of my threads, but it does not mean I do not understand an opposite approach from another forum member.

In the specific case of the removed post that started all this, I felt the post itself was pretty inocuous, but on the other end, I was myself tempted to comment on the seemingly wrong canopy - because I did not remember having ever seen such a canopy  on the prototype aircraft - of the "Red Baron" on the box cover. So I was about to initiate a thread drift that had nothing to do with "Bardahl Special", and everything with "Red Baron" ;) ...

Just my :2c:


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All of this could be prevented if John (or moderator in charge)approached Crow directly or via PM, instead of asking admin to delete that post.  Especially if the Red Baron post ( in my understanding) wasn’t malicious or off-topic in it’s  nature. 
That post is out, so there is no more reference point for anybody who look at. Having said that,  John is going on in his thread, how  Crow has been kicked out. 
Not cool. 
metaphorically speaking:
I see this forum as a house where we were all invited for a party and every guest contributes with a home made dish of his liking. Not everyone likes everything naturally, we are all of different taste and that’s ok.  But we should share with the rest of the guests. Naturally every dish should be considered with respect to the compliments and (constructive ) criticism as a asset for us all. 

i truly wish that LSM will stay transparent and honest platform, without background politics and cloak and dagger tactics. 

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21 minutes ago, JeroenPeters said:

Make that a Hertog Jan and I’m game!

To the best of my hazy knowledge. I've never tried that one. Spent many a drunken night in Roermond, Eindoven, Amsterdam and Den Helder though :)

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2 minutes ago, AlanG said:

To the best of my hazy knowledge. I've never tried that one. Spent many a drunken night in Roermond, Eindoven, Amsterdam and Den Helder though :)

Oh my! Four of the nastiest places to be in Holland! They all have their charm but in a wonky way :)

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And all we have down here is Shinerbock.

In other news, I've killed most of a bottle of Jack Daniels while sick. 

And I detest Jack Daniels.

It's what comes out the back of the horse after having a good 16 year old Glenfiddich go in the front of the horse.

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