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Bad Dreams


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I have a bit of a problem. 

For the last 6-8 months I find myself dreaming about work.  Every night, sometimes 3-4 times a night.  Sometimes I'm in dream and realize it's a dream and make myself wake up so that I can stop dreaming about work.  Consequently my sleep is very interrupted, and seemingly ineffective.  At then end of my work day, I'm too tired for anything but a perusal of this forum and farcebook.  My wife says I have been irritable.

So, I started devoting some time to thinking about what is going wrong in my head.  One possible self-diagnosis I came up with is that there is too much work in my head and too little of something else.  One thing that has been missing is competition.  I've always loved competition even though I admit I am a terrible loser. 

My wife has an XBOX one.  I have looked at the games on it before and tried a few.  One seemed very interesting but I lost interest when we both realised we couldn't get out an area and there were no helpful hints.  My wife is more of a problem solver.  I have enough problems to solve at work and perhaps on my bench.  I was looking more into an fps situation.  So, I bought Verdun yesterday.  Basically you run from trench to trench trying to kill the enemy with weapons of the time.  I died a lot, but I had some fun.  And I didn't remember dreaming about work.  So, this self-induced therapy will continue.  I played a bit today after reducing the ability of the AI Bots. 

I've also been looking into strategy games.  I've always liked them as long as they fit into my main periods of interest.  But I haven't found anything definite, yet.

I also binge-watched some The Curse of Oak Island

Had a couple naps too.  Usually I avoid naps.  Hate to waste the daylight. 

Hopefully it works.  Back to work tomorrow.

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I have the same crazy dream issues, but the subject varies. The broken sleep issue is the same. I actuslly take melatonin every night and it works like a charm. I do like the video game solution. All I have is an Atari console with all the old retro games on it though.

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I sleep well.  Gaz, sounds like work is consuming your life. Need to leave work at work. When I was working, for some time I had that problem.  Seems that problems at work consumed me. I learned to leave it at work and not think about it at home. Bench time helped alot...harv

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9 hours ago, GazzaS said:

I have a bit of a problem. 

For the last 6-8 months I find myself dreaming about work.  Every night, sometimes 3-4 times a night.  Sometimes I'm in dream and realize it's a dream and make myself wake up so that I can stop dreaming about work.  Consequently my sleep is very interrupted, and seemingly ineffective.  At then end of my work day, I'm too tired for anything but a perusal of this forum and farcebook.  My wife says I have been irritable.

So, I started devoting some time to thinking about what is going wrong in my head.  One possible self-diagnosis I came up with is that there is too much work in my head and too little of something else.  One thing that has been missing is competition.  I've always loved competition even though I admit I am a terrible loser. 

My wife has an XBOX one.  I have looked at the games on it before and tried a few.  One seemed very interesting but I lost interest when we both realised we couldn't get out an area and there were no helpful hints.  My wife is more of a problem solver.  I have enough problems to solve at work and perhaps on my bench.  I was looking more into an fps situation.  So, I bought Verdun yesterday.  Basically you run from trench to trench trying to kill the enemy with weapons of the time.  I died a lot, but I had some fun.  And I didn't remember dreaming about work.  So, this self-induced therapy will continue.  I played a bit today after reducing the ability of the AI Bots. 

I've also been looking into strategy games.  I've always liked them as long as they fit into my main periods of interest.  But I haven't found anything definite, yet.

I also binge-watched some The Curse of Oak Island

Had a couple naps too.  Usually I avoid naps.  Hate to waste the daylight. 

Hopefully it works.  Back to work tomorrow.

I hope it works out for you Gaz. I watch Oak Island too and call it a snoozer most of the time so maybe that will help you sleep better! Seriously, I take a couple of over the counter sleep aids (Unisom) every night and they do help me go to sleep but I wake up a couple of times each night anyway. Being retired I don't have the pressure of worrying about work anymore thank goodness! :) Give Unisom a try. It might be a help. Worth a shot anyway.


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This thread just made me realize I have dreamed about work issues for a few years.  Probably about the time I quit giving a crap about work due to getting smoke blown up my …….well, you get the point.  Eligible for retirement, plan is one year from tomorrow will be my last day I get a paycheck for.  Unless I can convince the wife.  Funny thing is, she’s afraid I’ll sit around and do nothing.  Jokes on her. That’s what I’m doing now at work. 

But I did wake up in the middle of the night around 3 am Saturday after a dream I had about my build table I was about to start on yesterday.  I put it off because of the brilliant epiphany I had about the layout and design. Gotta take the tape measure to my area and see if I can make it happen. 

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12 hours ago, harv said:

I sleep well.  Gaz, sounds like work is consuming your life. Need to leave work at work. When I was working, for some time I had that problem.  Seems that problems at work consumed me. I learned to leave it at work and not think about it at home. Bench time helped alot...harv

I honestly don't think about work once I leave.  I get home as quick as possible so I can be on my time.  My job isn't technical.  I'm not a lawyer, or involved in any kind of white collar stuff.  There is nothing to think about.

13 hours ago, Martinnfb said:

Good sleep is so sparse, that I can actually count the mornings when I woke up rested. 6 maybe 5 throughout my entire adult life. 

I get heart palpitations all of the time.  Sometimes I sweat profusely in a cool room with the A/C on...  especially if I have a drink.  It's not uncommon for the palpitations to wake me at night and keep me awake for an hour.  I've had all of the tests.  The Doc says I'm good.  But if it feels like there is an elephant standing on my chest, get to the ER.  Back when I was smoking and having 3-6 coffees a day I would wake up in the middle of the night dripping with sweat, and the bedclothes soaked.  I would get a beach towel and envelope myself so that I wouldn't lie directly on the cold sweat.

12 hours ago, JohnB said:

I hope it works out for you Gaz. I watch Oak Island too and call it a snoozer most of the time so maybe that will help you sleep better! Seriously, I take a couple of over the counter sleep aids (Unisom) every night and they do help me go to sleep but I wake up a couple of times each night anyway. Being retired I don't have the pressure of worrying about work anymore thank goodness! :) Give Unisom a try. It might be a help. Worth a shot anyway.


Thank you for the advice, John.  I'll see what Oztralia has to offer in the form of sleep aids.


16 hours ago, smitty44 said:

I have the same crazy dream issues, but the subject varies. The broken sleep issue is the same. I actuslly take melatonin every night and it works like a charm. I do like the video game solution. All I have is an Atari console with all the old retro games on it though.

I'll see what I can do about getting something here.   It's amazing how many things that require a prescription in OZ

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Have you tried some free to play games on the net? I'm right into World of Warships, it's free to play, although you can spend money on it if you want to. I've also got a World of Tanks account but that game is much harder to be a free to play player as the encomony in game isn't as good.

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12 hours ago, GazzaS said:

Back when I was smoking and having 3-6 coffees a day I would wake up in the middle of the night dripping with sweat, and the bedclothes soaked.  I would get a beach towel and envelope myself so that I wouldn't lie directly on the cold sweat.

Hey Gaz, I sent you a PM with a few ideas on this and the sleep issues. They are both things I have dealt with for a long time, so maybe the stuff I've learned can help you a little.

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I've had issues with sleeplessness for years. When I was working as a radiologic technologist and CAT scan tech, I was working evening and overnight shifts mainly and

taking call so my hours were always screwed up. I had to sleep during the day. On alternate weekends, I'd work the morning shift while taking call at night. It was often

exhausting. Now, that I'm retired,  I continue to have sleep issues. I average about 4 hours a night; often making up for this during the day with brief naps. When insomnia

comes I battle it by reading....I'm always reading anyway. I have a Kindle Oasis with literally hundreds an hundreds of books downloaded on it and it's a comfort on sleepless

nights. When I do sleep, I sleep soundly and have magnificent dreams! Bad dreams, well,

I have a few reoccurring dreams involving old work issues and frustrations. I have

A reoccurring dream involving trying to find my car,on a snowy night, in a large parking

lot without much success. I've probably just revealed some embarrassing Freudian issue,

but what the hell. Anyway, I wish you luck with your sleep issues. 


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Excluding my work dreams, my worst dreams are always about not being in control.  I'll give some instances:

I'm driving in a vehicle, but I'm asleep.  My brain knows I need to open my eyes, but I just can't.

I'm on an icy road and my car is spinning out of control.

I've just driven over an embankment at high speed and am plunging into the forest.

...  I used to be a truck driver in Michigan....

I had this one the other night:  Cities in Australia are being bombed.  Not sure by who.  Sydney is bombed, but I am unconcerned as I'm near Brisbane.  Suddenly bombs are falling in Brisbane, but I'm unconcerned as they are on the other side of town.  Then a stick of bombs crashed into the street outside our high-rise apartment (We actually live in a single story house) instead of fire and smoke and the usual goodies, each bomb forces a small smoke ring into the air (weird, huh?) and then our apartment building begins to lean and then plummet toward the street below.  Before I wake up, I am wondering if I can ride it out without the collapsing building killing me.


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47 minutes ago, GazzaS said:

Excluding my work dreams, my worst dreams are always about not being in control.  I'll give some instances:

I'm driving in a vehicle, but I'm asleep.  My brain knows I need to open my eyes, but I just can't.

I'm on an icy road and my car is spinning out of control.

I've just driven over an embankment at high speed and am plunging into the forest.

...  I used to be a truck driver in Michigan....

I had this one the other night:  Cities in Australia are being bombed.  Not sure by who.  Sydney is bombed, but I am unconcerned as I'm near Brisbane.  Suddenly bombs are falling in Brisbane, but I'm unconcerned as they are on the other side of town.  Then a stick of bombs crashed into the street outside our high-rise apartment (We actually live in a single story house) instead of fire and smoke and the usual goodies, each bomb forces a small smoke ring into the air (weird, huh?) and then our apartment building begins to lean and then plummet toward the street below.  Before I wake up, I am wondering if I can ride it out without the collapsing building killing me.


Sounds intense. I looked up possible meanings for my dream regarding my car and

the dark, snowy parking lot. One explanation fit; after retiring I had lost my sense of

purpose or direction. Anyway, so much for psychobabble. At one time I was prescribed

some medication to help me sleep. It had some side effects that I didn't like, such as blurred vision during the day. I did help me sleep, but it made me afraid to drive and I worried that I would not pass my driver's eye test. Anyway, while I was taking this medication I had the wildest dreams; very intense and vivid, never scary, and often

hilarious. I told my doctor this and he said it was common occurrence for people prescribed this medication. This medication is often prescribed for people suffering

from restless leg syndrome as well.

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