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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

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Not much build time lately, but I had a few minutes tonight to mock up the kit parts. 

I think I’m going to go with a combination of AM and scratch here.  Just to liven it up some. The pit is quite visible and it needs to be as good as I can make it. 


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The good news now is that the airframe fits well. So once the interior is to my satisfaction, the rest of the build isn’t super complicated and should go quickly. 

For those who don’t know my style, I’m a “flightline” guy. I don’t build open panels or engines being wrenched on. As an aviator, I personally appreciate an aircraft ready for flight. I leave the torn down for inspection look to others. 


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So now the fun begins. Fitting the interior. Pics to come soon on the pit. I’m doing what I originally said I wouldn’t do, and that’s to sand away Jerry’s interior and modify it. But although Jerry’s is awesome, I feel I can add to it, so as of right now, my Drexel and I are having much fun.

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Well, let’s be honest.  Full resin kits, especially the earlier kits from the early to mid 2000s have alot of fitting, filing, sanding, adjusting, and fiddling just get everything ‘just so’.  I’ve already made the rudder post bottom too narrow, so I’ll need to shim it out some with plastic card stock, then fill and rescribe.   Such is the price of being in a hurry.   Slow and careful wins this race. 


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25 minutes ago, 1to1scale said:

I was wondering if you were ever going to build this one.

Well hey there!  Yup, it’s been on my to do list for quite awhile. I want it ready for next year’s Nats  

Welcome to LSM, man! It’s getting to be like old times here!

You’ll love it here. Not as busy as TOS, which is good in many ways. Everyone’s laid back here, no BS, no getting stomped if your views ain’t inline with those that matter.  In other words, I bloody love it!!!

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6 minutes ago, BlrwestSiR said:

Just catching up on your build Ernie. Nice to see the progress you're making. 



Thanks Carl, it's coming along nicely, actually. I spent many hours fitting the main airframe before starting construction, so I expect it'll be just fine.  It's definitely a Craftsman kit, no doubt, but the results are truly amazing when done.

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Just sitting there with no glue, so I’d say that for a really old resin kit, once trimmed up, the fit is bloody perfect. 

Taking the time to get this right NOW saves all kinds of grief later.  Yes, I know the cockpit coaming needs work  


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