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  • 2 weeks later...

Something kind of related that bugs me is the new Battlefield game set in WWII. In one of the game trailers they show a Brummbar rushing across the field at full speed and firing on the move, as if it was a regular frontline tank. And the game designers had the gall to say disgruntled fans didn't know history and needed to read some books. 

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In a similar vein, there was much ado recently on the IL2 Forum regarding the Fw190 A-8 variant overheating with the cowl gills closed ( counter-intuitively, the later Fw variants run cooler with the gills closed so that air circulates around the engine, and is forced by pressure through the oil radiator inside the nose ring)

Sometimes Game Developers are better served by listening to SME's and Enthusiasts.

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I would love to see some actual Brummbär footage.  There is some footage of a Stürmtiger firing at something.  But carrying only 38 rounds...  I doubt they fired on the move.  But I can imgine them advancing against a place where anti-tank guns are in defence, stopping and lobbing shells.

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2 hours ago, GazzaS said:

...  I doubt they fired on the move.  But I can imgine them advancing against a place where anti-tank guns are in defence, stopping and lobbing shells.

That is one of the lesser evils of the new Battlefield. If you love military history (especially WWII) and enjoy military-themed first person shooter games, avoid the new Battlefield or risk losing your mind and burning out your own eyes with hot pokers. Unless you like the idea of SdKfz 251's driving full speed down a dirt road towing a Flak 38 which is firing at enemy aircraft and taking them down while bouncing around on the hitch, or female British Expeditionary Forces snipers with prosthetic limbs jumping out of windows and executing perfect headshots. And in another attempt to show us uneducated haters that we are ignorant of history, the single-player campaign tells the story of the heroic mother and daughter who destroyed the German heavy water facilities at Telemark. The military's false tale that it was a team of Norwegian commandos was all a lie created by the patriarchy to suppress women. Glad they sorted that out for me; I'm so ignorant of real history and I am glad a video game developer is correcting history's mistakes..

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I was into online flight sims for a while.  Eventually my disappointment in the programmer's choices got me past the desire to fly historical aircraft.

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HI Everyone,

    More Zimmerit.  But this time with Milliput.   Because you can keep working Millput as long as it's wetted with water, you can get it very thin and still be able to shape it. 



I modified a cap head screw so that it could use it's pattern right up to another verticle plane.


Thanks for looking!



  • Like 4

Jeepers Gazz. you are nailing this. Looks stunning. One day when I grow up, I wish I will have 50% off your skills. 

  • Like 5

Merry Christmas.

On 12/7/2018 at 10:54 PM, GazzaS said:

I would love to see some actual Brummbär footage.  There is some footage of a Stürmtiger firing at something.  But carrying only 38 rounds...  I doubt they fired on the move.  But I can imgine them advancing against a place where anti-tank guns are in defence, stopping and lobbing shells.


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Drifter and Phil,

    Thank you for the refs!  Did anyone else notice that the Brummbär crew was in mixed feldgrau and black panzer uniforms in the video?



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Hi everyone,

    Three big zimmerit sessions have allowed me to complete three sides of the fighting compartment.  I tried a new method this time.  Instead of spreading the putty on to as many rows as possible, I did each row individually.  The goal was to eliminate a raised ridge between each row of toolmarks.


I started with a base row, and locations where interior angles dictated as places to start.


Then I went to exterior edges.


Once a row is dried, the excess is scraped away leaving tool marks approximately 4mm wide.


This is what the rows looked like before trimming away the excess.  There were places where a new row would cross over an older row.   I would use a water moistened paint brush to clean up the error.  But because the putty is always water soluble, it has to be done quickly, and gently with as little water as possible.


The end result shows small gaps between the rows that are tells that it was done not by a 54mm tall man, but by a man who is 1950mm tall.


I'm hoping that paint and weathering will improve the look.


Thanks for looking!




  • Like 3

Looks great Gaz and I'm sure under paint it's going to look stunning.

To my eyes it certainly looks more realistic then some of the decal type zimmerit finishes available now.

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