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Here are a couple more pictures.

20190811_152042.jpgthe head rest plate has been modified to a F6F-3 style. The rivets on the side were added with a toothpick (cocktail stick) and Perfect Plastic Putty mixed with some superglue, then just dabed on.

20190811_152023.jpgThese are the reinforcements for the -3 version. Plastic angle and rod. You will be able to see these through the side windows that I still have to add.

20190811_151959.jpghave to add the water tank and oxygen bottle.


Still have to prime and paint. This will be done in Grumman interior grey. Thats all for know have to get back to modeling.

Ron G 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just some pictures to show how good the fit is on all the cowl panels and wing to fuselage.





20190824_131956.jpgIt does fit together really nice, and will be much better once finally glued in place. 

 I found these on Ebay. They look really good and are better then the kit parts. We will see when they get here from the Ukraine.


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Hey all 

  Ok,  well there's no turning back now. I've cut out the rear windows behind the pilots head. Now I need to get some clear plastic card, probably around 0.04" thick to make the windows glass.  It took me about four to five minutes starring at it before I could get up the gumption to start cutting. I think they came out nice. Here's some pics.




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Very nice work, regarding glazing the windows, I usally work with discarded CD-covers. That works fine and can be polished back to

full clarity.


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Will be adding these from Alistair at Aerocraft.

1_24+H_CAT+u_c.jpgThese are going to be made out of brass, there shown primed.



these will be cast in grey resin. Not sure which ones I'll be using, probably will get all three.

Ron G 


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Ok the windows are in. I need to wait for the glue to dry, then its clean up time.


20190827_155847.jpgTook a ding out of the fuselage so a little putty to fix.


20190827_160124.jpgNeed to add some pipe work to these area. Vent tubes for the water injection tank system. They will be visible thru the windows on both sides, also from the lower hatch.

20190827_160139.jpgThats it for now.

Ron G 


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all 

 A little update, the wheels & tires from ResKit came in the mail. It took awhile had to come all the way from the Ukraine.

  The tires look fantastic, but I wish they had the diamond tread pattern. They have B.F. Goodrich Silvertown on the side walls along with the tire size 32 x8.8 type VII also there is some smaller print by the rim area, but it's to small to read.There is no flat spot so you have to sand one in. 

The wheels come in two pieces a front and a rear. The rear has a VERY small part that you have to add, I'm not sure what it is, but I already lost one pair to the carpet monster.:wallbash: The wheels are really nice and have all the detail of the real thing. Here are some pictures that show the difference between the resin ones and the kit ones.


20190913_154507.jpgHere are a few more pics.

20190913_154532.jpgTwo sets for two kits.



20190913_154733.jpgSide view 

20190913_154652.jpgThese are the VERY tiny hose parts that are very delicate!

20190913_154710.jpgRear wheel, its so so, not sure if its better than the kit one. Well that's all for know.

Ron G 

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  • 1 month later...

Following Aerocraft's self imposed delay to get the castings right I'm very pleased to say the aforementioned undercarriage set is now out; they are particularly nice and were worth waiting for. Damn fine work, Mr M! And while the resin main doors are a very nice bonus, the main legs (and rear) really are things of beauty - and so strong! Can't see these chaps ever bending! Highly recommended!!

Blue Skies!

Captain Boogaloo

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well guess what showed up today in the mail. That's right the two sets of landing gear, doors and tires from Alistair at Aerocraft. These are real works of art the doors are very thin, so be careful, they are very delicate I broke a piece off of one, but recovered it and it is now fixed. The landing gear legs have the brake line cast on, but they are real done well. Well here are some pictures.

20191028_153102.jpgview showing scissor links

20191028_153114.jpghere is one complete set. This is the diamond tread pattern that will be used on this (F6F-3) build. I have another set for my F6F-5 FAA bird with the straight tread pattern.

20191028_153046.jpgview showing brake line, see how it's attached to the lower part of the leg (on the left). You need to detach it (I used a fine saw) then when you assemble the leg to the wheel you can bend it and glue it to the wheel.

20191028_153031.jpgcloser view showing brake line detail running up the leg.

20191028_153012.jpgcloser view showing scissor link and attachment plug.

20191028_152948.jpgone of the landing gear extention and retraction supports.

20191028_152929.jpganother view of the support.

20191028_153315.jpgrear axle for rear wheel this will need to be trimed after installation.

20191028_153336.jpgrear landing gear showing holes for the axle.

20191028_153354.jpganother view of the rear landing gear.

20191028_154711.jpgview showing landing gear temporarily attached to the wing center section. Also you can see the support part and how it attaches.

20191028_154655.jpganother view of the landing gear on the wing center section.

20191028_165418.jpgdiamond tread pattern tires for the F6F-3.


Straight tread pattern tires for the F6F-5 FAA.

20191028_172605.jpgthis view shows Alistairs tire with ResKits wheel.

20191028_172626.jpgrear view, see the descolored nut on the lower right, thats were the brake line from the landing gear attaches, so you have to be carful when you glue the wheel to the tire to make sure you get the flat on the tire in the correct position. So what do think, I think they are fantastic and will really add to the authenticity of the finished model. So what are you waiting for go order a set, I highly recommend them.

Ron G 

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Hey guys

 I almost forgot to let you guys know that Piotr at Master Model's has two new sets for the 1/24 Hellcat. An early set for the F6F-3 Hellcat, barrels with cooling holes unshrouded set# am-24-018 and set# am-24-019 shrouded barrels for the F6F-5. They don't show on his site yet but they should be available in a week or so. So keep a look out and get a set they will make a big difference to the look of your model.

Ron G 

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Hi there - do you think you'd be able to fit the Gaspatch guns with the wings closed? I just started preparing the kit guns and they looked awful so ordered the Gaspatch ones after seeing this thread. I'd like to continue closing up the wings though and I'm not sure I'll be able to if I can't get the guns in!




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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 11/6/2019 at 1:35 PM, Grant H said:

Hi there - do you think you'd be able to fit the Gaspatch guns with the wings closed? I just started preparing the kit guns and they looked awful so ordered the Gaspatch ones after seeing this thread. I'd like to continue closing up the wings though and I'm not sure I'll be able to if I can't get the guns in!





If you are going to close up the wings, (as in gun covers on) why worry about the guns they won't be seen.

Ron G 

  • Like 2

Hi Ron,

Maybe he means once he's joined the upper and lower half of the wings together, is it still possible to fit the gaspatch  guns (they ARE the most amazingly detailed guns!!!) into the structure? Probably, but why make things harder Grant?! 

Ron, as you are doing your 'Cat as an F-3 I wondered if you might be interested in the masks for Alex Vraciu's aircraft available from The Crafting Well on eBay right now: unfortunately they don't include the kill markings etc by the cockpit, all these details are too small for masks but I did find some 1\24 axis kill marking decals on the same auction site, so just the bull's head and Felix the Cat squadron mascot badge to find/sort. I'm planning to do my model as the a\c flown by The Fighter Collection out of Duxford for many years - a cunning plan, as it flew with the F6F-5 canopy, so I don't need to make that! Hope that's of interest to you, really enjoying your build and the engine posts are a big help, too!

Btw, what size spark plugs\ boots would you recommend? I'm thinking 1\24 auto ones are going to be a bit small for an aircraft engine, I wondered maybe 1\12 or 1\18? Be interested to know your thoughts.

Blue Skies!

Captain Boogaloo


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