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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Under the knife I go!


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12 hours ago, BlrwestSiR said:

It's just before 9am now. My wife decided to call me right before 7 to make sure I was up. Here's what I got for breakfast:


I think they're trying to watch my calories...

What!!! No Honey Nut Cheerios???!!!

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12 hours ago, BlrwestSiR said:

It's just before 9am now. My wife decided to call me right before 7 to make sure I was up. Here's what I got for breakfast:


I think they're trying to watch my calories...

Good lord! Someone get this man a McRib!

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8 hours ago, 1to1scale said:

Good lord! Someone get this man a McRib!

I suggested making a brisket when I got home.  I was turned down even though I said it would be in moderation. I guess you can't celebrate surviving a heart attack with a BBQ...:rolleyes:

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21 hours ago, TJTX said:

Carl, I believe I've found the WIP thread your doctor started.   Unfortunately it was on TOS and not here, so its devolved into an argument over the proper color of the crimson for the heart muscle....


LMAO ... Now that IS hilarious :D

I think the shape of the lower left ventricle is off ... and the diameter on the Aorta looks a bit big to my eye ...

Surface detail is a bit overdone ... Obviously a Trumpeter 'B' Team effort!!

Rog :)

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40 minutes ago, Clunkmeister said:

It’s funny how trivial kits actually become when we’re face with the our own mortality. 

Nothing like a good dose of reality to bring it all into focus

Very true. I'd been thinking about this even before the heart attack. Especially with the 4 engine heavies that we have sometimes accumulated.

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4 hours ago, BlrwestSiR said:

I suggested making a brisket when I got home.  I was turned down even though I said it would be in moderation. I guess you can't celebrate surviving a heart attack with a BBQ...:rolleyes:

Why NOT??   Carl, IF you don't say any thing I sure as Hell won't tell, and besides as has been mentioned here on this site..." if there are NO pics , it didn't happen"......................... so to me it looks like you CAN celebrate with a BBQ........................  no one saw it happen....:rofl:


ssssshhhhhhhh ....................... it's our secret:ph34r:

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1 hour ago, BlrwestSiR said:

Good news is I'm discharged from the hospital. 

I just need to survive the drive home with Mr parents. Wish me luck.


It would be really ironic and bad luck to survive a heart attack (even if « mild ») to get caught in a road accident on the way back from hospital :construction:.

 Fingers crossed for you Carl  ;)

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Get well soon, do as they say, and keep taking the pills.

I was very lucky one heart attack, one stent and kicked out to go home. While I was rolling on the floor having said heart attack my wife shouted through to ask if I wanted a cup of tea, I said yes and managed to drink it, now we know the restorative power of tea. But it was really the nice people at the cardiac rehab unit that really got me back to full fitness.

Take it easy


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Made it home safe a few hours ago. The boys were with my sister so I didn't see them until after dinner. They were happy to see me and then claim dibs on my side of the bed. I'm in the den as it's closest to the bathroom. Honestly, it was just great to get home.

One thing I hadn't realized was that it was my mom's 72nd birthday too. It got a bit lost in the chaos of my predicament.  Thankfully they did something simple to celebrate it at my sister's place.

Guys, thanks for your company through this along with the advice and laughs (thankfully no popped stitches. Yet). It was worth it being able to check in and read the new posts. 

I still haven't seen the bench yet. Maybe in the coming week. We're still figuring out what to make foodwise and coordinating getting the boys to school and home. Hopefully it won't be long until a sense of normalcy (ie chaos) returns here.

Thanks again,




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On 11/3/2019 at 1:45 AM, Wumm said:

Excellent news Carl!

(No Brisket)


Sue and think we'll have a BBQ (probably in the spring) to thank everyone that helped us out and get through this. So maybe a little brisket then, something to look forward to sharing and show our appreciation to our neighbours and colleagues.

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