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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Share how COVID-19 Quarantine has affected you.


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48 minutes ago, harv said:

As of midnight Sunday, the entire state of Missouri is under orders to stay home. Of course you can go out for supplies, gas, ect. I'm just wondering if we are allowed on the lake.  They did say recreational outside was ok as long as you are 6 ft apart and no more than 2......harv

Go for it! Just you and your beer, that 2 right?

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The laws vary from each state, some allow personal exercise, some allow one other person. Here in TN, we can get curbside to go margaritas! They are still being a little cranky about drinking them in the car...:police:

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Thats what isolation is doing to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


and whatever you do dont ask me about rigging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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10 minutes ago, GusMac said:

Our local micro brewery is still doing deliveries and has now added frozen pies to their repertoire, so I feel a pie and a pint coming on!!

God, wish we had that !!......harv

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8 hours ago, smitty44 said:

Guy down in L.A got arrested for paddle boarding alone near Malibu. Faces $1000 dollar fine, 6 months in jail.

Similar things are also transpiring here. None of these new laws have been Legislated by any act of Parliament at either State or Federal level. The Australian Government has set down guidelines, and the various States are allowed to enforce the rules according to their own whim... Without the approval of the general public through the democratic process that the Nation is supposed to operate under.

A study has been conducted in and is being pushed heavily throughout the Media about the dangers of complacency and the need to continue Social Distancing. The graph shows the number of new cases between 70% of the population complying, when compared to 80% and 90%. The hashed line at the right however shows what will likely happen if Social Distancing is abandoned... it all goes back to unchecked and rampant infections.


So it's becoming increasingly clear that this is now the new normal. Australia is going to ride this out until a Vaccine is available, however long this takes. 6 months, 12months, however long, there is no other plan, no end strategy, no other option. And damn the consequences.


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I worry about how much of our civil liberties we will actually get back in Australia. Police seem to have gone mad with the power, fining people for sitting on park benches, or in one case,  a woman was fined for sitting in her car having a coke or harassing people just out doing the shopping. Fishing being banned is ridiculous and this is the problem, the more stupid restrictions you make, the less likely people are to follow them and the less respect authority will get. We all know, once a civil liberty is lost, very seldom do you get it back.

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12 hours ago, GusMac said:

Our local micro brewery is still doing deliveries and has now added frozen pies to their repertoire, so I feel a pie and a pint coming on!!

Lucky you, yesterday Spain announced the prolonging of the very strict house arrest until the 26.04. and there will be further extensions with conditions to be adjusted depending the figures, whew, we are in stasis since three weeks, with three more to come. A micro brew would be great or food which is not home prepared (no take aways allowed to serve here), or at least biking, running, surfing or swimming, which I mostly do alone even in normal times, due to the small population on my island.

Cheers Rob

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10 hours ago, BradG said:

I worry about how much of our civil liberties we will actually get back in Australia. Police seem to have gone mad with the power, fining people for sitting on park benches, or in one case,  a woman was fined for sitting in her car having a coke or harassing people just out doing the shopping. Fishing being banned is ridiculous and this is the problem, the more stupid restrictions you make, the less likely people are to follow them and the less respect authority will get. We all know, once a civil liberty is lost, very seldom do you get it back.

"The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws."


A fellow was out jogging today in Newtown and upon returning home stopped and bought a kebab. He was arrested. 

My neighbor witnessed it and told me.

One grave problem I foresee in the current world trend toward fascism,  is that these people will use this virus as a path to more power and greater control.

Whilst Australia is not an obvious place for this, the Right has been taking rights away from the citizens beginning with Howard. The Port Arthur massacre sadly helped propell this. Soon followed by unions being kept off premises by the police and paid strong men. Priests/pastors placed into public schools has had a shocking result. I fear the country under some church supported by the state. Many parents of students are very concerned.

I hardly recognise Australia these days.

History moves in cycles and events play out the same way over and over. Humanity never seems to learn.

"Man will never be free until the last King is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."


Two of my favourite suthors, Tacitus and Voltaire.  :D

Where did I put my glue?

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I am watching the Queen give her address.  I can't believe how young she looks. 

Amazing, she is able to talk about moving the kids out of London during the Blitz and how in a way it resembles this period. She was there in 1940 and knows what she is talking about. Referencing 1940 is a smart move. I am sure the British bulldog will prevail. All the while with quiet dignity.

I am cut off from seeing people outside but from what I see it is calm. My doctor was adamant that I not go out. I had planned to go shopping very early this morning but forgot to set my alarm and will go tomorrow. My hot water system has broken down and my kitchen flooded, and then my mop broke. This affected yesterday's modelling.

I have to get to the chemist tomorrow due to running out of my medication. I take serious amounts of medicine each day. Some days if I get the mix wrong it affects my brain. This has been happening over the last 3 days. I have had to mix some with others to control my hands and feet. Although numb, the nerve damage causes lots of pain, and my hands and feet feel ice cold with thousands of needles jabbing. Modelling really hurts but I must keep going. It is hard to keep them still.

They'll be fine tomorrow. 

Good luck to us all. 


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Is there no-one who can bring you medications and food supplies Dale?

I know that I was able to collect drugs of dependency for my former Partner several years ago, do you have other options open to you rather than being forced to venture outside at this time?

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5 hours ago, Wumm said:

Is there no-one who can bring you medications and food supplies Dale?

I know that I was able to collect drugs of dependency for my former Partner several years ago, do you have other options open to you rather than being forced to venture outside at this time?

Hi mate.

Yes I can and loads of people have offered. I am waiting until I really need help. Although a pain, to me it is annoying. I will wait until I really need help. I hate to put people out.

It did affect my modelling today. I have had to go back 3 times following a paint job to fix things. I am fixing things now on my little Kawasaki T-4. 

I am also working on a Tamiya Douglas Skyray. I thought it would be an easy Tamiya build. Nothing could be further from the truth. Nothing fits. So I have to treat it like I would a limited run kit. Even the canopy is an absolute shocker.  Dog of a kit.

The plumber came and stopped my flood. He can't repair it though. An electrician must do it.

However one plus today. My student, Dean's band Grenade jumper (cool name) released their first film clip. Do us a favour and check it out.

Dean also has leukemia and was a great help when I fell ill.

Cool band.

Grenade jumper. Heat wave.

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Other than Cathy with PMS ( Putting up with MY Shit ) :ph34r:, nothing really outrageous...  I try to follow the daily up dates, ( the one from our Prime Minister is somewhat painful ) and waiting for it to stop damn snowing....... rare for us at this time of year, but never the less, another skiff this morning.... we are doing our best to stay home and behave. I am trying to get my zen back and finish a kit or two................   ( I am going some where here ) I went to the bench and I have a small DVD player there I have on while I'm farting around, usually have some good stuff playing like Hogan's Heroes, MASH, The Blue Max, etc....... I recently bought a copy of A Gathering of Eagles, with Rock Hudson and Rod Taylor.................. I had for gotten what a good one that was,  old school KC 135's with the high viz orange nose and tails, B 52's, T 33's, HO4S helicopter.......... what a treasure trove of nice clean old school REAL airplanes, and a good story to go along with it...................... are you guys looking at any old school aviation movies during this time of quietness??

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15 hours ago, Sir Desmond Glazebrook said:

However one plus today. My student, Dean's band Grenade jumper (cool name) released their first film clip. Do us a favour and check it out.

Dean also has leukemia and was a great help when I fell ill.

Cool band.

Grenade jumper. Heat wave.

Very cool video Dale. Your pupil seems to have a very good rapport with the bass player and the singer is also very good. Hope they have a bit of success and lots of fun with it.

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Hi guys.

One way I have been going through this is with new medication. It is making me a little insane. I have just awoken in shock following an incredible nightmare that has left me shaking in shock.

If I have posted anything that seems out of character over the last couple of weeks, please ignore. 

It is simply the combination of medication in large amounts. It has been making me hallucinate. For example, I have to resist calling the police at 2.02 AM wanting to tell them how I had to kill someone attacking children.

It wasn't real. It wasn't real. I've been in isolation. 

I must contact my team in the morning and change this combination of medication. 

My entire personality changes. It happened over 3 months while I was living in Royal North Shore Hospital. It led to me giving nursing staff a terrible time. I was insane. This insanity is not natural, it is chemically induced.

If I have posted anything at all that seems mad or insulting, please understand it is not me. Not Dale.

I am so sorry if this creature (me) insulted anyone at all.

I will stay awake and ride this out. I cannot think of sleep. I am shaking like a dog frightened by a terrible loud noise.

This creature is not me. Please understand. 



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Don't worry at all Dale,

You haven't been responsible for anything untoward that I've seen. Certainly no worse than any other of us Nutcases!

I'm sorry if I ribbed you a little about the political side of things. I sometimes forget about the effects the medication can often have on you. My former Partner was on some wicked meds going through M.S. - she had horrible nerve pain daily, and would cycle through waves of delirium and lucidity during the course of a normal day. She once called the Police on me because I wouldn't come over and clean the leaves out of the roof gutters.

If I can allay your fears a little, my now Brother-in-Law is a Police Despatcher, and I can tell you that they get all types of calls especially in the middle of the night, and have special training to separate the genuine calls from everything else. So try to not worry so much about that side of things, and try to stay safe Buddy.

We've got your back.

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