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Everything posted by Spitfire

  1. That's looking great, what paint did you use for the undersides ? Cheers Dennis
  2. Nice to see this one again, must get mine out of the loft. Cheers Dennis
  3. I just use Zap-A-Gap medium CA+ on everything, I apply it by first putting the CA on a plate then I use a toothpick to apply it to parts, but I do use Klear on my clear parts first to stop them frosting. Cheers Dennis
  4. They look to be a must have item in the decal file. Cheers Dennis
  5. That's certainly one on my list of "must haves" Cheers Dennis
  6. As it seems to be the only game in town I have one on order to be converted to a WW2 F3 when the Fisher conversion comes out, it seems to be the only way to complete my RAF WW2 collection, and no don't even think about a vac jobbie. Cheers Dennis
  7. That looks good, will have to investigate, thanks for the review Cheers Dennis
  8. Sounds great to me the Fokker DXXI, Yak-9 and La-5 would all fit into my collection well, as long as I don't have to sell a kidney to get them ! Cheers Dennis
  9. Great job of a very "challenging" paint scheme. Cheers Dennis
  10. I had a similar thing happen to me with an AZUR MS406 what I did was to cut out the front "pane" and replace it with some clear sheet, not perfect but it saved the work that I had already put into the build, it might work on yours and give a more frameless appearance as a bonus. here's what I did. http://forum.largescaleplanes.com/index.php?showtopic=47465&page=2 Cheers Dennis
  11. Looks good, I will follow this one with interest as I have just retrieved the same kit from the loft, bought a quickboost seat and exhausts and copied the Mig-3 build thread over on Massimo's site, especially all the cockpit colours, plus I've also got the Montex paint mask set as well. Spooky Cheers Dennis
  12. Nice job, that looks great, nicely weathered. Cheers Dennis
  13. My favourite kits of 2013 are PCM and Special Hobby, the Hawker Tempest, and the Fiat G-50, both significant aircraft that have not been kitted by the "mainstream" manufacturers before in 1/32 scale. This has been particularly frustrating in the case of the Hawker Tempest which was arguably the RAF's best fighter aircraft of WW2 but has been ignored by the kit makers. Cheers Dennis
  14. Fantastic, the finish and weathering are perfect, one to be proud of Cheers Dennis
  15. That's impressive and very neatly stored, mine are just thrown up in to the loft ! Cheers Dennis
  16. I just need the F Mk III conversion to justify buying yet another kit ! Cheers Den
  17. Very simply I must build more, in 2012 I built one kit, in 2013 this rose to 2 kits, I must do better in 2014 ! Cheers Den
  18. It looks like you are doing a great job of what is a difficult paint scheme, if you can stop going cross eyed it will look great in the end. Cheers Dennis
  19. A great years work, and a nice diversity of subjects. Cheers Dennis
  20. Now that looks really nice, and in a very different paint scheme, great work Cheers Dennis
  21. Absolutely fantastic, great build, great finish, and it's a Spitfire, what more could you ask for, Santa fetched me this kit but I don't think mine will be quite up to this standard when it's built. Cheers Dennis
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