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Everything posted by belugawhaleman

  1. Not much more here, some progress. I've got the hull closed up and I'll be going for the turrets and the superstructure soon. A word or two about those screens on each side, definitely, if you make this kit leave these off until just before you paint! While handling the kit, these kept getting damaged And I had to fix them many times. Now they are on ,but they have a "battle damaged" look to them.
  2. I've been working on Meng's big French Char 2 c. I had some trouble with the photo etch grills on the side of tank. Glued one to my thumb, but I managed to get them on the tank eventually. I think I'll use a different glue when I do the other side. Otherwise, things are going well so far. The road wheels took a long to assemble--- very tedious. One things sure, this is going to be a big model!
  3. I looked up Cry Wolf on my Kindle. It's available as an E-book from Amazon for $ 9.99. Looks like an interesting read as do Wilbur Smith's other books.
  4. The aftermarket resin wheels for the Meng Rolls-Royce came today. They are made by Djiti's production and represent 1920 pattern disc wheels. Not sure if I'll be using these or the kit wheels. They look o.k. but I'm not overly impressed.
  5. Oh! I must get the Big Godzilla! looks like great fun!
  6. This Meng Rolls-Royce armoured car arrived in the mail today. 1/35 large scale? Well, not in this case. It's going to build up small. I've heard that a truly accurate 1914 model can't be built from this model due to things like the turret being too tall and staggered vision slits etc. Well, anyway, I'm going to build a 1920 pattern version but without the sand tires. They are nice, but I don't like the look of them. Instead, I've purchased some resin replacement 1920 disc wheels. I'll show them when they arrive. I haven't built anything in awhile. I'm working on getting my workspace organized. I'm not sure if I'll get back to the Renault Ft or do something else. Anyway here's a picture of the Meng kit. It really looks a nice kit.
  7. Looks like a great book. I'm always frustrated by my lack of figure painting skills and this Looks like wonderful reference material to lead me ( or, almost anyone) in the right direction. Thanks for posting, I'll look out for this one.
  8. Das Werk Junkers Ef 126. This little "what if" kit caught my eye.
  9. Because of the rear entry?
  10. This also came in the mail today after a long awaited "Special order in Europe" Kitlinx order.
  11. Gee, I wish I had said that.........Seriously, I agree, these will build up to be on the small side.
  12. This Takom Whippet tank just arrived. It looks like a nice kit. I now have both the Meng and Takom kits to build
  13. Oh be joyful ! . What a glorious day ! it has Arrived I now see, given your experiences, things could have been a lot worse. It's surprising how things can change in just Twelve hours.
  14. What a strange, long trip it has been!
  15. Great news! I checked my tracking this morning and I discovered my shipment has made miraculous progress in the last 12 hours. it's currently out for delivery as I write this. Last night I was surprised to see that, not only had it departed Sennan-shi, Japan but was in Indianapolis. From there, it had arrived next in Chicago and then in Waukegan Illinois. Now it's on the truck headed to Gurnee. That's amazing progress in Twelve hours. Well, it hasn't arrived yet, so Fedex might still screw things up. On the other hand; my package from California (paint) traveled to New Berlin, Wisconsin ,bypassing my address by about 45 miles north of where I live, instead of coming through Chicago and Waukegan. Makes no sense.
  16. Oh be joyful!! Just got an update on my shipment from California. It's in Indianapolis, Indiana. It doesn't really, (at least to me), make any sense for it to be there as I live in northeastern Illinois (Gurnee, Illinois) but we're talking fedex. I'm very disappointed with Fedex's handling of my HLJ order. I paid almost as much for shipping as the item itself. I've been looking for the Takom Whippet on a bunch of websites, always finding it out of stock. So when I saw it available on HLJ I jumped at the chance, never realizing it would lead to a frustrating experience.
  17. The first time I ordered from Hobby link Japan I got the item in a week. that was not so long ago.
  18. Sorry to hear that. I guess that's what I to look forward to. The Fedex customer representative cited trouble at their Memphis facility. I, (unfortunately) have used Fedex before, and have never recalled seeing Memphis in my tracking history before. I paid a lot for shipping to get this item from Japan. I'm not getting my money's worth.
  19. Is anyone else having problems with Fedex lately? I have a package I'm waiting on from Hobby link Japan that's been sitting in Sennan-shi for over a week with no signs of movement or progress. I also have one coming from California, and the tracking hasn't been updated at all for over a week. All I know about that one is that it departed Bloomington California over a week ago. Both these shipments are being handled by Fedex.
  20. Wowsers! That box was loaded with sprues! Did it burst when you opened it?
  21. This. came in the mail yesterday; A Meng medium tank A "Whippet" the Takom Whippet is also on its way from Hobbylink Japan.
  22. Unfortunately, my model building endeavors have been put on hold this week because my mother was hospitalized for trouble with her gallbladder. Yesterday, she had surgery to remove the gallbladder, and is now doing well. I'll get back this build when I can. The braided fishing line I'll use for the wiring arrived on Monday. It looks like it might work out ok.
  23. Yes, I noticed that ! I saw a lot of tempting stuff there, including a punch for punching hex shapes, I never heard of such a thing.
  24. Harv, Nice work on your engine. How did you attach your ignition wires? Had a look at the UMM usa website. Interesting.
  25. wow! That's really turning out nice.
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