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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. A quick one for today. Made my first attempt at zimmerit that wasn't AM. I used a Tamiya trowel set and Vallejo putty. It seemed to work out well.
  2. There's so much room on your workbench. I didn't have anywhere that kind of space working on mine. Can't believe how big the P-47 is in the background. Carl
  3. That Harv, is one big chunk of resin. You could almost use it to bludgeon someone if you were in a pinch. Carl
  4. I pre-ordered the HK Lancaster from Kitlinx. They had the best price I could find and more importantly, a reasonable shipping charge to Canada for what I anticipate to be a fairly large box. But absolutely the most important criteria was I had the funds at the time. For the WNW ones, it'll have to depend on the price and if I have the funds available at that time. Carl
  5. Isn't that the truth! I did that on the Group tracks for my Firefly. Had the wire nicely imbedded in my finger. Decided to change my approach after that.
  6. Thanks Harv! These seem to be coming out of the woodwork. Which is I guess a good thing.
  7. Not sure what I'm thinking but it seems I'm pulling out more stalled builds than ever and getting back to them these days. So here's another to add to my overflowing bench. While I was looking for track sets for my Firefly VC, I found a set of Karaya zinc tracks for a late Tiger. After some goofing around, I had one run assembled and started on the second. And here's the Tiger in its current state: There's a nice coat of dust to clean off and then I can get started on it again. Carl
  8. I do like haggis a fair bit. Which endears me to my father-in-law I guess. My in-laws are originally from Scotland but have been in Canada for almost 50 years.Her aunt is in Ladybank and she's got cousins in Edinburgh. So lots of driving around in an MPV on some great (fun?) roads between places. I don't play golf but we did visit St Andrews and had lunch in their clubhouse. Back on topic, Ive been plugging away at the B-25s so haven't done much on my FW. Carl
  9. I finally hit a major milestone and got the fuselages closed up. The joints were fairly decent. I had a bit of a gap on the lower seam of French Kiss but it eventually closed up on a second pass with cement. Time to let the seams set up a bit so I'll start on the wings. Carl
  10. Thanks! I still can't believe I did that much work on them. Which will be barely visible. Thanks Rob! A set of crew figures would have been cool but then I'd be looking at another year since I'm not the best at figure painting.
  11. I couldn't find the deep fried Mars bars thankfully. But I had my share of haggis. Plus fish and chips in Anstruther, where we were staying. And I can't forget the wonderful whisky. My father-in-law is a retired pathologist and my sister-in-law is an ER doc so I get to hear about the effects of heart disease and other ailments/injuries on a regular basis. Makes for great after dinner stories Carl
  12. Great review James. I built this kit a couple years ago and really enjoyed it. Carl
  13. Looking good John. I don't think I've seen one of your Corsairs with the wings folded. Carl
  14. You make it look so easy Ernie. I don't know how you teach a squirrel to kick like a Rockettes! The Mustang is pretty awesome too. Carl
  15. Harv, I'm thinking of doing the P-1 next so it may not be a long wait. Carl
  16. These arrived today: Thankfully the contents fine as the boxes didn't take too well to their shipment from Hong Kong. Now I have the donor kits for my AIMS C-6 and P-1 conversions. My dog didn't take too well to having to wait for her dinner while I checked the contents. Carl
  17. The waist gun is now done. So for Betty's Dream, I have the nose gear to install and the hatch covers for the two crew entranceways. Then she's ready to be closed up. Carl
  18. I actually picked up both the HK and Tamiya Mossies when they first came out and did a double build of them side by side. It was fun seeing the different approaches the two companies took to their kits. Sadly it didn't last much past this photo. Having built their Mossie and currently working on a pair of their B-25s, I'd say that I'm confident the fit will be fine in production kits. I think I had almost next to no filler on the Mossie and there's barely any so far on my B-25s. Carl
  19. Well, after seeing this I did the only logical thing and pre-ordered the HB B-24J. Carl
  20. I guess I'd better start saving for an addition to the house. For those that are interested in the Dambusters version, I recently picked up this book. It's a great reference source and has a history for every Lancaster that flew the mission. Carl
  21. Leaving the buckles on the fret is a big help. If you look at the pictures on the instructions I posted, you'll see that Wako even lays out their fret in a way to make it easier to do so. It's too bad we can't get HGW to do something similar. One other thing you may want to do. I usually paint the backside of the belts as they're usually white. This helps with jumbled up look. It's also easier to paint them while they're still attached. Carl
  22. Thanks Martin! I'm getting close to where I can close up the fuselages. Maybe this weekend? Carl
  23. The closet I've come to the speed of JohnB is my Revell 1/32 Spitfire V conversion I did this summer in 13 days. Still don't know how I pulled that one off though. Carl
  24. Cool! I'm planning to approach from the other way by starting with a Tamiya XVI and grafting on a Griffon power egg to it. Carl
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