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Shizuoka show report

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26 minutes ago, Peterpools said:

Bring on Tamiya’s F4B Phantom - looks spectacular

Keep ‘em comin




My LHS had one built up already. It looks good indeed. They've got it listed for $135 CAD which is around what the F-14s go for here. 

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15 hours ago, BlrwestSiR said:

Rog? :lol: 

It does look pretty cool so depending on the price I may just get one.

I'm not sure ... it doesn't appear to be Wolfe Flakken's Experimental Dimensional Space Submarine to me  ... anyway ... Scrolling down ...


The first kit that caught my eye was the 1/20 Tamiya Lotus 33 F1  ... I really like that one :)

Then the sign on the table that says "Lets Reboot Dragon" ... I hope, besides the box art, that translates to ... lets get rid rid of DS tracks!! ... also

The Panzer II Ausf.F Afrika Corps in 1/35 ... complete (at last) with Rommel Bin.

Then under that pic ... the Lotus 99T ... although there's no scale mentioned or who the manufacturer is??

Then we have a bunch of Mecha ... followed by our space subs ... and they are 1/700 - awkward next to my 1/500 Yamato so I'll probably pass anyway ...

Down a little further Takom have a 1/35 Pz.I Ausf.B that might be likely ...

Then theres a big FlaK 88mm but not scale or manufacturer there either

Then Tamiya's Panzer IV Ausf.G (early) ... the artist formally known as the F2 until recently. Which I've had my eye on for a while ... Tamiya started the whole link and length track thing with a Pz.II kit they released a few years back ... It's obviously caught on - Its Takom's MO now... and I THINK even Dragon has realised that its the happy medium between Magic Track and DS. All the right detail ... no real issues ... and complete with figurines (a bit of a Tamiya standard from way back). In box reviews seem good and it seems a good buy :)

Next is the rather drool-worthy Sauber Mercedes ... and finally the Kettengrad ... other than that I'm not into most of what there though ... didn't see ZM there at all either??

Rog :)






I'm looking at Dragons Pz.II

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1 hour ago, Peterpools said:

Is this a sign that 32nd scale is fading to the last of the major scales on manufactures want to produce lists?

Keep 'em comin


I don't think so Peter. Look at the new kits coming from Europe. Special Hobby's Whirlwind has just started shipping. Same with ICM's A-1H Cobra. Then there's JetMads and their Viggen and Lear jet nevermind the other planned releases they have. 

I think the Japanese manufacturers might be taking a break but others are picking up the slack. 

So where's my CF-100 dammit???:D



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3 hours ago, BlrwestSiR said:

I don't think so Peter. Look at the new kits coming from Europe. Special Hobby's Whirlwind has just started shipping. Same with ICM's A-1H Cobra. Then there's JetMads and their Viggen and Lear jet nevermind the other planned releases they have. 

I think the Japanese manufacturers might be taking a break but others are picking up the slack. 

So where's my CF-100 dammit???:D



There’s a 3D design for the CF-100, that can be printed in 1/32 scale. Just ask Ernie and Mike (Seiran) about it.

It’s A LOT of progress compared to the previous 50 years ;) ...

Hubert, also waiting for a CF-100

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2 minutes ago, Martinnfb said:

Well let us fix it up a little :) Spad XIII and Caudron are on the way. Nothing wrong with a new giant manga robot on the shelf, but .... :)




I could venture that WnW would have sold more Spad XIII and Caudron G-3 than Gotha G1 and UWD, and maybe would still be around... But then, that’s just me looking for trouble :sofa: 

Well done CSM !


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7 hours ago, Martinnfb said:

Well let us fix it up a little :) Spad XIII and Caudron are on the way. Nothing wrong with a new giant manga robot on the shelf, but .... :)




That thing makes DH.2 rigging look like a walk in the park! Kudos to CSM; I can't wait to get my hands on their Spad XIII.

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7 hours ago, HubertB said:

I could venture that WnW would have sold more Spad XIII and Caudron G-3 than Gotha G1 and UWD, and maybe would still be around... But then, that’s just me looking for trouble :sofa: 

Well done CSM !



Anything but fighters was a huge mistake until they ran out of well-liked fighters to make.

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On 5/17/2021 at 2:27 PM, GazzaS said:

What caught my eye was the figures for the Tamiya 1/35 scale Pz IVG. They look really nice and natural.

I know, right?? ...

This is what I was alluding to on my comment for Andys Model Headquarters review of the Border Tiger - How far along we've come now in model parts casting ... a long long way since Dragon was the king of the hill ... now a 10,000,000 parts count and supreme accuracy are all they have going for them ... very little extras in the box (if any now) - and until they start either reissuing Magic Track or turn everything into a Neo Smart Kit with link-and-length tracks, you really need to go AM - on what is already an expensive kit - for decent track sag ... This Tamiya kit is a perfect example of the comparison between Dragon and the rest of the competition now ... In Australian Pesos I can buy the Dragon kit $83.00, While I can get the Tamiya Kit for $80 ... Now the mouldings, detail level and accuracy are about on par ... The Dragon kit comes with some additional photo etch and copper cable ... and the Tamiya kit comes with string, poly caps, copper cable AND a set of figurines. The dragon kit will have the dodgy DS tracks ... while Tamiya is using the link and length style they've made so popular now ... also the Tamiya kit has a MUCH less parts count meaning less headaches in the build.

20 hours ago, Peterpools said:

Is this a sign that 32nd scale is fading to the last of the major scales on manufactures want to produce lists?

Keep 'em comin



19 hours ago, BlrwestSiR said:

I don't think so Peter. Look at the new kits coming from Europe. Special Hobby's Whirlwind has just started shipping. Same with ICM's A-1H Cobra. Then there's JetMads and their Viggen and Lear jet nevermind the other planned releases they have. 

I think the Japanese manufacturers might be taking a break but others are picking up the slack. 

So where's my CF-100 dammit???:D



I actually don't think so on both counts ...

1/32 is still kicking along. In China - Trumpeter/Hobby Boss are ticking along as usual ... Border released 1/35 kits and maybe the (overwhelming) feedback will push them into moving forward in 1/32 instead. In Japan - Hasegawa hasn't really produced anything startlingly new in ages even re-pops have dried up a bit.... but Tamiya just did an alternate parts/decals re-pop of their Mustang so maybe nothing NEW, new but at least they're dipping a foot in every now and then ... I wouldn't be surprised to see a Bomber/Recon perspex nosed version of the Tamiya Mosquito at some point ... the instruction booklet has a picture of that version on the cover along with the FB ... and the modular design of the kit lends itself to a 1 sprue addition/swap ... ZM are working on multiple 1/32 designs in the background ... and in the next OM Blog we're going to be reading about where were up to in a couple of the designs to come. In Europe - Infinity model is JUST getting going ... with about 5 announced subjects in development (including a Val and a Kate which I'll definitely be up for) ...

With any new start up like ZM (2010??) or Infinity (2018-19??), one or two kits are worked on initially with a gestation period of about 5 years given all the corrections to processes and BS that goes on behind the scenes ... meanwhile other concepts are worked on behind closed doors ... and slowly the product-to-market gathers momentum ... of course market slowdowns can have the same effect - the company stops designing or mothballs certain projects that haven't reached moulding or test shot stage ... as the market recovers (and the company) ... these projects may be re-engaged  although to us the timing seems all weird due to the delays.

1/32 is alive and well and to be honest ... my stash could use the break!!

Rog :) 

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Well observed Rog, on the 1/35 AFV’s, here in the UK the Border Tiger 1 is retailing for around £60.00 which would be 109AUD.  With Dragon over here prices for say for the Nashorn can be up and beyond the £70.00 mark. The new Pz III N Kursk Neo is £75.00 plus postage. I understand perfectly the cost to market etc etc but £60 to £75 for an AFV is getting IMHO a little pricey. Also the younger modellers may not be able to afford them therefore negating future sales……:2c:

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On 5/17/2021 at 6:51 AM, Artful69 said:

I'm not sure ... it doesn't appear to be Wolfe Flakken's Experimental Dimensional Space Submarine to me  ... anyway ... Scrolling down ...


The first kit that caught my eye was the 1/20 Tamiya Lotus 33 F1  ... I really like that one :)

Then the sign on the table that says "Lets Reboot Dragon" ... I hope, besides the box art, that translates to ... lets get rid rid of DS tracks!! ... also

The Panzer II Ausf.F Afrika Corps in 1/35 ... complete (at last) with Rommel Bin.

Then under that pic ... the Lotus 99T ... although there's no scale mentioned or who the manufacturer is??

Then we have a bunch of Mecha ... followed by our space subs ... and they are 1/700 - awkward next to my 1/500 Yamato so I'll probably pass anyway ...

Down a little further Takom have a 1/35 Pz.I Ausf.B that might be likely ...

Then theres a big FlaK 88mm but not scale or manufacturer there either

Then Tamiya's Panzer IV Ausf.G (early) ... the artist formally known as the F2 until recently. Which I've had my eye on for a while ... Tamiya started the whole link and length track thing with a Pz.II kit they released a few years back ... It's obviously caught on - Its Takom's MO now... and I THINK even Dragon has realised that its the happy medium between Magic Track and DS. All the right detail ... no real issues ... and complete with figurines (a bit of a Tamiya standard from way back). In box reviews seem good and it seems a good buy :)

Next is the rather drool-worthy Sauber Mercedes ... and finally the Kettengrad ... other than that I'm not into most of what there though ... didn't see ZM there at all either??

Rog :)






I'm looking at Dragons Pz.II

The lotus 99T is from beemax and 1/12

Looking forward to that




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3 hours ago, mark31 said:

yes the are there but wiil it be model kits and what scale

keeping myfingers crosd for 1/24



Oh me too , Mark, but I would be happy even with 1/35, I can't see who the manufacturer is though.... any ideas ? And I have heard nothing of this if it is to be forthcoming or not....

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