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UNDERWAY: 4/21/19


Eager to get going, a cleared, cleaned and washed bench; I was ready and rolling. My plan: follow the instructions A-Z and use the Brett Green’s 1/24 Typhoon book as my guide. Up first is the front wing spar and as soon as I cut the tree pieces from the frets; flash backs to my first attempt years ago:  MOLDING LINES everywhere and I mean everywhere! Every linear inch of every exposed edge, of every part had a mold/parting seams that needed to be removed. My motto, just do what needs to be done and the mold lines were removed. The Tiffy’s instructions are in a book form and care needs to be taken! Parts and assemblies are drawn in an’ isometric manor’ and figuring out which way is not that easy for these old eyes; thank goodness I had Brett’s book to fall back on. Even after figuring out the correct orientation, understanding how part are attached isn’t a walk in the park either. Once I fell into the groove, I made progress at a nice pace, where the vast portion of construction time to this point was spent removing zillions of mold lines.  Some research showed that the interior colors schemes break down into three modeling camps ranging from aluminum and black to black and RAF Interior Green to just RAF Interior Green. Even in Brett’s book, the two builds used different interior color schemes! I’m going with the main builds scheme of Black and RAF Interior Green, which will involve some tricky air brush work but seems to look the best.

I’ve take basic air brush work has been completed and of course, I’m just not sure how much I am actually going to use – I’ll just see how it goes. The kit’s seatbelts and harnesses are molded plastic and have already been regulated to the parts box. Eduard’s PE set is pretty flat and dull looking, so I bit the bullet and ordered the HGW set. While I was at it I bit the bullet again and bought two Montex mask sets as well; just not sure how much of the masks I’ll be using and how much of the decals will be used. Of course, I’ve never used a mask set before, so there is going to be a lot of new territory to cover down the road.

Looking at the Tiffy as she stands right now, the detail is brilliant – may not be 100% correct but sure looks good and busy.

Thanks for checking in











  • Like 13

OK............. I'm here now, looks like a front row seat, with Harv....... Peter you move as fast as John does, LOTS done already, looking really good and straight......

  • Like 3

Thanks Jeff

Bookmarked and surely will be of great help. Geting ready to shoot the RAF INterior Green on first and then in a few days, I'll strat adding the flat black


  • Like 5


Awesome Tiffy! Great advice and I've been super carefully cleaning up every part and triple checking the fit as I go.

Is there a link to your build as I'm sure there are gems of tips and techniques to follow and learn.


  • Like 5

Hi Peter, I'm in for your build. Speaking of masks, I got a great set from Maketar for mine, including canopy, roundels, wheel masks and lettering. They are Kabuki style and great to work with.

Cheers Rob

  • Like 5
4 hours ago, Peterpools said:

Thanks Jeff but not even Superman; Faster then a speeding bullet moves as fats as John



  • Like 6


Glad you're strapped in and along r the journey. I bought the Montex mask set knowing zippo about how to use them while I was ordering the HGW seatbelt set (trying to save a bit on shipping). I'm hoping they work the same as the Maketar masks as I'm sure they aren't Kabuki style. I'll do some testing when they arrive and see how it goes. Of course, my biggest concern is using the the correct paint colors.


  • Like 5

Good start, Peter!

I'm glad to see you got all of those tubes together.  Strange construction for such a late period.  I almost expect to see it covered with canvas!



  • Like 4

Great start there Peter! The Montex masks will be vinyl. They're going to be more forgiving compared to Kabuki tape. One thing you should get is called transfer film. It will allow you to apply the mask in one piece and helps keep things aligned when you do.  It's fairly cheap and you can find it on Amazon. There's different kinds too. I have some that's like a thicker, less sticky kabuki tape and I have a roll that's like the vinyl the masks are made from. Both have pros and cons. 

If you have any questions about using them, especially for the roundels, just ask. I've got a bunch of step by step pics around. 


  • Like 3

Looks like the theater is getting full Peter.....  I sent Harv for beer and popcorn, don't know where he got to??

  • Like 6
22 hours ago, Peterpools said:


Awesome Tiffy! Great advice and I've been super carefully cleaning up every part and triple checking the fit as I go.

Is there a link to your build as I'm sure there are gems of tips and techniques to follow and learn.


Hi Peter, here's the link to my build




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  • Administrators

Peter, go for it, my friend. GO FOR IT!

This, along with the car door version are kits I have in the stash, and they surely keep hollering at me as well.

I'll live through your build here, Peter, because I know you'll do this one justice!

Man we're a bunch of builders here!  I honestly can't remember everyone starting, (and finishing) kits like we've been doing here. Crazy Days!

  • Like 5

Peter is sneaky, no updates for a while and then he's gonna present a highly intricate and clean work :)   Can't wait , GO PETER ! 



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