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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

How Many Model Shows Will be Cancelled this Year?


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3 minutes ago, Clunkmeister said:

I went t the local supermarket to buy a few groceries, and just for kicks I walked down the hand towel and toilet paper aisle. 

Absolutely none left.  The truck comes every three days and the shelves were full this morning. According to the manager, within an hour of them opening today, they were sold out.  About 10 people came in and bought out the entire store. 

Not cool.  They need to put limits on amounts. I’m all set, but others maybe not. 

You know men ain't buying up the TP either.

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Here you go...

Greetings all,

I realize that the Corona Virus (COVID-19) has taken the world by storm in a rather quick fashion the past few weeks and as a result we are seeing many, many cancellations of a wide variety of events…especially well known events, meets, conventions around the world as well as here in the US. Let me break my response down into fact and opinion.

FACT: I have reached out to both the City of San Marcos and the IPMS/USA E-Board to let them know that the convention planning committee is keeping an eye on the COVID-19 outbreak and how it could potentially affect our convention slated for late July. The response I received from the city was that, as of the past week, they consider the threat to be low. Like us, they are keeping an eye on the situation and have, as of March 5th, assessed the threat to be low. Please check out the following link for more info from the City of San Marcos:


As a result of all the information we have at the current time (March 12th) we are continuing planning for the 2020 convention. All team members are (generally) healthy and continue to nail down details for the upcoming show. In fact, we have been preparing the IPMS web store items (Pre-Registration, tours, T-shirts, trophy sponsorships, etc) to go live early next week. I, as convention chair, will continue to keep a line of communication open with the City of San Marcos on this very topic.

OPINION: It is my personal opinion that a lot can happen in the coming weeks and months and at this point it is too early to make any changes. Yes, I fully recognize that airlines are not as forgiving when it comes to cancelling or changing flights but as of this time, I think it would be unwise to make any changes when the show is still 138 days away. From what I have seen in the media a lot of what is being cancelled are shows/events that are happening in the next several weeks. If these drastic measures are successful in the short term then COVID-19 will hopefully be in the rear-view-mirror come show-time.

I, like many of you, are very, very excited about the 2020 convention this summer. I will continue, along with Team 2020, to give it our very best effort to make it a success.

If the planning committee has news regarding COVID-19 and its potential negative effects on the 2020 Convention I will post the info the main page of the convention website: www.nats2020.com.

If you have specific questions regarding planning around COVID-19 please e-mail me at director.nats2020@gmail.com but be forewarned I do not have much more info than what is being reported via the various media outlets…and will most probably answer with the words I typed above.

Best Regards,

Len Pilhofer
IPMS/USA #49932

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I work in grocery distribution.  The panic buying of rice, UHT (long life) milk, pasta, and powdered milk has forced an overtime spike at a time of year that is usually quite slow.  Many stores have doubled their usual purchasing to attempt to keep up.


And today the Aussie Gov't has issued a recommendation that all non-essential events or gatherings be cancelled.  It's just a recommendation.  There's no mention of 'mandatory' yet.

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The panic buying has kicked into high gear here in Toronto. After the school closure was announced, people have flooded into all the big grocery stores and cleaned them out.  Some had an hour's wait just to get in the door!


The only thing Sue and I are concerned about is our meds. I'm seeing my doctor today for a checkup so I may get an early prescription renewal if he recommends it. 


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Hell most of the model community is already self isolating. Maybe these shows could go virtual, or cloud gatherings. Each model company could host from home production locations with model walk arounds with show and tell features on demand from cloud audiences.. Yes it seems extreme now, but just think of how many other panics could unfold, what would happened with any future attendee arriving from.. well from any Elon Musk Mars or Moon base complex? As in they will definitely not what to attend and return home with such a riot of new virus potential.

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3 minutes ago, Jeff said:

I clearly don't understand this Butt Wipe hoarding thing, of ALL things, why ass wipe??  Not something I would think is a top priority thing............ ?

Yep, my feelings EXACTLY.....harv

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Just now, harv said:

Yep, my feelings EXACTLY.....harv

Maybe beer/wine/ spirits..................... some good steaks.................... but ass wipe???  like Ernie says I can use a leaf IF I HAD to......  well maybe two leaves......:D

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Last night I went to visit some friends. Went to stop at the liquor store near their house. The lineup to turn into the parking lot was insane as there is a grocery store there too. So I just park across the street and walk over. People are fighting over parking spaces. It was worse than most shopping malls the day before Christmas. Nevermind there was a lineup to get into the grocery store. 

Meantime, no lineups at the liquor store, everything seems to be business as usual. People have their priorities all screwed up. Lucky for me. :D

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I went to the garden for a check of alternatives ... banana tree : sounds  promising... but I have none :( ; pine tree : not sure, but still a lot surer that cactus :wacko: ... I confirm I’m in deep s#%t !


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Just got back from store in our community and bought to and papertowls.  Not a lot there, but they have it. There are 2 cases in the state. One in St. Louis and one closer to here in Springfield. That's where we go for big stores and the VA......harv

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3 hours ago, Jeff said:

I clearly don't understand this Butt Wipe hoarding thing, of ALL things, why ass wipe??  Not something I would think is a top priority thing............ ?

Jeff, that's so incredibly Canadian. It's not an adjective, a verb, or a pronoun, but instead, a good ol' plain NOUN.  "Better go to the store and buy some ass wipe."  Like I said, it's so bleedin' Canadian.

Thanks for the memory and the chuckle.

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4 minutes ago, harv said:

Just got back from store in our community and bought to and papertowls.  Not a lot there, but they have it. There are 2 cases in the state. One in St. Louis and one closer to here in Springfield. That's where we go for big stores and the VA......harv

Go to the Home Depot and buy a handheld shower sprayer attachment. It's a Home Improvement, a handy little device, costs about $30.00, and can be used as your own personal handheld bidet.

Anyone who's one any hard time in the Army or Marine Corps knows what's it like to get deployed to a FOB or LP for months on end.  You've never experienced "dirty" until you do a few 1, 3 or 6 month deployments top one of them.  Creature comforts are less than ideal for getting you set for a night on the town, but folks, implements and supplies needed to wipe and clean one's exhaust pipe and reheat if you're so equipped are all quite freely given to you by mother nature herself.  If it ain't prickly or covered in ants, go for it.

May I suggest baby bunny rabbits. (seriously soft fluffy fur) as a fine example of a field expedient form of personal hygeine.


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