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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Nice review Jeroen. I've been picking up these paints since they came out. I've got maybe 45 bottles so far. Gunze in Canada is a challenge to find so these are replacing these paints in my supplies like yourself. One thing though. The AFV colours are a flat finish and it's only the Air ones that have a satin finish. Not sure why they did that. Carl
  2. Thanks Harv! Carl
  3. That looks great. I'll second Hubert's query as to the availability date. Carl
  4. My boys have each got a Tamiya RC buggy that they helped assemble. My oldest recently wanted to get an RC monster truck to go with it. I was fixing the steering on his buggy and while going through my spare parts, I found some rear hub extenders. Meant for slightly bigger buggy tires, they're the same drive hex size as the rear tires from that VW Bus I posted earlier. Well, that led to seeing I'd I get the fronts on. Which meant new front steering arms with longer axles. Which led to longer tie rods for the steering. Here's the end result. Edward's stock buggy is on the right with Findlay's monster buggy on the left. Otherwise, they're identical. Edward wants the same thing now is the only problem. They're both currently using a smaller 380 size electric motor. I might switch the one in Findlay's to a 540 to help compensate for the bigger tires. Carl
  5. Meantime, I got a bit more done on the Scammell. There was an article on Perth Military Modeling on how to make the Scammell have working steering. I decided to give it a try. First step is to drill through the tie rod ends and the king pins. I then inserted a 0.5mm brass rod into the tie rod. Next step is to drill through the leaf spring and C-hubs so you can install a longer pivot on the top of the hub. The reason you need the longer upper pivot is that the fenders turn with the front wheels. This way, you can attach them to the pivot and they'll turn in sync with the wheels. Here's everything assembled with the front subframe. And it worked!
  6. I was watching them the other day. The crews in the film really do make it look easy. But I guess that's what all their training did for them. Rob, thanks for the link to those figures. I'm also looking at Resicast as they make several accessory sets for the Scammell.
  7. The biggest issue with the kit is the wings. The airfoil shape is wrong and doesn't have the correct profile for a Davis wing. It's not an easy fix but Iain on LSP has been working on a mod. Not an error per se but the engines are very simplified. The cowl opening isn't that big though so that may or may not bother you. Vector had just announced resin engines and cowls. But it's almost as much as I paid for my kit... There may be some nose shape issues with the D but I'm not sure about that. For the J kit, the turrets on early releases were completely frosted. This has been fix on subsequent releases. They are also spilt vertically and the seam can be quite visible. That being said, there's an RFI on here where the builder used the kit turrets and they look fine to me. The MLG uses ABS plastic inserts for support. Aerocraft makes brass ones if you want to be safe and not have a gear collapse. I'm sure there's more but that's what I know of. Carl
  8. I bought the J version from Lucky Model with their cheap surface shipping. It came out to less than $100 at the time but I had to wait a couple months for it to arrive. I felt that at that price, I could live with the faults My plan is to not go overboard and just add a minimal amount of AM, mostly Master barrels and Eduard PE for the cockpit. Carl
  9. Back to my Scammell, I washed the resin tires and have started on the paint for them. I then started work on the tractor itself. I began with the engine. It seemed to be a bit more complex than I would have expected but the detail is really good. The engine has a bunch of the hydraulic lines on it and there's even PE linkages I have yet to add. The instructions tell you to connect it to the rad at this point but I think I'll wait until the frame is ready before I take that step.
  10. I found the first part of that video. This one shows a Scammell going cross country and seeing the suspension move through its articulation is kinda cool. There's also some great shots of the engine and the plumbing Here's the final one.
  11. Really nice John. I much prefer the slightly weathered look too. Carl
  12. As a slight variation on this, try Tamiya X20A thinner. It's their acrylic thinner. I've used it on thicker decals like Tamiya and Bandai kit decals with great success. It won't attack lacquer or enamel paints either. At least not in my experience. I used it on my Millennium Falcon build a little while back. All the coloured and dark grey panels are decals.
  13. Never noticed that before. The kit ones are flatter compared to the P-40 ones you used. Quite a difference.
  14. Is that Andy's Hobby Headquarters? Wheels and Wings got a bunch of kits in as well. Some are still available though https://www.wheelswingsestore.com/products-re-stocked-on-july-22-2020 Scroll down the page a bit to see the list of what came in.
  15. It's more like the result of an F-15 and an F-22 having a bit too much fun in the hanger one night.
  16. Happy birthday! Lovely looking cake too. Carl
  17. Looks mean doesn't it?
  18. Really nice there John. AU-J is one I'm hoping to build at some point. Carl
  19. There was a video posted last year I think of a woman cleaering the snow off her windshield while driving on the highway in heavy traffic. She was on the 401 which is one of the busiest highways around Toronto.
  20. I just found a great video showing them loading a Grant onto a Scammell. Talk about perfect reference material.
  21. I know there's a few anime fans on here so I thought I'd point this out. The 1993 anime film Patlabor 2 used some real world military aircraft as part of their story. Amongst them are the Japanese F-2, and heavily upgraded F-16s and F-15 Kai used by the JSDAF. The F-15 Kai had canards, the tailplanes were angled out instead of vertical and thrust vectoring exhausts. A cool looking upgrade. Anyways, a model company is going to release a kit of the Kai later this year. Sadly it's 1/144th scale. https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/m/10712168 The good news is I can use it as reference to scale up and build a 1/32 version. Carl
  22. I learned how to eat with chopsticks before I saw my first fork. I was actually able to use them with either hand. Didn't even realize I was ambidextrous until someone pointed out that I was switching hands. Can't do it any more though. And definitely have not impaled myself with them.
  23. Ian, Yes I believe that's the version I need. Carl
  24. Meantime, I got a base coat of dark yellow onto the frame and bogies I also started on the rear loading ramp. If you're careful with the glue, everything should work. I then attached the inner hubs to the axle. Thankfully they seem to sit level. There's a couple of shackles on the rear between the ramps. Heres where I've run into the first issue with the kit. The pins for the shackles are a bit short so I subbed in some brass rod. Well, at 0.3mm it's more like wire. I also managed to have one of the mounts ping off into the ether so I made a replacement from some strip styrene.
  25. I'm leaning towards this one. Anyone know of some suitable crew figures?
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