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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Very Bad News

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Last night around 7:30 PM, my wife Diane fell in the bedroom and my guess was a broken arm. I called 911 and they immediately dispatched the EMT's and after evaluating Diane, it was off to the hospital, where X-rays and a Catscan confirmed she had a Humerus fracture and thank goodness no other injuries. Diane received the best possible care at Mather Hospital and was released at 1:30 AM. The drive home in the pouring rain and high winds was no fun as were having another nor'easter or close to it.  

 This morning, I need to call the Orthopedic surgeon for an appointment as soon as possible for an exam and follow up. Thank goodness it wasn't any worse but there will be a long period of healing and recouperation. 



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Sorry to hear about Diane's fall. I'm glad it wasn't anything worse than that. Hope there aren't any complications from it. 

Give her our best wishes for a speedy recovery.

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Prayers and thought for the both of you Peter.   Thankfully it wasn’t as serious as our friend Harv’s fall was.  
I lost another Internet forum friend to a fall in his home last year.  Much younger man in his 50’s.  Sad situation.  Falls are not to be taken lightly.  

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These are horrible news, Peter. Luckily nothing worse happened. You have to take care for both of you now. Good to hear, Diana is in competent hands for the treatment.

Best wishes, Rob

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To all my Friends, 

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. It's a wonderful feeling when your friends are there for support and a shoulder to lean on - yes, I told Diane about everyone sending their prayers and best wishes for a speedy recvovery.

Last night was an eye-opening experience with seniors falling and hurting themselves as a good percentage of the patients in the ER, seemed to be seniors there for that exact reason. Care as always at Mather is first class and nothing was overlooked. We have our appointment set now with the orthopedic surgeon and hoping no surgery will be needed. 

You guys are the best!

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Yes it does seem to be quite common for us more mature people to injure ourselves in the case of falls, I'm glad the injury was not worse and I hope a full recovery awaits you both.





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Peter, I watch my 85 yo FIL stumbling around on his very bad knees.  It kills me that he refuses to use a walking cane.  I’ve watched him several times go into “break dancing” mode trying to catch himself when he stepped onto an uneven surface or stairs without a hand rail.  
It seems that hardheadedness and stubbornness is also part of growing old.  He refuses to admit he needs a “crutch”. 

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Sorry to hear that Peter. But good to know Diane is in hood hands and the injury was not « worse ». Sending her my wishes of speedy recovery.


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Thanks guys, so much for your thoughts and just being there.

Diane is doing well, taking her pain medication and following the ER doctor's instructions, as I am there to help in every way. Incredibly, we have an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon on Monday and fingers crossed, we're hoping for the best. We're lucky that it is a fracture rather then a complete break but her shoulder is very bruised at best and just looking at it hurst. Fingers crossed by Monays she will be feeling a bit better, especially after a good report from the doctor. 🤞  

Yup, getting older, our Golden years is proving a tough course to navigate, as most seniors spend a good deal of their week on doctor appointments and procedures. Care needs to be taken just walking as our steadiness and balance isn't what it once was. 



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3 hours ago, Peterpools said:

Yup, getting older, our Golden years is proving a tough course to navigate, as most seniors spend a good deal of their week on doctor appointments and procedures. Care needs to be taken just walking as our steadiness and balance isn't what it once was. 

Oh yea, at 61 (yea, I’m a young whipper snapper in some of you guys eyes) with bad knees myself I’m there.  Muscle atrophy is a real thing, especially when you don’t use certain muscle groups from shooting pains when you try to use them. 

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Yup Scott you're the youngster around here and I would surely want to be 61 or even 65 again. Muscle atrophy is something we have to constantly work on. A few years back when I was going through chemo, I spent a lot of time in the hospital and not being allowed out of bed, leg muscle atrophy settled in very quickly. 

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4 hours ago, ScottsGT said:

Oh yea, at 61 (yea, I’m a young whipper snapper in some of you guys eyes) with bad knees myself I’m there.  Muscle atrophy is a real thing, especially when you don’t use certain muscle groups from shooting pains when you try to use them. 

Oh boy, I guess that makes me a toddler at 53.

My bad knee had been with me since I was 12 or so. Acts up once in a while for a couple days and then goes away. 

Biggest scare healthwise was my heart attack and triple bypass when I was 48. At least my cardiologist is mostly happy with my health these days. 

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Yup, you have to be the Toddler of our group.

The knee unfortunately will only get worse over the years but if you're on top of it and with modern medicine, should hopefully become a non-issue.   

Your heart attack and triple bypass at 48 had to be a scare for the entire family and a signal for a complete change of lifestyle and diet. Just so glad you are OK and doing well.



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34 minutes ago, BlrwestSiR said:

Oh boy, I guess that makes me a toddler at 53.

My bad knee had been with me since I was 12 or so. Acts up once in a while for a couple days and then goes away. 

Biggest scare healthwise was my heart attack and triple bypass when I was 48. At least my cardiologist is mostly happy with my health these days. 

😱  Watch that ticker, brother!  

My wife is done with her pain meds she was prescribed for her surgery.  One they gave her was Celebrex.  Like Motrin on steroids.   Really serious anti-inflammatory.   She told me to try it out for my knee issues.   
Now I’ve gotta contact my GP about getting an Rx for it. Much better than the 800 mg of Motrin 3 or 4X daily. This is 1 capsule every 12 hours. 
I’m actually catching myself walking properly again on stairs.  
Kind of funny thinking about it.  40 years ago I might have experimented with Rx meds to “feel good”. Now I experiment with them to feel better.  

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