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Maru,a Birthday !!


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3 hours ago, harv said:

HAPPY HAPPY, JOY JOY my dear sweet friend ! Bev and I wish you happiness..... Harv. :wub::unworthy:

Helllllooop Harv.... yep I just told you I was gonna get some sleep after night duty .. and well here I am....


thank you to you and lovely Bev for your birthday Wishes...  thought I could have slithered away quietly but you got ME..


Dearest friend  you put a smile on MY face  and MY heart is filled with love and joy for you both... Thank you...:wub::police:

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 Maroooooooooooooooo  HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dear Friend !!!!!!!!!!   Cathy and I wish you the very best on YOUR special day....... we wish you health and happiness, and many , many more birthdays to come.....:wine:I know you don't to that BUT I will hoist one in your honor !!

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8 minutes ago, Jeff said:

 Maroooooooooooooooo  HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dear Friend !!!!!!!!!!   Cathy and I wish you the very best on YOUR special day....... we wish you health and happiness, and many , many more birthdays to come.....:wine:I know you don't to that BUT I will hoist one in your honor !!

Hello Jeff and Cathy..


Thank you...  you are the BEST ... and if course feel free to indulge in sone Liquor... after all  Dandy is Fine but Liquor is QUICKER....

HAVE A few on ME.... will pay you later.:piliot:  just put it on MY worldwide tab...:police:


love ya both.:wub:

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5 hours ago, mikester said:

Happiest of Birthdays, Maru! :wine:

Full of the joys of the world I am !:wub:

Did WE meet at Phoenix NATS as I can't remember if you attended ... :ph34r:

Thank you kind Sir...   will have to have chocolates as a hangover cure for all the Chocolate cake I ate.....  :rofl:

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1 hour ago, Clunkmeister said:

Happy Happy Birthday Maru!   It’s midnight here, and it’s your birthday! Have a great one!  

Hello  Cupcake... feels like Midnight here too... but it ain't!:rofl:  so that means if it's midnight there MY Birthday has just begun and I can ask for more....:construction::rtfm: here's a list !!


Thank you... and I hope your day is full of sunshine and smiles and S.....S....


let's not go there!:2guns:

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1 hour ago, Vandy1 VX-4 said:

Happy Birthday Maru    Sorry I was not able to meet you in Phoenix. Just could not make it



Hey Danny.... thank you for your good wishes.. maybe one day you may jump over the big Pond and see us at Telford...

Have a beautiful day....




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2 hours ago, HubertB said:

Happy birthday Maru. Enjoy !

(As you don’t drink some beverages, I’ll have one on your behalf :wine:)


Cheers  Hubert...


please do... thank you....


Enjoy it and this too....



Watch "AC-DC Thunderstruck / Jet Fighters" on YouTube








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6 minutes ago, Peterpools said:


Best wishes on your Birthday, as you’re the best and a very special friend to us all. 

Enjoy your special day

Peter :wine:

Well THAT MEANS A LOT coming from you Sir..


Peter I hold you in the highest esteem and a great, friendly nice person and proud to call you MY FRIEND.


Thank you.... :grouphug:

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