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10 hours ago, BlrwestSiR said:

Is that before or after they've turned your car into a convertible?

:rofl:, and crapped on the seats !

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I forgot my Optivisor, and without it, HGW belts are beyond my Mk.1 eyeballs, so the seat stays out till I get home and can build it up. 

My total time on this model so far has been about 6 hours.  Filling the wing sink marks, cockpit and basic airframe, it just fell together. I needed a small skim of filler on the upper wing roots, more do to me than anything else. Lighting here is not ideal, so I’ll do as much assembly and basic filling as I can until I get home, then finish her up.

So far, this has been one seriously fun, needed, and relaxing hotel room project.


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Gotta lower the engine by about 1/8” or so. Tried the cowl flap ring on it, and it looks stupid with a huge gap on top.

I read something somewhere that Hasegawa molded the engine mount stub a bit too high....


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Just now, Clunkmeister said:

Gotta lower the engine by about 1/8” or so. Tried the cowl flap ring on it, and it looks stupid with a huge gap on top.

I believe I read it's a 1mm drop to get it to line up correctly. 

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Nice and fast work Ernie, I fixed the wrong shaped step on the bottom side of the fuselage in a very simple but to me effective way. I described what I did in my WIP.

Cheers Rob



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Great project, in a week I may have opened the box, read the instructions and started clipping parts of the sprues never mind building it, so good on you





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On 2/21/2020 at 1:11 PM, seiran01 said:

Ern that control panel looks great! Is that the kit decal, or did you go and use something like Airscale dials or Yahu panel?

Mike, it is the kit decal, but I cut it up and installed it in several parts.   I bought the Yahu panel and a gazillion Airscale decals, but for a quickie build I wasn’t into going insane. 

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10 hours ago, Spitfire said:

Great project, in a week I may have opened the box, read the instructions and started clipping parts of the sprues never mind building it, so good on you





Well Dennis, it’ll be a few days longer than a week, but not much.  

Simply put, I don’t have the tools here that I need. Like a razor saw, CA glue, a good work light, and my optivisor, so I’ll need to finish her at home, but I think she’s exactly what I needed and she’ll be done in not too long from now. 

I never thought I’d miss my bench being well illuminated, but I do.

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3 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

Simply put, I don’t have the tools here that I need. Like a razor saw, CA glue, a good work light, and my optivisor, so I’ll need to finish her at home, but I think she’s exactly what I needed and she’ll be done in not too long from now. 

It definitely is this kind of a kit, pure joy to build and get your batteries refilled.

18 hours ago, Martinnfb said:



@ Martin, In my opinion lowering the engine doesn't fix the shape issue, because Hasegawa only got the lower part of the cowling/fuselage fit wrong shape ways. The upper shape seems ok. In lowering the engine you still miss the 'belly' contour of the lower fuselage.


That was the original fit of my kit


That is after sanding, reshaping and rescribing the lower fuselage part, tataaa, belly shape.



Cheers Rob


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The Jug’s fuselage has to be one of the toughest shapes to get correct.  You miss one little curve by a quarter of a degree, and you throw off the entire look of the model.  Hasegawa got it mostly right, and I think both of you are right.  I’m going to split the difference: slightly reshape the bottom, and move the cowl by literally 1/2 mm.  The bottom shape is obviously slightly off, and I do think the top may be a smidgen high. 

But those who fight with Spitfire wing fillets, 109 and Mustang noses, plus the infamous P-39 conundrum have it much worse. :) 


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  • 2 weeks later...
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So we unpacked and decompressed, so let’s finish this thing. 
engine is OOB except I requisitioned a pair of mags from my stalled Birdcage build. I used Barracuda resin on that one. 
then I’m going to do a basic wiring job, not perfect, just enough to make it look sorta scale. The ignition ring is all wrong anyway...

Yeah I know it needs oil transfer tubes and a bunch more, but this is mostly OOB and fun.  And I’ll paint the governor black and the mags grey


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  • 3 weeks later...
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1 hour ago, Bomber_County said:

Hey Ernie, any movement on this baby.........

Sure is, Phil. Obviously our lives have been turned upside down here, but I’m still working on this every moment I have. 

Im wiring the engine right now, Sosa soon as that is done, I’ll get it mounted and we’re home free.

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I hear you Ernie.........To borrow from Charles Dickens in Tale of Two Cities........

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness............

for reference purposes only...........

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