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Everything posted by Bomber_County

  1. Harv, you couldn’t resist ........
  2. Looking forward to the pics James. totally agree about two manufacturers, think how many companies kit Spit’s, 51’s and the likes........
  3. Thanks William for posting the link, have been searching around for other news from the show.....
  4. Also did you see their note saying the B1/ III is also in development.......very happy now........this one is going to hit the wallet big time.....
  5. Carl, those interiors are to beautiful to close up. I always feel a little bereft when closing up......
  6. Sitting back and enjoying the build Bill Another admission on top of never building any Russian aircraft, I have never built any Japanese either......
  7. Which show was this. I’m ken to dig a little deeper to see what else was released....
  8. Looking good Ernie, now prove us all wrong with no distractions.........
  9. Sir Peter is my hero, I was very concerned about spending money on the HK Lanc and then being disappointed. Not sure why, probably read to many articles about fit etc etc.......So I am going to wait for the WnW, ok it will be more money but we only get one go at this life thing........also I can clear the stash a little as well. Congrats to both HK and WnW, wait decades and then two roll around the corner.
  10. I have just opened this ............I am going to have a serious talk with myself..........cannot believe this.......is it a windup........oh my............
  11. Isn’t that - ahhhhh. Rosebud?
  12. Thanks John, I’ll see what I have in stock. Going to Telford soon so I’ll stock up.
  13. I might just have a go at wiring my Corsair engine as it is still unattached.......what dia wire did you use John?
  14. Thanks Martin for the heads up.....
  15. Leave the buckles etc on the fret, it’s much easier to thread .........
  16. Was this attack on London, Farringdon Road? If so I’ll photograph the plague...........
  17. Guys, I was browsing through old walk around sand found this gem. Wow and wow, if Harald is still around you are a gentleman. scroll to the top, photo sphere of Just Jane, bring on the Lanc.....
  18. Agreed, would be cool if they did a D type. Probably a step to far to back date a J though.......here’s hoping
  19. Count me in, a 25 is on the bucket list
  20. I knew Martin couldn't resist going all Russian on us........a Pe 2 would be interesting though ....
  21. I can see its going to be an expensive couple of months with the Lanc and a Lib hitting the shelves......
  22. It’s the small things.......looking awesome.......we will see it at Telford?
  23. Send them Congrats Jeff, man I’m not sure if I’m going to make that........
  24. Thanks Kent, I think they’ll be at Telford, I’ll check definitely got to have one of those..
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