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Everything posted by GazzaS

  1. Thank you, fellas! The model is still gassing out. That's when I know it's not ready for it's final matte coat. If it stinks. Hopefully tomorrow. So, I went all in on the base. I bought a slab of 50mm (almost 2 inches) thick foam board. A bag of plaster of Paris and a 250ml bottle of PVA glue as well as an aerosol wood sealer for the edging. The edging I burned down from some pine I had on hand with a home-made bench saw. I then neatened it up with my AEG Plunge router. I have drop saw for cutting precise 45 degree corners. Then I put a different bit into the router and added a bevelled edge. Then I mixed the plaster with water and spread it out over some baking paper. After half an hour I scored it one way with a knife. Then, half our later I chopped the drying plaster with an Ulu, using the curved blade to avoid having to lift as I separated the cobbles. So, here were are with everything drying. Except for the cobbles, everything is dry fitted. And everything needs to dry overnight. Happy modelling!
  2. Everything looks nice, Wolf. The decal floor and all came out very sharply. I'm curious about your usage of Bob's Buckles. I love them myself, but have never used the tubing without the eyelet... hate to be a pita... but just how do you do it?
  3. That looks very nice, Kai. Working over a pre shade has always been one of those problem things for me.
  4. A little more done on the office. Details painted with acrylics. Different shades for different components. And the 2 applications of oil look a little rough. But I know that 109 cockpit well... it will be dark in there, even with the canopy open... and the seat belts will cover a lot of space. So, it should be ok. 'There are still a lot of little detail pieces to add. But I wanted to get the base structures painted first.
  5. My point was: If they sit in your stash for a year or two, it might be too late (for whatever reason) to ask for a refund or replacement parts.
  6. Quite a surprise, Rob. I'm no car guy either so I won;t be much help. But it is a nice start with some accurate paintwork. Carry on!
  7. Rog... I'm talking about holes that could have been made with a 1/35 scale152mm gun. Not about blemishes that can be fixed with a lick of putty.
  8. Rog, Check the mouldings on the turret of your Tiger. Particularly on the turret halves around the trunnions and escape hatch. There have been reports on facebook about bad workmanship.
  9. I keep hoping that there is another remedy other than another application of CA.... but I guess that's it.
  10. Thank you, Kai. The thing about oils, is that you can control what your effect will look like, and have time to add to, remove, or change before they dry. Pigments on the other hand are dependent upon light, and harder to manipulate. White pigment is especially undependable. I've given up on them, except to tint earth effects. Thank you Peter. The real question is: "Where to stop?"
  11. Thank you all for the great and positive responses. Today I only achieved the second layer of oil dust:
  12. Some nice mods, Wolf. I don't think I've ever had the pleasure of watching a complete build by you. Looks like it should be interesting.
  13. It's hard to change brands. I've only in the last two years added two brands that I'm working into my builds. I still rely a lot on Tamiya.
  14. Thank you, Peter. I fear I'll redo the base... it's kinda driving me crazy. Thank you Kai. Oil paints, my friend.
  15. Thank you Rob! Speaking of dust... I started dusting the upper works today... These photos only show the first layer/coat/color of dust:
  16. Looking forward to this one, Wolf! I have two in the stash. The engine looks nice.
  17. Nice work. Do you have access to an airbrush?
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