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Everything posted by BlrwestSiR

  1. Definitely take your time trimming the seat Ian. Thankfully the attachment points are small but some overlap and attach to various spots. I cut them down as I went so I could see them better. Carl
  2. Saw the Element the other day. Couldn't test drive it as the battery was shot and wouldn't even hold a charge. The owner agreed to let me get it towed to the dealer I use for a safety inspection this Friday. So if there's no other issues beside the dead battery which he's agreed to cover then we're going to go for it.
  3. I think that's exactly it so much of the time. The tone ends up outweighing the info and people get their backs up. Which is a shame when we're all just trying to enjoy our hobby.
  4. But everyone knows red ones go faster! As for the original issue, a lot of times these guys do know a fair bit about their field of expertise but don't know how to communicate it to folks without coming across as an sanctimonious a-hole or worse. Which can be a shame. Ernie and I talked about this a few years ago and how you appreciate the knowledge some of these guys have but can't stand the personality that comes with it. Carl
  5. Gaz, it looks really good to me. I like your approach to the pin washes in varying them to reflect the base paint colour. Carl
  6. Glad to hear you're not affected but you're right about those folks not staying home causing further grief for others. Nevermind if they should then get into trouble and need rescuing and thereby putting others in danger. Sigh.
  7. Test fitting the ignition harness and looking at reference photos, I realized some of the leads would go through the metal cylinder cover plates. Some go from above and others from below. It took a while to get them all threaded through and in place but I got it done. Then I gave the engine a wash using a random mix of Mr Weathering washes. I would Dan my brush in their thinner then in Multi Black followed by Ground Brown and apply to the engine. This way it's not a consistent shade around the whole engine. I should be able to finish it next time.
  8. Reading the instructions (the horror!), I realized I had to make the exhaust and intake stubs first before joining the two engine banks together. I started with the semigloss black for the intakes and then masked them off for the exhaust colour. I used the Tamiya mix recommended in the instructions for those. They were then glued to the rear of the front cylinder bank. At the same time, I painted the exhaust pipes and these were installed to the firewall. I then started on wiring the ignition harness.
  9. Thanks Peter! I'm still getting used to the idea of wiring these engines. But it seems to getting easier. Thanks Rob! I haven't looked at the Brassin' engine but I do have their Merlins so if it's anything like that, it would be impressive.
  10. Thanks Kai! I have an easier time masking things off than painting them by hand. Thanks Harv!
  11. Congrats on the new digs Scott. Hopefully you got your work bench/room with a view that you mentioned. Looks like we won't make Vegas either. Between the mandatory hotel quarantine for returning travellers and the still in place travel ban we've decided to stay close(r) to home. Time for a camping roadtrip. If we can book a campsite. Carl
  12. Those pilots seat frames look like they could hold up a bridge. Any reason they were made so stout? Carl
  13. Just catching up with your progress on this Rob. It looks great so far. Love the pop of colours you're using on the cockpit. So much brighter than the usual grey or black interiors. Carl
  14. Now that's a definition I can get behind. Can't wait to see your build. Carl
  15. Stay dry folks!
  16. They do indeed. I was thinking head swap to a DOHC one from a 1st gen TSX. Would bump the redline up to 8k and an extra 40hp. Don't know if the supercharger is an easier option. Or do both
  17. Jumping back to the engine, I've started on the painting. I did the cylinders in Extreme Metal aluminum. I then masked them off to paint the crankcase. The pipes were done in semigloss black. Time to start adding the ignition wires.
  18. Thanks @Kaireckstadt and @Peterpools! Peter, the subject I'm doing is so weathered that even Dana Bell had a hard time figuring out what the colours were. Which I think gives me a pretty wide margin for interpretation.
  19. Frank, that gun blister looks awesome. Same for the gun mount too. Carl
  20. Looks great there Tony. If anything, maybe just a touch too clean? Carl
  21. Just looked at a 2008 Honda Element so might be switching cars. We'll see. Carl
  22. The cockpit looks good Tony. Wouldn't mind seeing them after a wash too. Adorable pic of your daughter at Bring Your Kids to Work Day. Carl
  23. Gaz, there is a thread on Britmodeler discussing the track colour for German AFVs. The tracks had a high manganese content and therefore would have had a brownish metallic colour to them rather than grey. I've used Tamiya Metallic Grey and added some Hull Red to it to get a suitable look. Carl
  24. Having a hard time getting stuff done. Just when I get all settled in, this guy joins me at the bench and does the same.
  25. Wait, what? That's a crazy swing in weather. I thought that was just a Canadian thing. I think it's Manitoba where they say if you don't like the weather wait 10 minutes. Carl
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