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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Harv update

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Harv went in for a routine gall bladder surgery yesterday, and he coded.

They brought him back, but he then had a seizure.

He’s now unresponsive.

I pray that his way forward is easy. 

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I’m so sorry to hear this. I think of him often and miss him  here. As , with everyone else I wish him only the best and am looking forward to his recovery and return to us happy and healthy. Ernie, give him my best wishes and he is in my prayers. Thanks for the update.


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So sorry to hear the news but hopefully Tim's post is an indication that things are looking brighter. 

Harv has had a hard few months, so due some good luck.

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Just read Ernie's post on Harv this morning and it was horrible news but after reading Tims post and the confirmation Harv is awake and talking up a storm - just wonderful and what an Easter present for us all.

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6 hours ago, Peterpools said:

Just read Ernie's post on Harv this morning and it was horrible news but after reading Tims post and the confirmation Harv is awake and talking up a storm - just wonderful and what an Easter present for us all.

Amen to that!!!


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