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  On 5/31/2023 at 3:36 PM, BlrwestSiR said:

Those are some great prices Rog.

I've been ordering less from Japan since they still haven't allowed packages to be sent via Japan Post. The courier options are generally quite expensive. It's only if it's something I can't get elsewhere that I'll order it from a retailer there. 


BUT Carl ... 

That's the point! I was charged $105 AUD for shipping to AUS via Japan Post w/tracking ... It arrived via Fedex 🤷‍♂️ (If I was charged the Fedex quote originally on the shipping options page, it would have come to $4-600 ... 

Again ... total INCLUDING shipping came to 2/3 what I would have paid here with FREE shipping included ...

Any way you read it - it's a win!


Rog :)

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Another couple of packages at the Post Office today ...

Both were expected, yet I was expecting the larger one to be ... well ... larger!


It was pretty frustrating for me when I went to order the 'Tiger' book in hardcover ... the newer edition exists only in paperback - so it was off to eBay to try to find the older edition in hardback. It's well presented, new with a fitted plastic sleeve over the dust jacket!


The bigger box holds the HKM A-20G Havoc although I was suprised at how small the kit box is compared to the B.25



... and it's the same with the Airfix Spitfire! There's no comparison to the Hawker Typhoon box ... It's closer to the Tamiya 1/32 size, just thicker


Still waiting on the Val and others ...

Rog :)

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  On 5/30/2023 at 7:05 PM, Landlubber Mike said:

Hey Peter, great subject!  I have a build log going on the sister site in case you have any interest in seeing aftermarket and construction issues.  Make sure you take a look to see if the fuselage halves have an indentation between the rear cockpit and the tail.  Common issue in these kits.  Otherwise, it's a really nice kit of a rarely modeled subject.





Thanks Mike. 

I've bookmarked your build thread and it surely will be my prime reference for when I build my Vindicator.


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With all the huge boxes above, I have only a small one to show. After I built my first full resin kit, the French Caudron C.561 racer recently, today I received among other stuff this tiny race horse in 1/72 scale also from SBS. It depicts the last version of the Gee Bee racers in goblin green :D. I added flat PE rigging wires, also from SBS, which are not included into the kit.


Only yesterday, I've seen the perfect complementary for a little scene in green and red. I will have to buy that one too. It's made by Brengun.


Cheers Rob


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I finally got the Revell Hurricane! Off to Andy’s Hobby Headquarters for paints today!

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  On 6/1/2023 at 3:56 PM, DocRob said:

With all the huge boxes above, I have only a small one to show. After I built my first full resin kit, the French Caudron C.561 racer recently, today I received among other stuff this tiny race horse in 1/72 scale also from SBS. It depicts the last version of the Gee Bee racers in goblin green :D. I added flat PE rigging wires, also from SBS, which are not included into the kit.


Only yesterday, I've seen the perfect complementary for a little scene in green and red. I will have to buy that one too. It's made by Brengun.


Cheers Rob



Love the Texaco fuel truck 👍 !


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  On 6/1/2023 at 7:39 PM, BlrwestSiR said:

Rob, great looking plane. Being a Gee Bee, it has to be tiny in 1/72, nevermind 1/32.


I just had a peek into the box, and yes it's not a big plane, I would have thought, it must be the size of the 1/48 Caudron, being a two  seater, but nope.

Cheers Rob

  • Like 6

Hey guys 

  It's a real nice kit but the instructions are a mess (typical Takom). I'm trying to convert it to an Ausf N with the 7.5cm kwk 37 L/24 gun. I'm using leftover parts from my 1/16 Panzer IV. I'll post some pictures later.

Ron G 

  • Like 4

Staying with 1/16 armour, my AFV Modeler order arrived today. 


I've got fenders coming from Hobbyeasy and that should be just about everything I plan to get for the build. Then it'll just be a question of when. 

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  On 6/2/2023 at 10:14 PM, CrankyCrafstman said:

Aahh come on Carl, build it along with mine...lol:D:unworthy:

Ron G 


To paraphrase The Princess Bride: 

I've got the Tomcat to finish, the Cavalier Mustang to procrastinate over and my Valkyrie to start. I'm completely swamped! 

  • Like 3

Ok here's the pictures I promised. I took the mantlet peices from my panzer iv and cut them up for the panzer iii. I took the plastic barrel from the panzer iv and modified it into the barrel for the panzer iii ausf N's 7.5cm kwk 37 L/24 barrel.

20230602_180058.jpgThis is a view of the Panzer iii's kit instructions showing the mantlet and barrel assembly.

20230602_180158.jpgThis view shows the kits mantlet with the parts form the panzer iv that I kit bashed into a 7.5cm kwk 37 L/24.

20230602_180326.jpgThis is a more top down view of the gun.

20230602_180307.jpgThis view shows the panzer iii's kit barrel assembly on top compared to the modified one I made. I think I got the rectangular part that the barrel fits into to long, not sure have to do some more investigation on it.

20230602_180556.jpgThis view shows the modified mantlet and gun on the turret. So what do you think. Does it look ok?

Ron G 

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  On 6/2/2023 at 11:52 PM, CrankyCrafstman said:

Ok here's the pictures I promised. I took the mantlet peices from my panzer iv and cut them up for the panzer iii. I took the plastic barrel from the panzer iv and modified it into the barrel for the panzer iii ausf N's 7.5cm kwk 37 L/24 barrel.

20230602_180058.jpgThis is a view of the Panzer iii's kit instructions showing the mantlet and barrel assembly.

20230602_180158.jpgThis view shows the kits mantlet with the parts form the panzer iv that I kit bashed into a 7.5cm kwk 37 L/24.

20230602_180326.jpgThis is a more top down view of the gun.

20230602_180307.jpgThis view shows the panzer iii's kit barrel assembly on top compared to the modified one I made. I think I got the rectangular part that the barrel fits into to long, not sure have to do some more investigation on it.

20230602_180556.jpgThis view shows the modified mantlet and gun on the turret. So what do you think. Does it look ok?

Ron G 


Ron ...

For the gun adaption - not bad at all!! ... I noticed a while back that the KwK 37 L/24 on the Panzer IV had the rounded mantlet cover while the Panzer III Ausf.N, equiped with the same gun, used a squared off mantlet! ... I've ordered a Panzer IV Ausf.F gun and mantlet set (designed for a Heng Long kit) to adapt my Trumpeter Panzer IV Ausf.F2 ... and I'll use the leftover Mantlet in the Trumpeter kit to convert a Panzer III Ausf.N ...

Just be advised that you'll need to utilise the Trumpeter / Monochrome / Gallery Models / Heller kit to create a true 'N' ... (or a lot of scratch building!!) as it was developed alongside the Ausf.M which had a number of readily seen modifications over the 'J's and 'L's before it.

Nice lateral thinking on the gun adaption though! ... I'm looking to try to backdate a Das Werk kit to an Ausf.E at some point ... I'll have to scratch the mantlet to mount the twin MG's and also scratch the 37mm though!!

Rog :)

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  On 6/3/2023 at 1:13 PM, CrankyCrafstman said:

Hey Rog

 From what I understand the Ausf N was made on J, L and M chassis.

Ron G 


The Panzer III Chassis was in constant development and revision from 1936 onward ... The earliest variants (Ausf.A-D) had completely redesigned suspension set ups at each change as they worked at figuring which was the best all round performer ... The Ausf.E (the first 'mass' produced model for combat) had the 6 road wheel torsion bar set up that remained for the rest of the war (subject to a few tweaks here and there) ... From this point onward most external variations in design occurred above the chassis - but the chassis itself received a few subtle modifications over time, largely to do with armour upgrades, track upgrades and strengthened suspension (as opposed to reconfiguring it). The Ausf.J chassis was lengthened slightly to accomodate a new engine.

Examples for modifications to the superstructure above the chassis include, but are not limited to: commanders cupola, turret stowage baskets, spaced armour (or vorpanzer), bolted on armour, smoke launchers, exhaust positioning and size, hatch styles etc. The only notable retrofitted panzer III armament (as opposed to additional armour) was the 50mm KwK 38 L/42 to some of the later built Ausf.F vehicles and the Ausf.G ... The Ausf.H being the first variant where the shorter barrelled 50mm was standard fitment from entry into the production line. The Ausf.J also had the longer L/60 retrofitted to replace the L/42 once in came online - this had already been planned, it was just a case of the L/60 being a late arrival when the first Ausf.J's were ready to roll off the production line and deployed.

From all accounts I've read, The Ausf.N was developed in conjunction with the Ausf.M ... and was actually more of an afterthought that occurred when some new ordinance came online that made the short barrelled 75mm L/24 a relevant, versatile weapon again ... by this stage nearly all Panzer IV's still in operation had been fitted with the 75mm KwK 40 L/48 (although a few stragglers still mounted the original L/43 upgrade) and the StuG.III's popularity as a cheaper and more effective combat vehicle using the same main weapon, meant that some damaged-but-salvageable Panzer III chassis' were actually converted to those instead. This left the Panzer III's still scheduled for production as being the only viable option for reinstallation of the 75mm L/24 and were given a new designation - the Ausf.N. I haven't read anywhere that Ausf.J's or L's were retrofitted with the weapon and re-designated. All Ausf.N's appear to carry the same upper structure modifications as the Ausf.M (The wading exhaust muffler at the rear being the most prominent along with the additional armour and commanders cupola).

Rog :)

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 My panzer Iii's book says that they used up the remaining hulls from J, L and M's. So I based mine on a L. Here's some pics.

20230604_150833.jpgThis view shows the mantlet and gun how it looks on the tank.

20230604_150919.jpgThis is another view of the same thing.

20230604_151038.jpgThis view shows the gun in its most elevated position.

20230604_151023.jpgThis view shows the gun in its lowest position.

20230604_153932.jpgThis view shows the modifications I made to the mantlet on the left side. I filled in the square hole that was there, because it wasn't there on the Ausf N.

Ron G 

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