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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

I'm a bad boy


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2 hours ago, Peterpools said:

I only have one question and it need not be answered: why would Kevin and Andy need to feel they have to set the record straight? In all reality: who cares what they think: this is LSM and not LSP.

Hi Peter,

To really answer that question I'd have to really dig into what happened at LSP and frankly I don't care. 
I really like the way our core mod team operates. We don't have to discuss behind the scenes before intervening, because we're all on the same page.

I love LSM and I feel proud our logo is on several modelling brands packages. Like on the Do-335B-6 box I am reviewing now :)


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I have so far refrained from commenting on this thread, as I believe it is not quite right to raise issues pertaining to another site, and this discussions should have taken place on LSP first, but ...

1) I want to praise Jeroen and Mikester for the way they have moderated this thread, exlained their point of view, and allowed people "venting off" ...

2) The venting off was all the more "needed" by some, as the shift in the moderating policy in the last few months over on LSP has meant that threads like this one have not been tolerated, but rather promptly deleted on top of it. Ditto for the "farewell" threads, and the ones enquiring about the whereabouts of the farewell authors ...

3) It appears this policy has generated frustrations -including mine -, even apparently with the staff over there, who could then came venting off here ...

4) Without going into "bar psychology", this is another confirmation that silencing and hiding problems, rather than exposing and discussing them in a positive manner results always in these problems coming back haunting you, bigger than when they started ... It is true for all human interactions, including marriage ... or modelling forums ;) .

One small - well-meaning - message for Wumm : even though I'm a Frenchman, I thought I had a good command of english. The expression you used and got PlasticDoc fired away got me baffled and wondering what it meant. No need to explain it to me, but if it was meant to be rude or vulgar, maybe there was another way to put things in perspective :) ?

Ok, enough pompous lecturing :rtfm:. Let me have a double try : using the cool picture posting feature of the site, and bringing the thread back to ... squirrels :D



Back to modelling



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Right to the heart of the issue and thank goodness LSM always us to 'gentlemanly' discuss such a post. Speaking for myself, I left after nearly ten, very active years; my reasons were rather simple: I wasn't going to tolerate how my friends were being treated or spoken to and remain a member. Add in a gem of a PM I received form an admin, I couldn't walk away fast enough, slamming the door behind me.

LSM has been like going back in time, when model building, building friendships and hanger flying was the focus of our attention. As that sank below the horizon, it became apparent, it was time to move on

Peter ^_^

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2 hours ago, Peterpools said:


Right to the heart of the issue and thank goodness LSM always us to 'gentlemanly' discuss such a post. Speaking for myself, I left after nearly ten, very active years; my reasons were rather simple: I wasn't going to tolerate how my friends were being treated or spoken to and remain a member. Add in a gem of a PM I received form an admin, I couldn't walk away fast enough, slamming the door behind me.

LSM has been like going back in time, when model building, building friendships and hanger flying was the focus of our attention. As that sank below the horizon, it became apparent, it was time to move on

Peter ^_^

Wow Peter, exactly what I was thinking. Could not of said it better. I guess sick minds do think alike...... Harv

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Depends on the type of road kill, as to what shovel you use, a skunk can be picked up by a #3 Fox shovel, and a Moose on the other hand takes a Cat loader, and a single axle dump truck..... just in case you guys needed to know that................. the only animal I ever hit was in a bad snow storm while plowing the highway, a rabbit ran out in front of the truck, I couldn't stop, but I did eventually get the truck stopped and went back and dug in the windrow, but never found it...... I felt bad for days......


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