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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Back From The Abyss - The Airfix Tiffy


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Airfix 1/24 Bubble Typhoon




I missed you Guys!




I’m back from the abyss; months of being so burned out, nothing could get the juices flowing for more then a week or two and then I sank deeper and deeper into the modeling world of a deep depression and zero desire to sit at the bench and build. I was hopeless and a lost soul. Even my Tamiya Corsair just sat with not the slightest inkling to soldier on. Over the past few months, I tried everything I thought might break the spell but all I accomplished was buying and starting a lot of kits in record time – all of whom either made it to the SOD or the local landfill.  At least I knew what I no longer wanted to build and cleared that inventory in the stash: a money loser for sure and the biggest reason never to convince yourself hanging on to kits and sell them later on, is money in the bank! Except for a rare kit, none could be sold anywhere close to what I wanted but cleaning house seemed to be step one on my road to recovery.

Step two try and rekindle the mojo and juices buy building something different and new:

1/35th scale armor, 1/350 scale ship, 1/48th and 1/72 scale aircraft; all dismal failures. I just didn’t know what to do and the longer I did nothing and the longer the clock ran at a good, solid clip, the deeper I sank – which made the chances of pulling myself out of the hole, a feat I might never accomplish.

There on the shelf sat one BIG box, a huge kit that I had once tried and never finished years ago, in what seemed like another lifetime. But the more I looked at the gigantic box over a few weeks, I felt something start to tick. At first, I only pulled it out of the stash and studied the good-looking box art. Then the Tiffy made the short journey to the model room but still remained unopened. What came next even surprised me: I found my two trusty reference books for the Tiffy:

ADI Hawker Tyhoon Mk.1b by Brett Green

The Hawker Typhoon by Richard Franks.

First I just briefly thumbed through the books but kept coming back for more, especially Brett’s build book. Then I looked for what AM I had stashed from years ago and then pay dirt, I found the draw it was hiding in:

Eduards Big Ed Set – about 90% complete

Edward’s Brassin sets for the wheels and the canons

Master Brass barrel set (yummy for sure)

EagleCals EC#159 Tiffy set pt 1.

Yikes, I was starting to sweat and popped open the windows, even though it was freezing outside. The next day, I found myself cleaning off the bench, vacuuming the modeling room and getting my cave into perfect order. That night I finally opened the box:

I was home – back at the bench and with a new look on building and raring to get going!!! My build plan would be simple and an easy course to follow: an OOB build following the first build in Brett’s book for colors and direction. I would incorporate my AM where it worked and would accept what was in the box as accurate and the way to go. Colors and paints; a nightmare as there are a zillion ways the kit was built and painted inside an out. My plan, follow the book and I’ll be using mostly Hataka laquers (my go to paints), some MRP Lacquers with a bit of Mig and Tamiya thrown to make it interesting. Only area I’m still out to lunch on is to chuck Eduard’s PE seat belts and buy a set of HGW fabric belts and maybe try my hand using paint masks. Other than that, the course is set and I’m ready to fly. Actually, I’ve been doing a bit of work on the front office and tubing interior, so I’ll be ready to post a decent build thread update in a few days.  

Just glad to be back and over the next week I’ll be catching up on the forum – missed you guys.

Keep ‘em comin






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Peter, it's so glad to hear you're not only back at the bench but more importantly here too!

I'm liking your mostly OOB approach to the kit as well. Don't get bogged down with all the fiddly bits. 

Once I try to get some of these big twins off my bench, I'm gonna do something simple and different too. Like maybe changing the timing belt on my car. :D


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Good to have you back Peter and you chose a big and bold bird for your return. I can't wait to see you work your magic with the Tiffy and what a time to clear some space in the shelf with the big Airfix Hellcat looming.

Cheers Rob 

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 I LOVE your intro, Peter................... sounds like an episode of Dr. Phil................ and I seem to be in that same dark place, I just can't get my poop in a group these past couple months.................. got a lot of family stuff going on, maybe that's the issue, BUT I, along with John , Harv and the rest of the guys are very glad you're back, I also missed your builds, posts, and good humor................... I don't have this kit, as it is a little large for any display, here, BUT I am most interested and as always will quietly lurk along, and hopefully pick up a few of your techniques, that I can apply to some of my attempts..... if I can get back to it, when things calm down around here....... glad you are back, and I am looking forward to watching this come together......  Canadian Typhoon?? 

"Changing the timing belt on my car'.................. Carl you're funny !!!

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Thanks Rob

Feels great to be back with the Gang and I made sure I have plenty of room for the Hellcat. As a Grumman guy, nothing could be better and if the Hellcat is as good as the Tiffy (without the mold lines everywhere), sureylwill get my vote for kit of the year!!



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Hi Jeff

Life in general and then throw in family and work and it's easy to loose your way. I've spent months doing the same and it just takes time. My best advice, just handle life and family first and the rest will come. Just don't beat yourself up the way I did as it doesn't do any good. Tinker and when the time is right. you'll know. Glad you will be along for the journey.



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13 minutes ago, Peterpools said:

Hi Jeff

Life in general and then throw in family and work and it's easy to loose your way. I've spent months doing the same and it just takes time. My best advice, just handle life and family first and the rest will come. Just don't beat yourself up the way I did as it doesn't do any good. Tinker and when the time is right. you'll know. Glad you will be along for the journey.



Thanks Peter, great advice, I think I am beating myself up a little, seems some of this stuff ( 4 ageing parents ... my dad is 97 today actually ) takes a LOT of work to look after them and keep them where THEY want to be, my days are not mine for now....... the days left are precious, so I guess models will always be there, but others won't be, so excellent advice , thanks for the lift..... I am excited for your build...... it will help keep me focused...............

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Peter, there has been a gaping big “PETER” hole here at LSM, we missed you buddy. Glad you’re back and the mojo is starting to fire again. Man I’m looking forward to your Tiffy. Like Jeff and yourself, family & life have been been taking up time. There’s been lots going on so when you’re caught up we will be ready to see your first build pics........

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Thanks Phil and great to have turned the corner and back in the saddle with all my friends on LSM. I have the Tiffy underway and even a started a build thread. My plan is to work no more then three bench sessions a week, helping to keep the fires stoked and keep the juices up and running.


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2 hours ago, Peterpools said:


Happy Birthday to your dad and what a gift turning 97! My parents and almost all my uncles and aunts  are gone as well.  Way more important to be with your parents and modelling just has to wait.


Thanks Peter, yeah 97 is a milestone for sure.... he is still in his own home too....he has no idea how lucky he is... mom , on the other hand is in the hospital not doing too well, but they are both still here... yeah, there will always be another day to build a model....  I will pass on to him your good wishes, thanks , pal..

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6 hours ago, Peterpools said:

Thanks Phil and great to have turned the corner and back in the saddle with all my friends on LSM. I have the Tiffy underway and even a started a build thread. My plan is to work no more then three bench sessions a week, helping to keep the fires stoked and keep the juices up and running.


A break is always a good thing Peter. My Wife and I have just spent the last week away on Holiday, and it's marvellous how refreshed and recharged I feel, despite being on the go for 15 hours a day.

But now it's back to House / Lawns / Family / Bills so I have limited time to match my new-found enthusiasm!

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Yesterday I saw your build, Peter, and commented on it. I just saw this thread though, and Peter, your opening statement hit true. We’ve all been there, my friend.  I’m so glad you found your way back. We put so much stock in our builds having all the PE and resin goodies, thinking we need that to make it perfect, we often seem to lose the spark, don’t we?  Lately, Ive gone back to simple Mostly OOB builds, just for the satisfaction of creating something nice.

 My Lanc pulled me out of the doldrums.. like you, my build count has been dreadful of late. Just really not into it. The business has kept me busy, Joy’s pinched nerves and Lupus keep me busy after hours. Been Praying a lot more these days.  

Rebuilding the bench helped me, the Lanc lit me on fire.   But oooh do I love the Typhoon. A single seat heavy hitter with a monster engine out front, what’s not to love? I need to do a Tiffie as well, they are just so incredibly cool. Gonna live off yours and absorb the magic!

I’m watching your build for hints and tips, and will just soak it all in until I join you after the Lanc.  But I’ll probably join in with the MDC Tiffie in 1/32. 

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