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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Rant...POS employer!


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SO, as I had mentioned before, my job was in jeopardy. The contract my company held was sold back to another company. I was concerned that I would be laid off. 

Well...last night i got bad news, even worse than I had imagined. 

I have worked for this company for 14 years, ever faithful servant. Since the program was coming to an end, I imagined I would have until Sept 30 to either find another position where I could work remote, or I would get laid off with a severance package. .....I could only have wished.

Last night I got an offer email from my boss, I was not getting laid off. I was being given another job in the general department. However there is a catch...the job is 750 miles away, it starts July 29th, and they will not be giving me any relocation or travel expenses. If I chose not to take it, then that will be my self termination. They basically gave me a no option situation that gives them the most low-down, cheapest, way to let me go.

So 14 years of loyalty comes down to no layoff, no package, no severance, just them putting me into a situation where I would be forced to quit. I don't get a penny after that date. just a "don't let the door hit you on the way out!" 


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Nice........................................  Cold Hearted BASTARDS !  They just don't give a damn about 'people', just the bottom line.................. how did we get here?? Where is the compassion gone? 

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That’s basically what my company is up to except, they are saying the only job they have available is at associate or designer level. If you’re senior to those titles it’s treated as self termination or take the lower wage. How the #### can they get away with it. I’ve been at my firm 25 years and I am aware they’d cut me tomorrow without a hesitation.........and 6 months from a significant milestone in years, I wil be right royally f###ed.......

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Mark, my wife's employer has been doing the same thing, HOWEVER, if it is considered a hardship move that could and would negatively affect you, you may have an out.

I am going to HIGHLY recommend you contact an attorney versed in this kind of thing right now.  At worst, you'll be out a couple hundred bucks at most, at best, they'll make you a better offer.  But probably, if you fight back, instead of fighting it, they'll just settle.

I think you'll benefit greatly from at least checking into it.

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Yeah, an a month or two they'll find some shit ass reason to fire him. Big companies don't care about the peons, they sit in there offices and draw there exorbitant wages and don't even give there employees a second thought, until it starts eating into there pocket book.:2guns::tank::poo::angry:

Ron G 

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Agree completely...

19 minutes ago, Clunkmeister said:

I think you'll benefit greatly from at least checking into it.

If only for your own peace of mind.

My Wife's Workplace is in the process of letting go their entire Casual workforce, almost 100 people in total. It's one of the few Heavy Industry Manufacturers in the Auto/Transport sphere left operating in this Country, and a sluggish Economy coupled with a lot of uncertainty around the recent Federal Election meant that sales aren't anywhere near the targets this year. Two of the Guys in her section were meant to go, but got a reprieve because Management didn't realise that the people they replaced are on Holiday.

I really feel for you, that's sounds like such a raw deal you've been handed.

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I have been a manager for more than 30 years, and an employer, MD/CEO/business owner for the last 22 or so ... In this position, I have had to lay off people, for many reasons, including economic ones. But there is no way I would ever consider behaving the way you are describing. This is not about bad press, this is not about legal constraints, it's just about personal decency, and ethical standards ...

I understand the US are a tough, competitive economy, but this behaviour is just unbearable macho stuff, pretending to be tough when one's attitude is just pure s#%t ... One day, these guys will end up being treated the same way. It's a vicious, self-perpetuating circle, unless some peole decide to say "stop !" , and explain that treating people well is not only the sole decent way of managing a company, but pays off double in the long term, and enforces decent management practices.

Sorry for you Mark. You should at least tell yourself your karma is better than theirs, and reprisal will come to them in one way or another, soonerrather than later ... Adding a bit of legal action might help as well redress the balance ...



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Agreed 100% Hubert. As you know, I'm a business owner as well, and never in a million years would I treat an employee like the way they treated Mark.  

My point was that most Companies, especially those Companies involved with Government contracts DO NOT want bad press. Ever. They put out stupid offers to employees and then hope the employees just go away. It's maddening.

My wife's Company did the same thing to hundreds of employees, but in Texas at least, an employee can't be expected to pull up their family at a moment's notice, and AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE, to take a consolation job in a faraway city.

That's the key to Mark's issue. They expect him to relocate almost a thousand miles at his own expense. I can pretty much guarantee you that that fact alone will sway any finding of fault in Mark's direction.

This kind of behavior by the Company is complete and total low down weasely stuff.

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I would be interested in knowing how old most of the suits are in this company. I have found more often than not it is newcomers in a company who swoop in and decide to count pennies, and having no relationship with the workforce make decisions based on pure economics. That is one of the things that killed Borders Books; when the long-time CEO retired, he was replaced with a younger man with no experience in the retail book industry. He had no established relationship with anyone in the company and the decisions he made were destructive enough to crater the stock value of the company (from which it never recovered) and the board was forced to buy out his contract to get rid of him before he totally wrecked it. However, none of those who followed were much better and mandated that payroll would always be the first area to target for trimming.

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In the UK that's actually illegal it's known as 'Constructive Dismissal' a friend of mine who used to be a big noise in the unions would make mincemeat of them,

and from what he told me anyone knows employment law very well, usually better than your employer can always find ways of tripping them up.


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I have always been of the opinion,  take care of your employees and they'll take care of you.  Herb Keller (Southwest Airlines) is a wonderful example of the successful implementation of this concept.   My last employer couldn't seem to wrap their head around this.  They're now hurting immensely because they entire work force has been leaving in droves and taking their experience and knowledge with them.  I'm blessed to now work for an owner that expects a lot, but most certainly treats his guys fairly and honestly.   Mark, I am so very sorry to hear of your situation.   From all our hangouts at Tolberts and elsewhere I can tell your a genuinely good person as well as intelligent and hard working.  If I hear of anything through the grapevine that might help I'll be sure to think of you.  I know there is no consolation in this, but having been in your shoes many times in this stupid industry that is aviation, I have always been able to look back and realize it happened for a reason.  My life has always become better from the bumps in the road now that I can look back at the road I've traveled. 

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I appreciate everyone’s encouragement and comments.

Unfortunately I work for the largest company of its kind in the world, they continue to gobble up small companies and spit people out, my company was bought by them 13 years ago, slowly I have seen the transition from the previous company’s morals to the big business mentality. Yesterday, they took the name off the building and put the corporate name on. Quite honestly, they don’t sell to the public, therefore, they don’t care about public opinion. They hire and fire people with the contracts like the tides. I have one friend that has worked for them for nearly 30 years, he has been fired and rehired by them 9 times! Another co-worker has been fired twice, each time she worked for a company that was bought by ours, she seems to be in a Groundhog Day situation. Unfortunately, they pay well, so people tend to take the crap.

I managed to get a meeting with the HR legal rep today, I confronted him about the very situation of being put in a no win scenario, that’s when he started to backtrack and said he would get back to me with some possible other options. Hopefully that means severance and vacation pay. I don’t know if it will happen, but I would be happy to get it.

Right now I genuinely would rather not work for them anymore, I always expected the day would come when we parted ways, but I always expected them to at least offer what they historically have offered others. They have no reason to be hostile to me, as even last Friday I had to send out a letter that our customer would have to contact the new company, fully aware that it meant my work was going away. It was like writing my own obituary. 

And yes, I think I will at least contact an attorney because I have some confusion as to if the employment laws that pertain to me are where my office is in TX, company based in WA, or where I live in TN.


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That’s the way to do it Mark. Push back!   They don’t expect it. They figure people will tear up and beg but I’m telling you, they DON’T want bad press. Keep at it and don’t stop till you get what you need.  Accepting and even wanting to leave shows them that they e pissed you off and you’re hopping mad.   Be firm but friendly. It’ll work. 

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14 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

Agreed 100% Hubert. As you know, I'm a business owner as well, and never in a million years would I treat an employee like the way they treated Mark.  

My point was that most Companies, especially those Companies involved with Government contracts DO NOT want bad press. Ever. They put out stupid offers to employees and then hope the employees just go away. It's maddening.

My wife's Company did the same thing to hundreds of employees, but in Texas at least, an employee can't be expected to pull up their family at a moment's notice, and AT THEIR OWN EXPENSE, to take a consolation job in a faraway city.

That's the key to Mark's issue. They expect him to relocate almost a thousand miles at his own expense. I can pretty much guarantee you that that fact alone will sway any finding of fault in Mark's direction.

This kind of behavior by the Company is complete and total low down weasely stuff.

Clunk, Stash procurement is not a sustainable business model.

1 to 1, what a terrible story, I'm sorry to read this is happening to you.


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Just an attorney submitting subpoenas for all employees and position moves to make discovery of age discrimination is enough to get their attention.   

This happened with my brother a few years back.  He got laid off, but then they replaced him with a younger female friend of the new boss.  He got a nice big settlement.  

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45 minutes ago, ScottsGT said:

Just an attorney submitting subpoenas for all employees and position moves to make discovery of age discrimination is enough to get their attention.   

This happened with my brother a few years back.  He got laid off, but then they replaced him with a younger female friend of the new boss.  He got a nice big settlement.  

EXACTLY!  My wife used "creative" methods to insulate herself as best she could. Her and a couple others had an attorney take statements from other older employees who had been given "impossible offers", and found that 90% of those told to relocate to another city were the older higher paid folks with 30+ years of service.   It's a quick, easy way for them to jettison big salaries with no exposure.  And highly unethical and probably illegal.  

My wife got lucky. 90% was a smoking gun, considering the older folks made up less than 35% of the workforce.  

1 hour ago, Ryan said:

Clunk, Stash procurement is not a sustainable business model.

1 to 1, what a terrible story, I'm sorry to read this is happening to you.


:rofl:  Agreed. but I like to think it's for a very good cause. The Vets and kids who get kits seem to love them.  

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Awe man, now I feel bad, I was not ware you did this.

It was just a jest at buying kits we will never finish!

Now I need to wear a disguise to the Nats so you don't recolonize me.

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That sucks Mark, I went through the same thing in'09. General Motors was going through there, uh, 'correction' and they sent out a head hunter to my place to make our lives miserable by deliberately pushing all our button and force us to quit. I was literally thinking it would be worth a night in jail just to watch this guy, who is making my life hell, spit out half his teeth and a pint of blood.  It wouldn't have been hard to do as my fist was nearly the size of his face lol. At that point i knew it was all over.  After 15 years of dedicated service I too left with nothing, Ernie is right, they are cutting off the higher paid folks to bring in warm bodies. Warm bodies = No vacation, lower pay and less bennies, if any.


Good luck on this Charlie Foxtrot!


BTW didn't you just move to where you are at now for this job?

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