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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

Seaview diorama


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I call this one…”Science Fusion”.  It has been a real joy working with all the different mediums along with the plastic model kit. I had electronics and soldering, woodworking and finishing, building up a base of styrofoam, clay and finally joint compound used for drywall work.  And I discovered the wonderful world of Mod Podge and sand!
Sorry about the first set of pics.  I needed a dark room and the bathroom was it.  Yea, this thing is huge.  Everywhere else downstairs is lit up from daylight flooding in. 

Without further ado, I bring you the Seaview.


And my little surprise I’ve been holding out on.


I think it was Peter that guessed early in the game I was going to build a Nautilus, but then he threw that idea out because he had seen where I had already built one years earlier.  Yea Peter, if it was you, you are the guilty party that planted this seed in my head! 




Looks like those early nuclear reactors weren’t so safe. 



As you can see, the crew escaped after the explosion since the lifeboat is gone.  

She’s been in the bottom a while with all the rust buildup and the screw shaft rusting through and falling off.


Here’s a wide angle view sitting on the shelf where it will stay on display.  The hanging neon was part of my wiring job I had to take time out from the build to do a few weeks back. 

The Nautilus was built from very rough 3D print that is 1/125 scale I bought of Etsy.  Close enough to the Seaview’s 1/128 scale.  But when I say rough print job, it was bad.  I had to sand off ALL the detail just to smooth out the print pattern. Covered it with Tamiya putty and sanded it smooth and then primed it. I then added back all rivets using white glue on a toothpick.  I sorted through my collection of googly eyes to cut out the clear dome sections for the windows. 
That bottom hatch on the Nautilus must have been broken off a half dozen times during the building and finishing.  Speaking of finishing, the paint is an iron based paint that goes on black and stinks like crazy.  Once dry you brush on an acid and it will literally rust right before your eyes.  I used it on my first build as well, but not quite as heavy. 

If y’all want more detail pics, just ask.  I can add more if needed. 

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Oh wow, Scott, that is absolutely fantastic. If it was Phil, thanks to him too, for planting the idea for this great diorama. I was a asking myself how your display would look finally, but I never would have guessed. My heart is with the Nautilus as I have built one too, but what you've done to hide the shortcomings of the print to your advantage is simply amazing. The lighting is a very nice addition, which adds a lot to the atmosphere.
I often find a lack of creativity in modeling, but your (I was tempted to write 'nice little scenery' but cancel that :D) great display shows a lot of creativity, Chapeau.

Cheers Rob

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4 minutes ago, BlrwestSiR said:

Awesome diorama Scott. I also thought you might incorporate a Nautilus but dismissed since you built one already. Great way to combine two sci-fi icons. 

The first pic with the lighting is outstanding. Really makes an impression. 

Ah!  I stand corrected! It was you Carl, not Peter.  Yea, this is all your fault.  

…..Now off to build that NCC-1701 blasting the Death Star into oblivion.  

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37 minutes ago, ScottsGT said:

.Now off to build that NCC-1701 blasting the Death Star into oblivion.  

Bandai do a Death Star II kit and it being about 3" across, would make for a good forced perspective display with the Enterprise. 

Question is, which Enterprise? The TV version, Refit, or ugh, the JJ-Prise?

I think you have the 1/350 kit? That would the two first options. 

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Chris, I kind of kept the wreck of the Nautilus going in a secret until the reveal thread.  But there’s two products I used for this.  The iron oxide paint and an activator.   The paint will naturally rust over time if left alone, but I’m impatient. Available on Amazon. 



I will warn you, it stinks pretty bad.  Like someone opened the septic tank stinks. 

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