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Playing in the Sandbox Group Build Sept 1, 2024 - Jn 1, 2025

WNW - Buy, or wait


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With the presumed demise of WNW, there seems to be no shortage of kits available on evilbay - whether it's people out to make a hefty profit or modellers forced to sell off their beloved stash to make ends meet.

There are some kits I'd like to acquire. Do I wait, hoping the bubble will burst and prices will fall to a reasonable level or buy what I can?

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If I were to, I’d sieve through the genuine sales and go nowhere near the profiteers. A Gotha went on UK evilbay for £580, that person must have wanted it really badly.........looks like I am being furloughed, so no purchases here.........good luck Bill.....

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't know how many of you are on Facebook.  I belong to a group called Wingnut Wings Fans.  Quite often, Someone will ask for a kit.  They always get some kind of response from somebody willing to sell.   (all by PM of course) I don't know any of the deals struck.  But I haven't seen any complaints, though.  I want a Pfalz D.IIIa.  But I'm still on the fence about trading away one of my two seaters.  I keep hoping that another company from China will release something else.

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10 hours ago, Slim_ShadyTwo said:

I'm a firm believer in buying low and selling high. My advice is to wait. It's a seller's market right now.

Me too, but in my case it RARELY works in that order ..............:rolleyes:

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18 hours ago, Clunkmeister said:

I expect all kits will reappear, probably from China. 

I keep telling myself that...  but I don't believe that anything but the top 10-15 will come back.  Camel, Fokker D.VII, Albatros, most likely...  Felixstowe?  I don't think so.

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They will be back and most likely as soon as possible.

With little to no interest in model building by todays youth and the target demographic  dying off at an exponential rate , would YOU not want these back on the shelf as soon as possible?

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6 hours ago, krow113 said:

They will be back and most likely as soon as possible.

With little to no interest in model building by todays youth and the target demographic  dying off at an exponential rate , would YOU not want these back on the shelf as soon as possible?

Of course...  a lot depends on who has the moulds and what they decide to do with them.  I hear they are worth a lot as scrap.

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And in 10-20 years they will be scrap.

For now it would be better to put them into production , you know , while the narrow demographic that buys the kits is still alive.

Scrapping them in the midst of most likely  the last chance to make money offa them would be really effing stupid.

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12 hours ago, GazzaS said:

Of course...  a lot depends on who has the moulds and what they decide to do with them.  I hear they are worth a lot as scrap.

Scrap steel is negotiated between $ 100 and 150 Per metric ton (at least last time I checked, which is admittedly some time ago).

The molds are worth a lot more as working tools than scrap metal.



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I hope someone picks up the the team behind that WNW Lancaster and their moulds.. I was all her bent on that HKM version, even putting down a deposit that took 2 years to get to the point, when I decided to let the model shop refund so I could wait longer foe that WNW version, and in an ideal world, there was to be a Stephen Fry screenplay for the Peter Jackson Dambuster remake. But it seems worlds change rather too quickly.

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