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The Great LSM Twins Group Build ends Aug 31, 2024 ×

Lancaster B Mk.I, R5868, PO-S (S-Sugar)

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37 minutes ago, CrankyCrafstman said:

Stash updated 

RAF instrument decals - USAAF instrument decals - USN instrument decals - Allied instrument bezels - cockpit details. Hopefully that should hold me over for a while.

did exactly the same myself last night based on what I was seeing here - I also opted for german decals and placards for allied. This hobby is expensive and I have no doubt only 10% of what I put into the kit will be seen once sealed up !

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Looking great so far, James.

Thanks for (sort of) clearing up the green vs black cockpit question for me.  I've been through a couple Lancs on this side of the pond, and all had black cockpits.  I thought it might have been a postwar change, but most probably it's just a Canadian production difference.

what an awesome thread!

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It'll be closed up apart from the bomb doors. There's no mechanism to pose the crew entry door in an open position, and I have no time to try and fathom it out. The engines will be closed up too as I figured the aircraft wouldn't have cowls off whilst laden with a full bomb load.

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44 minutes ago, James H said:

It'll be closed up apart from the bomb doors. There's no mechanism to pose the crew entry door in an open position, and I have no time to try and fathom it out. The engines will be closed up too as I figured the aircraft wouldn't have cowls off whilst laden with a full bomb load.

Good planning on the engines Jim!! Doesn't the door open inwards and forward?

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1 hour ago, FME erk said:

Hi James

Its been a while since we had an update, have you got any paint on her and any chance of a snap showing the size when its together please ??


At the moment, I'm building up a 1:48 Tempest for MAI, then it'll be back to this. Expect an update in the next week or two.

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1 hour ago, FME erk said:

I usually paint in sub-assemblies, I find its so much easier than the whole aircraft :ph34r: does anybody else ??

not normally but I'm planning on doing so with this kit. The way it goes together plus the paint scheme made me think this would be easier. I'm also going to try and paint the panels around the fuselage windows whilst still under construction and without the clear windows added, complete the build then mask off the panels and apply paint as per normal, that way I hopefully avoid fiddly masking of each window. Will mask the cockpit and turret glass as per normal.

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