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Yesterday we had to rent a U-Haul and drive up to Clemson to clean out our daughters apartment after she came home sick with COVID.  She since recovered, went to work at a summer camp in TX, and got kicked out because every else was coming down with it.  We told her to say in ATL with the boy friend so she doesn’t bring it into the house again.  

So the wife decided we needed to clean up some old stuff in the basement and make room for a few items.

 In the process, she found my hidden stash. :popo: 

I kept all my syfi kits behind another fold out wall on top of filing cabinets.  She wasn’t too happy and threatened me if another model shows up at the house.   I’m tempted to order something just to see if she’s serious.  

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Whoops. Our basement is too small to have a place to hide kits. Sue was down there today while I was at work. She was worried we might flood again so she was rolling up the carpet in my work area. So definitely no hiding stuff from her. Unless it's in plain sight. 

If you do decide to get something to see her reaction, my vote is for the Trumpeter 1/48 U-boat. :D

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Tell her you were holding them for a friend because his wife said that he had to many kits and you were just about to give them back. But to be safe the next place you disperse that pile to needs to be in smaller stacks. :)

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My all too real fear is that Joy sells my model stash and my gun collection for what she THINKS I paid for them.

She cottoned on to my very first ZM Skyraider and when she saw the invoice, she took it out, laid it on the kitchen counter, and said we could eat for a month for what I paid for it.  I only made it worse when I couldn’t eat Rahman noodles that  long and started to explain that $200.00 doesn’t buy much food these days.  I don’t remember much after that......

My advice from living that one out?  Don’t be like me. Just hang dog and slink away into your doghouse. It’s much less painful.

But these days I get my kit fix, she gets western boots and furniture. She likes Western frontier furniture must live me I do so it suits me fine. If she was in to flower patterns I’d have to re-examine my priorities. 

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  On 7/20/2020 at 2:56 AM, BlrwestSiR said:

Whoops. Our basement is too small to have a place to hide kits. Sue was down there today while I was at work. She was worried we might flood again so she was rolling up the carpet in my work area. So definitely no hiding stuff from her. Unless it's in plain sight. 

If you do decide to get something to see her reaction, my vote is for the Trumpeter 1/48 U-boat. :D


The HPH B-36 or B-52 work really well, too.

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  On 7/20/2020 at 3:45 AM, The Dude said:

Tell her you were holding them for a friend because his wife said that he had to many kits and you were just about to give them back. But to be safe the next place you disperse that pile to needs to be in smaller stacks. :)


Best way to compromise (loose) a friend, because he told his wife the very same thing and the ladies hang out together and talk about everything :rofl:.

My wife sees my habitual stash addings with a lot of unhidden contempt to say it in a civilized manner. I've learned to weather this, not always easy, but in the end she loves me and I have some peace until the next time ;).

Cheers Rob

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You know, why would you put up with that kind of attitude from the person you are spending a life with? People, especially men, work hard for our money, provided all the obligations are taken care of, who is anyone to question how the rest is spent? If a girlfriend or wife of mine ever started that kind of rubbish, she'd be shown the door pretty damn fast. In the words of Dave Chappelle; my money,  my choice.

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Fortunately my wife isn't bothered by my stash.  You know what she'll get me for Christmas?  Every model I put in my wish list that is carried by BNA.  What am I getting her....   something expensive!

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  On 7/20/2020 at 9:02 AM, GazzaS said:

Fortunately my wife isn't bothered by my stash.  You know what she'll get me for Christmas 


Gaz, I’m lucky to be in this situation, mine even says I should be growing the stash......is that strange?

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If my wife knew what my stash was worth, I'd have lost it in the divorce. Luckily, my girlfriend is very supportive - though I never have kits sent to her house.

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I thought about getting Ernie to send me that B-36 kit for a week or two just for the LOLz!   But I'm afraid as a corpse, I would not be able to return it to him.

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  On 7/20/2020 at 3:33 PM, ScottsGT said:

I thought about getting Ernie to send me that B-36 kit for a week or two just for the LOLz!   But I'm afraid as a corpse, I would not be able to return it to him.


OR. You could have him call y'all up (when your wife is there of course), let her answer it. He can ask if you can hold on to 'his' stash a little longer. Problem solved. B)

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Since I've been single now for a number of years I thankfully don't have that problem anymore. (And buying kits was NOT the cause for the divorce.)

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  On 7/20/2020 at 4:13 PM, JohnB said:

Since I've been single now for a number of years I thankfully don't have that problem anymore. (And buying kits was NOT the cause for the divorce.)


Back in Command, eh John?? I'm just curious as to how WE boys lost our command position in the first place....:rofl:

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  On 7/20/2020 at 4:49 PM, Jeff said:

Back in Command, eh John?? I'm just curious as to how WE boys lost our command position in the first place....:rofl:


Well, as they say, "If momma ain't happy then nobody is happy!" B)

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  On 7/20/2020 at 5:42 PM, k5ikl said:

I am curious as to this "wife" thing.  What's a wife??




Food... and, er



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Thankfully both my wife and I have expensive hobbies, so we both encourage each other! Works well that way. She too is of the opinion that if I really want it, I should get it... Hence why I'm ordering the HpH B-52 32nd Cockpit. (I'm seriously considering ordering the actual 48th B-52 as well, but it is STUPID expensive...)

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  On 7/20/2020 at 6:55 PM, Wumm said:


A Wife is the one cause you should be happy to take a knee for.



I did.  Almost 32 years ago!   Well, we were actually laying on the beach on a blanket.   I can't complain. In the very beginning we put her career first since it had the biggest FEP vs. my career change. (Future Earnings Potential).  I can say if finally paid off big time when she went back to school 13 years ago to become a CRNA.  Being the control freak type she is, it took some retraining and the occasional reminder she's my wife, not my mother.

  On 7/20/2020 at 7:16 PM, Winnie said:

Thankfully both my wife and I have expensive hobbies, so we both encourage each other! Works well that way. She too is of the opinion that if I really want it, I should get it... Hence why I'm ordering the HpH B-52 32nd Cockpit. (I'm seriously considering ordering the actual 48th B-52 as well, but it is STUPID expensive...)


Honestly, my wife has a reason to have concern.  My Mom is a hoarder (we have the exact same personalities) and she fears for my future and hers. I constantly struggle with the Hoarder mentality.  I see a new kit, I instantly want it.  But then I have to ask myself, would I build that first, or one of my current kits?  I see a new watch I like. I have to ask myself would I wear it over one that I currently have and like?  Hell, I've even getting the urge to do a train layout.  I don't have room for that stuff!  WTH am I thinking??  

  My wife likes dumping lots of money into trips.  She's getting the itch for a small lake house now that we will eventually relocate to for retirement.  Told her last week that she needs to start living a little more frugal if she wants to see that goal. (2 cruises and 4 vacations last year) I did tell her that I am not willing to downsize my lifestyle during retirement that I have worked all of my life to get to.  She would be happy sitting on a screen porch sipping coffee or wine and reading a book all day with the occasional trip.  Not me. Gotta do my models, wood working, cars, gun collection, etc....



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My wife is 100% on my side when it comes to models, the purchase of kits and the size of the stash is never an issue. In fact my wife helps me buy kits, normally at Telford I will give her a list of kits that I want and some money and of she goes like a heat seeking missile, I'm sure that her haggling skills are far superior to mine as she always gets the kits cheaper than I could, and she will search on long after I would have given up.

This worked really well when one year when I upgraded the stash by selling some kits and replacing them with super dooper Tamiya kits and again at Telford she got the lot for some great prices.





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  On 7/21/2020 at 8:39 AM, Spitfire said:

My wife is 100% on my side when it comes to models, the purchase of kits and the size of the stash is never an issue. In fact my wife helps me buy kits, normally at Telford I will give her a list of kits that I want and some money and of she goes like a heat seeking missile, I'm sure that her haggling skills are far superior to mine as she always gets the kits cheaper than I could, and she will search on long after I would have given up.

This worked really well when one year when I upgraded the stash by selling some kits and replacing them with super dooper Tamiya kits and again at Telford she got the lot for some great prices.






She's a KEEPER, Dennis !

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